達爾文和生命之樹 BBC One

Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life (2009)

中文名稱(Chinese name):


英文名稱(English name):

Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life

撰寫與敬獻(Written and presented):

大衛·愛登堡(David Attenborough)

制片人/導演(Producer / director):

薩沙·米爾佐夫(Sacha Mirzoeff)

科學顧問(Scientific consultant):

史蒂夫·瓊斯教授(Prof. Steve Jones)


伊恩·薩爾瓦熱(Ian Salvage)

佩特拉·格拉芙(Petra Graf)


格拉漢姆·羅斯(Graham Ross)

電影編輯(Film editor):

皮普·海伍德(Pip Heywood)

配音編輯(Dubbing editor):

大衛·亞普(David Yapp)


丹·瓊斯(Dan Jones)



BBC National Orchestra of Wales

制作公司(Production company):

英國廣播公司布裏斯托爾制作(BBC Productions Bristol)

英國廣播公司自然曆史部(BBC Natural History Unit)

英國公開大學(Open University)制作輔助素材

威康信托基金會(The Wellcome Trust)提供紀錄片動畫“生命之樹”。

發行公司:(Distributors company):


British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) (2009)

影片類型(Film type):

自然紀錄片(Nature documentary)



首播時間(Premiere time):


發行日期(Release date):


影片數目(Number of films):



英國(United Kingdom)



技術規格(Technical Specs):

視頻編解碼器(Video Codec):x264 CABAC高@ l4.1

視頻比特率(Video Bitrate):3502 kb / s

視頻分辨率(Video Resolution):1280x720

音頻編解碼器(Audio Codec):AC3

音頻比特率(Audio BitRate):384 kb / s CBR 48khz

音頻語言(Audio Languages):英語(English)


運行時間(RunTime Per Part):60分鐘(60 minutes)

文件大小(Part Size):1.46 GiB

內容簡介(Content validity):

《查爾斯·達爾文和生命之樹》2009年制作的電視紀錄片,講述的是查爾斯·達爾文和他的進化論,通過自然選擇,英國廣播公司(BBC)制作,以紀念達爾文誕辰200周年。它是英國廣播公司(BBC)達爾文紀念活動的一部分。這個專輯的主持人是大衛·愛登堡(David Attenborough),通過他對自然和馴化兩種狀態下的動植物的觀察,概述了達爾文理論的發展,他拜訪了達爾文自己生命中重要的地點,包括達溫的家,劍橋大學和自然曆史博物館,並采用愛登堡在英國廣播公司拍攝的許多自然紀錄片的檔案。他回顧了這一理論的是如何發展的,它對人類看待自己的方式產生了革命性的影響,而不是像聖經說的那樣對動物有統治權,但作為自然界的一部分,並受到來自於支配地球上所有生命的同一控制力量。





該節目於2009年2月1日(周日)晚上9點首次在英國廣播公司第一臺(BBC One)黃金時段播出。來自英國廣播公司受眾調查研究委員會(The Broadcasters' Audience Research Board BARB)的官方調查顯示,這部紀錄片當晚吸引了634萬觀眾,這是一個真正的非常好的節目。隔夜數據顯示,有23%的觀眾在觀看。最後播放時間是2018年2月1日(周四)23:00(BBC Four)。

注明:英國廣播公司受眾調查研究委員會(BARB)是英國收集測量電視觀眾和統計電視收視率的專門組織。該組織創建於1981年,取代先前的兩個觀眾調查系統,即英國獨立電視公司(ITV)收視率統計和電視觀眾調查聯合工業委員會(Joint Industry Committee for Television Audience Research JICTAR),從此英國廣播公司開始按照自己的標准展開電視觀眾的調查和研究。

Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life is a 2009 television documentary about Charles Darwin and his revolutionary theory of evolution through natural selection, produced by the BBC to mark the bicentenary of Darwin's birth. It is part of the BBC Darwin Season. The presenter, David Attenborough, outlines the development of the theory by Darwin through his observations of animals and plants in nature and in the domesticated state, visiting sites important in Darwin's own life, including Down House, Cambridge University and the Natural History Museum, and using archive footage from Attenborough's many nature documentaries for the BBC. He reviews the development of the theory since its beginnings, and its revolutionary impact on the way in which humans view themselves - not as having dominion over the animals as The Bible says, but as part of the natural world and subject to the same controlling forces that govern all life on Earth.

