15期 1504 Jerry
小波spot,一个可爱顽皮的小狗狗. 晚饭时间到了,小玻却不知道到哪里去了,于是小玻的妈妈就在家里到处找小玻,但是,她找到的是别的动物。最后, 小玻的妈妈终于找到小玻了,大家带宝宝一起来看,看看小玻躲在哪里。
Naughty spot! It's dinner time . where can he be ?
Is he behind the door?
Is he inside the clock?
Is he in the piano?
Is he under the stairs?
Is he in the wardrobe?
Is he under the bed?
Is he in the box?
there's Spot!
He's under the rug.
Try the basket!
Good boy,Spot.
Eat up your dinner !