
英文 中文
- Baby? - Something's not right. -宝贝-有些不对劲
We lost the third baby, Jack. 我们失去了第三个孩子杰克
I'm very sorry. 我很遗憾
I like to think that 我愿意相信
you took the sourest lemon that life has to offer 你将生活带给你柠檬般的酸楚
and turned it into something resembling lemonade. 酿成犹如柠檬汽水般的甘甜
36 years ago, my life started with you leaving me 36年前我躺在破篮子里
on a fire station doorstep. 被你遗弃在消防局
Beth, The man has stage IV stomach cancer. 贝丝他得了晚期胃癌
Why you watching this stuff? 你们为什么要看这种烂玩意
Told them to go screw themselves. 我让他们滚蛋了
I'm moving to New York. 我要搬到纽约去
"Show business." 娱乐圈啊
Grandma and Grandpa are here! 爷爷奶奶来了
I'll be in my room. 我先回房了
如红丝带荡漾在藻海无边 太阳黯然失色 千帆过尽 我歌颂世间河川 唱尽绿色的草原 超炫的音质咏叹
她淹没在透明的火焰中 带着涌动着的欢喜 带着搏动着的渴望 日与月化为明晰的光亮 我们消失我们停下 我非我此非此
This is the scariest part. 最可怕的要来了
Some people think the scariest part 有些人会说最可怕的
is coming to the hospital to have the baby. 是来医院生孩子
Nah. The scariest part 不最可怕的
is leaving the hospital with the baby. 是带着孩子离开医院
- Babies.- Babies, of course. -孩子们-孩子们对
Doc, these two, they only fall asleep 医生这俩只有挨着彼此
if they're next to each other. 才能睡得着
Is that unusual? 这正常吗
Well, they've been sharing the same hot tub the last nine months; 毕竟过去九个月他们都睡一张床
you can't bust them up right away. 你总不能把他们突然分开
No, I'm not concerned. 所以不必担心
Did she tell you what we named them? 她有没有跟你说我们起的名字
No, actually, she didn't. 不她没说
You can go ahead and tell him, babe. 你说吧宝贝
Kevin, Kate and Kyle. 凯文凯特和凯尔
All Ks. 都是凯
It's a good letter. 凯是个好字
We had a good doctor. 因为我们有个好医生
Right, Bec? 对吧小贝
I'm sorry. 对不起
I'm just, um, a little overwhelmed. 我就是有点没反应过来
Thank you very much for everything. 谢谢你所做的一切
Grandma and Grandpa are here! 爷爷奶奶来啦
Hi, Grandpa. 爷爷好
Hi, baby. 宝贝好
What are you guys doing here? 你们怎么过来了
We were on our way into the city 我们准备去市里
and thought we'd stop by and say hi. 顺路来跟你们打个招呼
A friend at work gave us his Hamilton tickets. 一个同事把《汉密尔顿》的票给我们了
Feel like I'm gonna be the one person 我大概会是地球上
on the planet who doesn't like this damn thing. 唯一不喜欢这类东西的人
- There's a man living with us.- What? -有个男人跟我们一起住-什么
Daddy's friend from work. 是爸爸的同事
Come play Legos! 来玩积木吧
Yeah, come play Legos with us. 快来跟我们玩积木吧
We're coming, we're coming. 来了来了
I missed you. 好想你
This was not the plan. 计划不是这样的
What plan? 什么计划
The plan for how I was gonna tell her that I found him. 计划怎么告诉她我找到他了
I wasn't aware there was a plan for that, babe. 我不知道你还有计划宝贝
Well, there was. 有的
I mean, there was gonna be. 本来打算计划的
The plan was forming, but now it's off. 本来在制定计划现在没戏了
Okay, so what are you gonna do now? 好吧那你打算怎么办
Right now? 现在吗
I'm gonna put on a fake-ass smile. 我打算假装微笑
I'm gonna ask to speak to my mother privately. 然后要求跟我妈单独说话
And then I'm gonna tell her something 我会告诉她一件
that's gonna completely and utterly devastate her. 会让她震惊到几乎崩溃的事
Mommy? 妈妈
Can I talk to you privately? 能单独跟你聊聊吗
- One second.- Sure. -一会就好-当然
Everybody... 大家好
Holy hangover. 该死的宿醉
And faces, and friendly faces 和脸庞友善的脸庞
And still I had to be free 我仍旧向往自由
I've been to paradise 我曾去过天堂
But I've never been to... 但我不曾...