David Attenborough is a passionate Darwinian, and sees evolution as the cornerstone of all the programmes and series he has ever made. Here, he shares his personal view on Darwin's controversial idea. Taking us on a journey through the last 200 years, he tracks the changes in our understanding of the natural world. Ever since Darwin, major scientific discoveries have helped to underpin and strengthen Darwin's revolutionary idea so that today, the pieces of the puzzle fit together so neatly that there can be little doubt that Darwin was right. As David says: 'Now we can trace the ancestry of all animals in the tree of life and demonstrate the truth of Darwin's basic proposition. All life is related.

David asks three key questions: how and why did Darwin come up with his theory of evolution? Why do we think he was right? And why is it more important now than ever before?

David starts his journey in Darwin's home at Down House in Kent, where Darwin worried and puzzled over the origins of life. He goes back to his roots in Leicestershire, where he hunted for fossils as a child and where another schoolboy unearthed a significant find in the 1950s, and he revisits Cambridge University, where both he and Darwin studied and where many years later the DNA double helix was discovered, providing the foundations for genetics.

At the end of his journey in the Natural History Museum in London, David concludes that Darwin's great insight revolutionised the way in which we see the world. We now understand why there are so many different species, and why they are distributed in the way they are. But above all, Darwin has shown us that we are not set apart from the natural world and do not have dominion over it. We are subject to its laws and processes, as are all other animals on earth to which, indeed, we are related.

The programme was aired in a primetime slot on BBC One, at 9pm on Sunday 1 February. Official ratings from BARB show that it attracted an audience of 6.34 million viewers, a healthy figure for a factual programme. Overnight data suggested 23% of the available audience was watching. Last on Thu 1 Feb 2018 23:00 BBC Four.

Note:(The Broadcasters' Audience Research Board (BARB) is the organisation that compiles audience measurement and television ratings in the United Kingdom. It was created in 1981 to replace two previous systems whereby ITV ratings were compiled by JICTAR (Joint Industry Committee for Television Audience Research), whilst the BBC did their own audience research.)


英國《衛報》(The Guardian)記者山姆·沃拉斯頓(Sam Wollaston)描述了愛登堡是如何講述“自然選擇”的故事。“通過達爾文英雄般的生活和工作,也通過愛登堡自己的生活和工作,始終以達爾文主義為核心。這兩條線被巧妙地組合在一起,形成完美的電視雙螺旋結構的闡述。除非是上帝造物的人。”

在美國《時代周刊》(The Times)上,安得烈·比倫(Andrew Billen)贊揚愛登堡的講解是那樣的“優雅和流暢”,在展示過程中“達爾文的拯救總是來自於科學證據”。大衛·蔡特(David Chater)評論道,通過使用檔案剪輯,“觀眾也看到了愛登堡本人從一位年輕的演講者演變為當代聖人。”

在英國《獨立報》(The Independent)上,湯姆·薩特克利夫(Tom Sutcliffe)也非常稱贊這位主持人:“並不是每個人都能夠接受我們對謙遜進化理論的觀念,但是大衛·愛登堡就是這樣,他把這個案例做得很好。”

在愛爾蘭,《論壇晚報》(the Evening Herald)的帕特·斯泰西(Pat Stacey)將其描述為“這是一部令人驚歎的電視史詩般的電視節目——它巧妙地將達爾文令人驚歎的、無可替代的發現的不同部分清晰地融合在了一起,就像艾登堡正在構建一個雙螺旋結構的模型一樣。它制作如此精美,令人非常興奮。”

In The Guardian, Sam Wollaston describes how Attenborough tells the story of natural selection "through the life and work of his hero, and also through his own life and work, which has always had Darwinism at its core. The two strands have been artfully twisted together, into a beautiful double helix of television that makes perfect sense. Except to the creationist loons."

