

  1. 权利-人-人性化-尊重权利
  2. 产业的升级必然导致传统产业的淘汰,对于这两种产业的人各有利弊
  3. 经济-征税-省钱-腐败
  4. 健康-减少疲劳(长期坐车)
  5. 环境-自然灾害(农作物)
  6. 安全-战争冲突-可靠(交通工具)
  7. 效率-方便


1.交通堵塞解决-公共交通,限制车数,减少交通量。提供实时路况信息, 升级道路系统
3.新闻的作用:告诉人们最新的资讯(the lastest news and information),提供重要事件讯息(important events) 扩展人们的知识和兴趣

  1. 消费者的特点:受潮流和趋势的影响(are influenced by trends)有不同的欣赏品味(have different tastes) 有不同的收入(incomes) 有不同的预算(budgets)有不同的消费习惯(have different spending habits)
  2. 交通污染治理:控制路上车辆数量,改进公共交通服务,步行或骑自行车上班,鼓励人们买环保型汽车,研发更清洁的能源
  3. 个人履行环境义务的方式:坚持环保的生活方式,重复使用购物袋(reuse shopping bags),循环使用瓶瓶罐罐(recycle cans and bottles),选择塑料包装次数较少的产品(products with less plastic packaging),更多地使用公共交通,步行或骑车去上班
  4. 政府履行环境义务的方式:改进公共交通服务,通过立法保护环境,对污染环境的公司罚款(find companies that pollute the environment),为清洁能源的研究提供资助(give financial support to research on clean energy)
  5. 不健康饮食和缺乏锻炼引起的疾病:heart disease, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure
    吸烟,空气污染引起的疾病:asthma, lung cancer
  6. 人口老龄化带来的问题:劳动力短缺,医疗系统压力,加重纳税人的负担(increase the burden on taxpayers)
    人口老龄化的解决办法:为退休养老存钱,提高法定退休年龄(raise the retirement age), 鼓励其他的国家向本国移民(encourage immigration)