How's your face? 你的脸还好吗
Well, it's fine. 还好
Luckily, I have all this fat to soften the blow. 还好我有脂肪来缓解冲击
Stop that. 别说了
How's your breakfast? 早餐怎么样
You mean this, uh, steel-cut oatmeal 你说这个吗
and egg white pancake with no salt, no sugar, 你给我吃的这种粗切燕麦
and no oil that you're making me eat? 和无盐无糖无油的鸡蛋煎饼吗
Yes. 是的
It's amazing. 太好吃了
Right? 是吧
It's the best thing I've ever tasted. 这是我吃过最美味的食物
Quick question. 问个问题
last night, after the party... 昨天晚上派对结束之后
I kind of blacked out. 我有点断片了
We didn't... 我们没有...
Oh, no. 没有
A lot of vomiting 除了大吐特吐
but not a lot of anything else. 别的什么都没做
Oh. Sexy. 够酷
You have an amazing voice, by the way. 对了你的声音真好听
I did not know that you sang. 我不知道你还会唱歌
Well, I did not know 我也不知道
that you spy on people in the bathroom. 你喜欢偷看别人洗澡
Will you sing for me? 能再为我唱一段吗
No. 不行
Come on, Kate, come on. 来吧凯特来吧
Come on, come on. You're good. 来吧来吧你唱得很好
And I'm not talking about karaoke-good. 我说的好不是卡拉OK水准
I'm talking good-good. 而是专业水准的好
Have-- did-- you-- did... 你曾经...
Did you ever perform? 你上台表演过吗
When I was really young. 当我还很小的时候
Cyndi Lauper was kind of my jam. 辛迪·劳帕是我的最爱
"Time after Time" cover was... 《反反复复》那张唱片真是...
I rocked it. I was, you know... 我太拿手了我曾经...
I rocked it like it was my job. 简直就像我自己的歌一样
But then I grew up. 但是后来我长大了
And then I grew... 随着我变...
and, um, you know, 然后你懂的
I try to avoid the spotlight. 我就开始回避聚光灯了
- Are you done?- Yes. -你吃完了吗-吃完了
Are you? 你吃完了
One more song. 再来一首
One more song. 再来一首
- One more song. - Okay, Kate, -再来一首-凯特
I am super pumped about this move to New York City. 我太激动马上就要搬去纽约了
I mean, we've got a ton to figure out, 当然我们有一大堆事情要解决
of course, but I'm super pumped. 但我非常激动
Wait... that was real? 等等你是来真的吗
Yeah. Stage acting, it's my new jam. Oh... 当然舞台剧这是我的新路子
Do you think you could get that really cute, uh, 你觉得你能联系上那个特别可爱的
that theater casting director, 特别喜欢我的
- the one who liked me. What's... - Cara. -舞台剧星探吗她叫...-卡拉
Cara, yes. I love Cara... Yeah. 卡拉没错我爱卡拉
and when you get her on the phone, 等你打通了她的电话
tell her I'm only interested in doing heavy drama. 记得告诉她我只对正剧感兴趣
We're not moving all the way to New York City 我们一路折腾到纽约
so I can do some lame off-Broadway comedy. 不是为了演一些非百老汇的垃圾喜剧
You want me to go with you? 你想让我跟你一起去吗
Of course. Yeah. 当然
There's no way I could do this without you. 没有你我什么事情都做不了
and maybe you should specify that I don't want to 也许你还得跟他们明确
do anything where I have to show my penis. 我不想做任何需要展示我的鸡巴的事
Toby. 托比
I didn't see you there, man. What's up? 我不知道你也在这老兄怎么了
How's this? You know what we should do? 这个好吃吗你知道我们要做什么吗
We should look into the Meatpacking District. 我们应该去曼哈顿肉库区看看
It's like an up and coming. 前途无量啊
Pancakes are good. 煎饼很不错
Is she making you eat this? 她逼你吃这种东西吗
I'm trying to have some sex. 我在争取和她上床
So now he's been here for about a week. 他来家里快一周了
I guess I just wanted to get used to the idea of him myself, 我想试着去习惯他这个人的存在
you know, before I told you, 之后再把这事告诉你们
and this has nothing to do with you or Dad-- 但这与你和爸爸没有任何关系
I hope you know that. 我希望你能理解
I do know that, yes, of course. Okay, okay. 我能理解我当然理解好了
I mean, obviously, I've been curious about him 很显然我从很小的时候
since I was a kid. 就对他感到好奇
And I know you guys would have found him if you could have. 我知道你们如果能找的话早就找到他了
So who is he? 那么他是谁
What did he tell you about himself? 他的身世和你说过多少
His name is William. 他叫威廉
That's it? 只有名字吗
He didn't tell you anything else? 他没告诉你别的事吗
He has a cat. 他养了一只猫