In The Times, Andrew Billen praises Attenborough's "grace and fluency," in demonstrating "that what always comes to Darwin's rescue is scientific evidence," and David Chater remarks on how, through the use of archive clips, "the viewer also sees Attenborough himself evolve from a young presenter to a latter-day sage."

In The Independent, Tom Sutcliffe also praises the presenter: "Not everyone is up to the humility evolutionary theory demands of us, but David Attenborough is, and he made the case well."

In Ireland, Pat Stacey of the Evening Herald describes it as "a stunning piece of television - epic television - that brilliantly pulled together with pin-sharp clarity the different strands of Darwin's awesome, irrefutable discoveries, as though Attenborough were constructing a model of the double helix. It was beautifully made and utterly thrilling."



The Grierson Awards 2009, Winner, Best Science Documentary

人物簡介(Character profile):

大衛·愛登堡(David Attenborough)

Sir David Attenborough by Godfrey Argent, bromide print, 18 March 1969 © National Portrait Gallery, Londo

大衛·弗雷德裏克·艾登堡爵士(Sir David Frederick Attenborough)生於1926年5月8日,是一位資深的英國廣播公司主持人和博物學家。他以寫作和演講而聞名於世,他與英國廣播公司自然曆史部(BBC Natural History Unit)共同創作了這九部自然曆史紀錄片。這一系列節目共同構成了對地球上動植物生命的綜合考察。他還是英國廣播公司的前任高級經理,曾任英國廣播公司二臺節目制作總監,並在上世紀60年代和70年代擔任英國廣播公司電視節目的總策劃和總制作。他是唯一一位在黑白、彩色、高清、3D和4K節目中獲得英國電影學院獎的人。

艾登堡被普遍認為是英國的國寶,盡管他自己並不喜歡這個稱謂。2002年,他在英國廣播公司的一項全英民意調查中被評為100位最偉大的英國人之一。他是已故導演、制片人兼演員理查德·艾登堡(Richard Attenborough)的弟弟,也是已故發動機執行總裁約翰·艾登堡(John Attenborough)的哥哥。他在劍橋大學學習自然科學,1947畢業,之後在皇家海軍開始了兩年的國民服役。在1952年他加入了英國廣播公司電視臺的亞曆山德拉宮節目,並在1954年開創了他著名的“動物園探秘”系列節目。當沒有“動物園探秘”節目制作時,他會制作出政治廣播,考古話題、短篇故事、園藝和宗教節目。

1964年英國第三大電視頻道設立電視二臺,米迦勒·皮科克(Michael Peacock)擔任該頻道的負責人。一年後,皮科克被提升為電視一臺的負責人,而艾登堡被提升為電視二臺的負責人。因此,他負責將彩色電視引入英國,還負責將巨蟒劇團(Monty Python)的飛行馬戲(1969)引入到世界。

1969,他被任命為英國廣播公司電視網責任編輯的節目總監。對他來說,八年的工作時間太長了,他在1973年辭去了工作,重新回到了節目制作工作崗位。首先制作的是“艾登堡看東方”,是一部介紹東南亞自然曆史系列紀錄片,然後又制作了“部落之眼”,是一部研究部落藝術的紀錄片。1979年,他在《生命的進化》(Life on Earth)(1979年)中寫下了所有13個系列節目部分的解說詞(BBC自然曆史組有史以來制作最宏大的系列紀錄片)。這成為英國廣播公司最成功的三部曲,即《活力星球》(The Living Planet)(1984)和《生命之源》(The Trials of Life)(1990)。

他的電視服務於1985年被認可,他被封為爵士,成為大衛·艾登堡爵士。兩部較短的系列片,《最初的伊甸園》(The First Eden)和《失落的世界,消失的生命》(Lost Worlds, Vanished Lives)1993年的《冰雪的童話》(Life In The Freezer 1993),1995年由他寫作和提議的慶祝南極洲史詩的慶典《植物私生活》(The Private Life Of Plants)是英國廣播公司的經典之作,電影天堂的美麗的鳥《大衛·艾登堡漫遊天堂》(Attenborough in Paradise)在1996完成,實現了他一生的願望,他將自己放到了他最喜歡的鳥群中。在他七十歲的時候,他拍攝了獲獎的《野生動物特輯》(Wildlife Specials 1995),代表英國廣播公司自然曆史部創建四十周年。