  1. incurable
  2. vitamin C and fibre
  3. priceless invaluable
  4. ancestor
  5. customs and traditions
  6. characteristics 特征
  7. frustrated 失落的
  8. technological 技术的
  9. children of a similar age 相似年龄的孩子
  10. bungee jumping
  11. affordable cheap
  12. manage my time
    make the best use of their time 更充分地利用他们的时间 manage their money well 管理好他们的财务
  13. allow sb. to do
  14. prevent sb. from doing
  15. on a regular basis
  16. eating habits 饮食习惯 spending habits 花钱习惯
  17. get/achieve good grades 得到好的成绩
  18. boost their brain development 促进脑力发展
    boost 还有提高的意思
    boost productivity 提高生产率
    boost economic growth 促进经济的增长
    boost tourism 促进旅游业的发展
    boost national pride 提升公众的民族自豪感
    boost their performance 提升他们(工作或学习)的表现
  19. intelligent 聪明
  20. expand/broaden their horizons 开阔眼界
    broaden their knowledge/skills/interests
  21. take part in/ participate in
  22. family bonds 亲情
  23. money-management skills 管理财务的能力
  24. prepare them for adult life 帮他们准备成年以后的生活
    prepare them for later life 帮他们准备以后的生活
    帮助满足... 的要求
    prepare them for the job market 帮助他们适应就业市场的需求
    prepare them for the future workforce 帮助他们满足未来对劳动力的要求
    prepare them for the knowledge-based economy帮助他们适应以知识为主导的经济
  25. gain practical experience 获得实践经验
  26. fairly 公平地 平等地 (常用,大的方面社会常用)equally 平等地
    inequality 不公平
  27. improve their employability 增强他们的就业适应性
  28. 一般议论文学习的名词是使用learning
  29. cause distractions for 对... 造成干扰
  30. studies 学业 concentrate on their studies 专注于他们的学业
  31. 动力 motivation 有动力 motivated 没有动力的 unmotivated
  32. labour-saving 节约人力的
  33. improve 改善
  34. service服务是可数名词 加s
  35. the volume of traffic 交通量
  36. traffic information 路况信息
  37. inform sb. about sth. 告知默认某事
    inform people about new products
  38. advertising 不可数,广告宣传, advertisement 可数,指广告的数量
    fast food advertising 快餐广告
  39. peers 同龄人
  40. make the country more competitive让国家更有竞争力
    make the country less competitive 削弱国家的竞争力
  41. labour shortages 劳动力短缺 (要加s)
  42. restrict limit 限制
  43. schedule timetable 时间安排
  44. study at their own pace 按照他们的进度学习
  45. spend more time with their family 更多地和家人在一起
  46. save money on transport costs 节省交通费(要加s)
  47. job security 工作的稳定性
  48. treat 对待
  49. choose subjects 选课
  50. educational opportunities/ opportunities for education受教育机会
    vocational opportunities/ opportunities for employment 工作机会
    opportunities for promotion 晋升机会
  51. share parenting responsibilities(父母)双方共同承担养育孩子的机会
  52. gender 男性和女性(性别)
    traditional gender roles 传统男性和女性的社会角色
  53. ensure 确保
    ensure equal opportunities for all students 确保学生获得公平的机会
    ensure equal opportunities for all applicants 确保每个申请者获得公平的机会
    ensure fairness 确保公平
  54. violate their privacy 侵犯他们的隐私(violate很好的词)
  55. gender bias 性别偏见
  56. security cameras 安全监控摄像头
  57. teach children the difference between right and wrong/ tell right from wrong 教孩子明辨是非
  58. build family bonds/ strengthen family bonds 增进亲情
  59. 合作解决问题 solve problems together
  60. 能创造有用价值的社会成员 useful members of society
  61. 生活忙忙碌碌 have a busy lifestyle
  62. have traditional ideas about many things 对很多事物持有保守的看法
  63. lead to misunderstanding 导致误解
  64. provide a broad and balanced curriculum 提供科目广泛、不偏科的课程安排
    core subjects 核心课
    required/compulsory subjects 必修课
    optional subjects 选修科目
  65. well-rounded education 全面发展的教育
  66. 他们的国家 用country
  67. national security 国家安全
  68. state pensions 公共养老金
  69. the power supply system 供电系统
    the water supply system 供水系统
  70. create jobs/create employment opportunities 创造就业
  71. take jobs away from 抢走...的就业机会
  72. fulfill family responsibilities 履行家庭责任(同样的还可以有社会责任,环境责任)
  73. introduce laws to 引入立法
  74. is a long-term(short-term) solution 是长期(短期)有效的解决方法
  75. impractical 不可行的
  76. advertising aimed at children 针对孩子的广告
  77. regulate ... 对... 进行严格的监管 regulate fast food advertising
  78. Genetically modified food
  79. run campaigns 举办大型的系列宣传活动
    advertising campaigns 大型的广告系列宣传活动
  80. create waste and pollution 产生垃圾废料和污染
  81. waste 污染 废料 垃圾
    household waste 家用生活垃圾
    industrial waste 工业废料
  82. put ... at risk
  83. smog 雾霾 acid rain 酸雨
  84. mode of transport 交通运输方式
    road transport公路运输
    air transport 航空运输
  85. reduce people's dependence on cars 减少人们对某事物的依赖
  86. social networking websites 社交网站
  87. rely too much on/rely heavily on 过度、严重地依赖
  88. renewable(non-renewable) energy sources (不)可再生的能源
  89. increase greenhouse gas emissions 导致温室气体排放量增加(emission加s)
    contain harmful chemicals 含有毒的化学物质
  90. put pressure on ...给...造成压力
  91. 快速增长 grow rapidly
  92. the demand for consumer goods 对于消费者的需求
  93. meet/fulfill their environmental resposibilities履行对环境的义务
  94. 过于拥挤 overcrowded
  95. 城市居民:urban residents/ city dwellers ,urban 和rural只能做形容词
  96. 感觉自己的生活和大自然脱节:feel disconnected from nature
  97. crop yields 农作物产量
  98. pose health risks to consumers 对消费者造成健康方面的风险
  99. wildlife habitats 野生动植物栖息地(wildlife既包括野生动物也包括野生植物)
    wildlife products 野生动植物制成的产品
    wildlife reserves 野生动植物保护区
  100. become extinct 灭绝
  101. conduct/perform/do animal experiments 做动物实验
  102. cause pain to them 给它们造成伤害
  103. are kept in cages 被关在笼子里
  104. is cruel and inhumane残忍的和不人道的
    morally wrong 不道德的
  105. reduce their suffering 减少它们的痛苦
    reduce the risk of heart disease
  106. medicine 作为不同药物可数,作为药物的统称不可数