Stomach cancer. 他得了胃癌
It's the basic gist of what I know so far. 目前为止我只知道这些
Well, where is he? 他在哪呢
I'd like to, uh, meet him. 我想见见他
- He's in Annie's room, but... - Okay. -他在安妮的房间可是...-好的
I don't know if he's ready for company, Ma. 我不知道他是否准备好见客人妈妈
Hold on one second. 等一下
Okay. 好了
Car seats are installed. 汽车座椅安好了
Policeman approved. 警察批准了
I'll pull up, we'll load up. 我把车开过来然后上车
And then the adventure begins, yeah? 我们的冒险从此就开始了好吗
Okay. 好的
If I were you, I would head right to Mexico. 我要是你就头也不回地去墨西哥
If I don't come back, at least you'll know where to find me. 要是我没回来你至少知道去哪找我
Wait. 等等
Okay, let's lock and load. 好了快上车吧
Here, I got him. Yeah. 来我抱他
Oh. Come on, big boy. 来吧大男孩
Okay. 好了
- I wanted to introdu... - Hi. -我想给你介绍...-你好
I'm Rebecca, I'm Randall's mother. 我是丽贝卡兰德尔的妈妈
Very nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你
Nice to meet you, as well. 我也很高兴认识你
Sweetheart, could you give us just a moment to chat? 亲爱的能让我俩单独谈谈吗
Yeah. 好的
Thank you. 谢谢
You look well. 你气色不错
It's okay, my little lady. 别害怕我的小美女
He's not taking my breast. 他不喝我的奶
We just go put her over and wreathe her. 我们把她翻过来然后裹住她
Can you help with him, please? He's being really fussy. 帮帮我吧他太难哄了
We have burping cloths. Look in their bedroom. 家里有围嘴去他们的卧室找找
It's not... there's not... in here. 没找到不在这
Please, just come back in here. 你快回来吧
- I need you to help me, please. - Okay. -快来帮帮我-好的
Are you laying down, Jack? 你躺下了吗杰克
Can you please check on Kevin? 你去看看凯文好吗
Why, why won't he stop crying? 为什么他为什么哭个不停
They'll be in college soon. 他们一转眼就上大学了
Which one? 是哪个
Probably the one that hates me. 大概是讨厌我的那个吧
- He doesn't hate you. - Jack, -他不讨厌你-杰克
I think we're gonna have to start him on formula. 我想我们得开始喂他奶粉了
No. He's fine. 不用他很好
He won't take to my breast. 他不喝我的奶
We have to treat them the same. 我们得用相同的方式对待他们
He's not the same. 可他并不相同
I'm sorry, I'm sorry. 对不起对不起
He's just... He's not. 他不一样
I grew the other twoinside of me, 另外两个孩子是在我肚子里长大的
and he feels like a stranger. 可他却像个外人
And I feel really terrible for saying that out loud, 虽然这么说我真的很难过
but he just... he does. 可我真的这么认为
Jack, 杰克
when we were leaving the hospital... 我们离开医院的时候
I know. You were having second thoughts about bringing him home. 我知道你考虑过不带他回家
It's fine. 没关系的
- No. No, it's not that. I...- It's natural. -不不是这样的-这很正常
He's fine, Bec. 他没问题小贝
He's fine. 他没问题的
Look at us. 你看我们俩
I mean, I was a complete stranger. 我以前也就是个陌生人
Look how quickly I took to your breast. 但你的胸不也很快被我攻下了
You're an idiot. 你就是个笨蛋
Yeah. I'm your idiot. 对啊我是你的小笨蛋
Okay? 行了吧
And they are our babies. 他们是我们的孩子
He's our baby. 他也是我们的孩子
Okay? 好吗
They'll be in college soon? 他们很快就去上大学了吧
Any day now. 指日可待
And then she just asked to speak to him alone. 然后她就说要和他单独谈谈了
- About what? - I don't know. -谈什么呢-我不知道
Whatever biological fathers and adopted mothers talk about. 就亲生父亲和养母该谈的事吧
- What is that? - The Knicks, -那是什么-尼克斯旧货商什么的
Beth. How the hell am I supposed to know? 贝丝我怎么会知道他们在谈什么
I... 我...
You love me so much that you're just gonna give me that one? 你这么爱我你一定会给我亲亲的
You know me so well, my friend. 你真了解我朋友
I got to take him to that doctor's appointment in two hours. 再过两小时我还要带他去看医生
God. What the hell do you think 天啊你觉得
- they're talking about, anyway? - I don't know, honey. -他们究竟谈什么-我不知道亲爱的
He found me. 是他找到我的
- He brought me here. - But you stayed. -他带我来这儿-但是你在这儿住了
Yes, I stayed. 是的我住下了


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