但是,他並沒有放慢腳步,接著他又完成了英國廣播公司的史詩十集系列紀錄片《野鳥世界》(The Life of Birds 1998),之後又馬上寫作了《大地的聲音》(State of the Planet 2000)和《哺乳類全傳》(The Life of Mammals 2002)。這些節目播出之後,他又開始計劃他的下一個項目。


Sir David Frederick Attenborough, (born 8 May 1926) is a veteran English broadcaster and naturalist. He is best known for writing and presenting, in conjunction with the BBC Natural History Unit, the nine natural history documentary series that form the Life collection. This collection of programmes collectively form a comprehensive survey of animal and plant life on Earth. He is also a former senior manager at the BBC, having served as controller of BBC Two and director of programming for BBC Television in the 1960s and 1970s. He is the only person to have won BAFTAs for programmes in each of black and white, colour, HD, 3D and 4K.

Attenborough is widely considered a national treasure in Britain, although he himself does not like the term. In 2002 he was named among the 100 Greatest Britons following a UK-wide poll for the BBC. He is the younger brother of the late director, producer and actor Richard Attenborough, and older brother of the late motor executive John Attenborough. studied Natural Sciences at Cambridge University, graduating in 1947, the year he began his two years National Service in the Royal Navy. In 1952, he joined BBC Television at Alexandra Palace and, in 1954, began his famous "Zoo Quest" series. When not "Zoo Questing", he presented political broadcasts, archaeological quizzes, short stories, gardening and religious programmes.

1964 saw the start of BBC2, Britain's third TV channel, with Michael Peacock as its Controller. A year later, Peacock was promoted to BBC1 and Attenborough became Controller of BBC2. As such, he was responsible for the introduction of colour television into Britain, and also for bringing Monty Python's Flying Circus (1969) to the world.

In 1969, he was appointed Director of Programmes with editorial responsibility for both the BBC's television networks. Eight years behind a desk was too much for him, and he resigned in 1973 to return to programme making. First came "Eastwards with Attenborough", a natural history series set in South East Asia, then "The Tribal Eye", examining tribal art. In 1979, he wrote and presented all 13 parts of Life on Earth (1979) (then the most ambitious series ever produced by the BBC Natural History Unit). This became a trilogy, with The Living Planet (1984) and The Trials of Life (1990).

His services to television were recognised in 1985, and he was knighted to become Sir David Attenborough. The two shorter series, "The First Eden" and "Lost Worlds, Vanished Lives" were fitted around 1993's spectacular Life in the Freezer (1993), a celebration of Antarctica and 1995's epic The Private Life of Plants (1995), which he wrote and presented. Filming the beautiful birds of paradise for "Attenborough in Paradise" in 1996 fulfilled a lifelong ambition, putting him near his favourite bird. Entering his seventies, he narrated the award-winning Wildlife Specials (1995), marking 40 years of the BBC Natural History Unit. But, he was not slowing down, as he completed the epic 10-part series for the BBC, The Life of Birds (1998) along with writing and presenting the three-part series State of the Planet (2000) as well as The Life of Mammals (2002). Once broadcast, he began planning his next projects.

He has received honorary degrees from many universities across the world, and is patron or supporter of many charitable organisations, including acting as Patron of the World Land Trust, which buys rain forest and other lands to preserve them and the animals that live there.


文字:《傑特遜工作室》(JENTSON STUDIO) 制作

視頻:《傑特遜工作室》(JENTSON STUDIO) 紀錄片數據庫BBC-013號


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  • 躺在床上,搭着被子,拿着手机,百无聊赖。有时候听着妈妈上楼的声音醒来。几年了,这种警觉成了习惯,比闹铃还具有睁眼效...
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