本文涵盖了触发,恢复和处理Savepints的所有步骤。关于更多的Flink如何处理状态和失败的细节,请查看State in Streaming Programs页。
注意:为了程序和Flink版本直接能够正常的升级,请仔细查阅下述的assigning IDs to your operators部分。
Assigning Operator IDs
为了能够在未来升级的你程序,强烈推荐按照本节所描述的一样去调整你的程序。主要的改变是通过uid(String)方法人为指定operator ID。这些id用来关联每个operator的状态。
DataStream<String> stream = env.
// Stateful source (e.g. Kafka) with ID
.addSource(new StatefulSource())
.uid("source-id") // ID for the source operator
// Stateful mapper with ID
.map(new StatefulMapper())
.uid("mapper-id") // ID for the mapper
// Stateless printing sink
.print(); // Auto-generated ID
Savepoint State
可以将savepoint想象成持有每个有状态的操作的Operator ID到State的映射关系:
Operator ID | State
source-id | State of StatefulSource
mapper-id | State of StatefulMapper
在上面的例子中,print sink是无状态的,因此不是savepoint的一部分。默认情况下,会尝试映射savepoint的每条记录到新的程序中。
Triggering Savepoints
当触发一次savepoint时,将在目标目录下创建一个新的savepoint目录。数据和元数据会存储在该目录下。例如使用FsStateBackend 或 RocksDBStateBackend时:
# Savepoint target directory
# Savepoint directory
# Savepoint file contains the checkpoint meta data
# Savepoint state
Note: 尽管看起来savepoint可以被移动,但是实际上当前不行,因为_metadata文件中包含绝对路径。请跟踪FLINK-5778关于解除这方面限制所取得的进展。
注意,如果使用MemoryStateBackend,metadata和savepoint state存储在_metadata文件中。由于它是自包含的,所以你可以移动和存储到任何位置。
Trigger a Savepoint
$ bin/flink savepoint :jobId [:savepointDirectory]
Resuming from Savepoints
$ bin/flink run -s :savepointPath [:runArgs]
Allowing Non-Restored State
(short: -n
) 选项:
$ bin/flink run -s :savepointPath -n [:runArgs]
Disposing Savepoints
$ bin/flink savepoint -d :savepointPath
# Default savepoint target directory
state.savepoints.dir: hdfs:///flink/savepoints
Should I assign IDs to all operators in my job?
As a rule of thumb, yes. Strictly speaking, it is sufficient to only assign IDs via the uid
method to the stateful operators in your job. The savepoint only contains state for these operators and stateless operator are not part of the savepoint.
In practice, it is recommended to assign it to all operators, because some of Flink’s built-in operators like the Window operator are also stateful and it is not obvious which built-in operators are actually stateful and which are not. If you are absolutely certain that an operator is stateless, you can skip the uid
What happens if I add a new operator that requires state to my job?
When you add a new operator to your job it will be initialized without any state. Savepoints contain the state of each stateful operator. Stateless operators are simply not part of the savepoint. The new operator behaves similar to a stateless operator.
What happens if I delete an operator that has state from my job?
By default, a savepoint restore will try to match all state back to the restored job. If you restore from a savepoint that contains state for an operator that has been deleted, this will therefore fail.
You can allow non restored state by setting the --allowNonRestoredState
(short: -n
) with the run command:
$ bin/flink run -s :savepointPath -n [:runArgs]
What happens if I reorder stateful operators in my job?
If you assigned IDs to these operators, they will be restored as usual.
If you did not assign IDs, the auto generated IDs of the stateful operators will most likely change after the reordering. This would result in you not being able to restore from a previous savepoint.
What happens if I add or delete or reorder operators that have no state in my job?
If you assigned IDs to your stateful operators, the stateless operators will not influence the savepoint restore.
If you did not assign IDs, the auto generated IDs of the stateful operators will most likely change after the reordering. This would result in you not being able to restore from a previous savepoint.
What happens when I change the parallelism of my program when restoring?
If the savepoint was triggered with Flink >= 1.2.0 and using no deprecated state API like Checkpointed
, you can simply restore the program from a savepoint and specify a new parallelism.
If you are resuming from a savepoint triggered with Flink < 1.2.0 or using now deprecated APIs you first have to migrate your job and savepoint to Flink >= 1.2.0 before being able to change the parallelism. See the upgrading jobs and Flink versions guide.