  107. home-cooked food 家里做的饭菜
  108. is more nutritious 是更有营养的
  109. frozen food 冷冻食品
  110. sugary drinks 含糖量很高的饮料
  111. hand-eye coordination 手眼协调能力
  112. raise people's health awareness 提高人们的健康意识
  113. rising life expectancy 上升的人口预期寿命
  114. damage their emotional health 对他们的心理健康有害
  115. physical and emotional health 身心健康
  116. are under great pressure with their studies 在学业中承受很大的压力
  117. 激烈的竞争 tough(keen) competition for (jobs/promotion/business)
  118. save for the future 为将来储蓄
    save for retirement
  119. buy things on impulse 冲动地购物
  120. have high credit card debts 拖欠很高的信用卡债务
  121. follow the lastest trends 追随最新的时尚潮流
  122. involve high costs 涉及到高昂的费用
    involve high risks 涉及到很高的风险
    involve many challenges 涉及很多的挑战
  123. low-cost flight 低价航班
  124. are driven by profit 是受盈利目的驱动的
  125. rely on governments for money 依赖政府的援助
  126. have more important concerns 还有其他急需关注的问题
  127. only have limited funds 只有有限的资金
  128. are funded by 是由... 资助的
    are under-funded 资金不足
  129. is a important source of government tax revenue 是政府税收的重要来源
    advertising revenue 广告费的收入
    admission revenue 门票费的收入
    个人的角income 机构和政府的叫做revenue
  130. 养老金体系 state pension system
  131. souvenirs 纪念品
  132. take away jobs from local people 抢走当地人的就业机会
  133. drive local companies out of business 导致当地企业很难生存
  134. misuse 滥用
  135. donor countries 援助国
    recipient countries 受援国
  136. are interconnected 国家之间、经济之间是相互联系的
  137. deter dangerous driving 震慑危险驾驶的行为
  138. reform criminals 改造罪犯
  139. career guidance 就业指导
  140. have a criminal record 有犯罪记录
  141. harsh punishments 给他们严厉的惩罚
  142. resentment 怨恨情绪
  143. are likely to re-offend 可能会再次犯罪
  144. serve long sentence长时间服刑
  145. are sent to prison 被关进监狱
  146. address the root cause of crime 从根本解决犯罪问题
  147. threaten people's safety 威胁人们的安全(threaten是动词 threat 是名词)
  148. increase people's fear of crime 导致人们对于犯罪的恐惧感上升
  149. areas with high crime rates 犯罪高发区
  150. increase police patrols强化治安巡逻
  151. violent images 暴力的画面
  152. develop anti-social behaviour 形成反社会行为(涂鸦 graffiti 吵闹的聚会noisy parties 校园欺凌 school bullying)
  153. glorify violence 美化暴力
  154. Internet crime 网络犯罪
  155. computer hackers 电脑黑客
    spread computer viruses 传播电脑病毒
  156. online fraud 网络诈骗
  157. pay fines 交罚金
  158. install red light cameras 安装交通灯监控摄像头
    install speed cameras 安装超速监控摄像头
  159. protect national security 保卫国家的安全
  160. wars and conflicts 战争和冲突
  161. military technology 军事科技
  162. serve in the armed forces/serve in the military 服役
  163. heritage 文化传承
    protect their heritage
    better understand their heritage
    form an important part of their heritage
  164. erode their cultural identity 削弱他们的文化认同感
  165. a multi-cultural society 多元文化社会
  166. are more tolerant of cultural differences 对待文化更加宽容
  167. transcend national borders 超出了国家之间的边界
  168. draw on other countries' experience
  169. weaken their cultures 削弱其他的文化
  170. is widely used around the world 在全世界范围内广泛地使用
  171. language barriers 交流过程中的语言障碍(消除用remove)
  172. expansion 扩张
    the expansion of English
    the expansion of the Internet
    the expansion of multinational companies
  173. is spoken by a small number of people 很少人会说
  174. dominant language 主流语言
  175. connect us to the past 帮助我们了解、感受过去
  176. famous landmarks 著名的标志性建筑
  177. give character to a city 赋予一座城市鲜明的特色
  178. historic sites 历史遗迹
    historical attractions 历史景点
  179. adapt old buildings to meet modern needs 让老房子适应现代生活的需要
  180. renovate old buildings 老房子翻新
    update the equipment 对设备进行更新
    remodel old buildings 对老房子进行改造
    demolish old buildings 摧毁老房子
  181. expensive repairs and maintainance 昂贵的维修和保养
  182. enrich the local culture 丰富当地的文化
  183. bring art into people's everyday life
  184. feel respected and valued 感觉受到了尊重和重视
  185. build a positive corporate culture 建设积极的企业文化
  186. increase employees' loyalty to the company 提高员工对于公司的忠诚度
  187. mobile games 手机游戏
    video games 电子游戏
    educational games 益智游戏(online math games/ online language games)
  188. a wide range of /a variety of 广泛的
  189. satellite television 微型电视
    cable television有限电视
  190. encourage imagination (激发想象力)
  191. are fun and educational 寓教于乐的
  192. in a virtual world 在一个虚拟的世界
    in real life 在真实的生活中
  193. share ideas and opinions 分享想法和意见
  194. cause social isolation 导致脱离社会的生活方式
  195. have access to more information 可以获得更多的消息
  196. traditional shops/ physical shops 实体店
  197. can get help quickly in an emergency 遇到紧急情况可以迅速获得帮助
  198. pose health risks to users 对使用者构成健康方面的风险
  199. boost the sales of products 提升产品的销量
  200. build consumer loyalty 建立消费者的品牌忠诚度
  201. career path 职业发展道路
    choose career path that really interest them
  202. feel bored and unmotivated 感到无聊没有动力
  203. fall into a routine 陷入按部就班的常规
  204. repetitive tasks 重复的乏味的任务
  205. explore the local culture 探索当地的文化
  206. power 力量,作用
  207. entertaining 娱乐性的
  208. get to school ages 到了上学的年龄
  209. insignificant 不重要的


  1. more和加er的比较级不能连着用
  2. spoilt 宠爱的被动语态


  1. 对比 instead of/rather than
  2. if sb. ... then sth be done by sb.
  3. another benefit of ... is that
  4. ... means that
  5. the solution to the problem lies with ... who/which need to do
  6. 后置定语如 support families more in raising their children
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