iOS 获取唯一标识


NSString *SERVICE_NAME = @"com.xinliao.dongneng";//最好用程序的bundle id

NSString * str =  [SFHFKeychainUtils getPasswordForUsername:@"UUID" andServiceName:SERVICE_NAME error:nil];  // 从keychain获取数据

if ([str length]<=0)


str  = [[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor] UUIDString];  // 保存UUID作为手机唯一标识符

[SFHFKeychainUtils storeUsername:@"UUID"




error:nil];  // 往keychain添加数据


创建文件 SFHFKeychainUtils


#import@interface SFHFKeychainUtils : NSObject {


+ (NSString *) getPasswordForUsername: (NSString *) username andServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName error: (NSError **) error;

+ (BOOL) storeUsername: (NSString *) username andPassword: (NSString *) password forServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName updateExisting: (BOOL) updateExisting error: (NSError **) error;

+ (BOOL) deleteItemForUsername: (NSString *) username andServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName error: (NSError **) error;



////  SFHFKeychainUtils.m////  Created by Buzz Andersen on 10/20/08.//  Based partly on code by Jonathan Wight, Jon Crosby, and Mike Malone.//  Copyright 2008 Sci-Fi Hi-Fi. All rights reserved.////  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person//  obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation//  files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without//  restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,//  copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell//  copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the//  Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following//  conditions:////  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be//  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.////  THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,//  EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES//  OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND//  NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT//  HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY,//  WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING//  FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR//  OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.//#import "SFHFKeychainUtils.h"#importstatic NSString *SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain = @"SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain";


@interface SFHFKeychainUtils (PrivateMethods)

+ (SecKeychainItemRef) getKeychainItemReferenceForUsername: (NSString *) username andServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName error: (NSError **) error;



@implementation SFHFKeychainUtils


+ (NSString *) getPasswordForUsername: (NSString *) username andServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName error: (NSError **) error {

if (!username || !serviceName) {

*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: -2000 userInfo: nil];

return nil;


SecKeychainItemRef item = [SFHFKeychainUtils getKeychainItemReferenceForUsername: username andServiceName: serviceName error: error];

if (*error || !item) {

return nil;


// from Advanced Mac OS X Programming, ch. 16

UInt32 length;

char *password;

SecKeychainAttribute attributes[8];

SecKeychainAttributeList list;

attributes[0].tag = kSecAccountItemAttr;

attributes[1].tag = kSecDescriptionItemAttr;

attributes[2].tag = kSecLabelItemAttr;

attributes[3].tag = kSecModDateItemAttr;

list.count = 4;

list.attr = attributes;

OSStatus status = SecKeychainItemCopyContent(item, NULL, &list, &length, (void **)&password);

if (status != noErr) {

*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: status userInfo: nil];

return nil;


NSString *passwordString = nil;

if (password != NULL) {

char passwordBuffer[1024];

if (length > 1023) {

length = 1023;


strncpy(passwordBuffer, password, length);

passwordBuffer[length] = '\0';

passwordString = [NSString stringWithCString:passwordBuffer];


SecKeychainItemFreeContent(&list, password);


return passwordString;


+ (void) storeUsername: (NSString *) username andPassword: (NSString *) password forServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName updateExisting: (BOOL) updateExisting error: (NSError **) error {

if (!username || !password || !serviceName) {

*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: -2000 userInfo: nil];



OSStatus status = noErr;

SecKeychainItemRef item = [SFHFKeychainUtils getKeychainItemReferenceForUsername: username andServiceName: serviceName error: error];

if (*error && [*error code] != noErr) {



*error = nil;

if (item) {

status = SecKeychainItemModifyAttributesAndData(item,


strlen([password UTF8String]),

[password UTF8String]);



else {

status = SecKeychainAddGenericPassword(NULL,

strlen([serviceName UTF8String]),

[serviceName UTF8String],

strlen([username UTF8String]),

[username UTF8String],

strlen([password UTF8String]),

[password UTF8String],



if (status != noErr) {

*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: status userInfo: nil];



+ (void) deleteItemForUsername: (NSString *) username andServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName error: (NSError **) error {

if (!username || !serviceName) {

*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: 2000 userInfo: nil];



*error = nil;

SecKeychainItemRef item = [SFHFKeychainUtils getKeychainItemReferenceForUsername: username andServiceName: serviceName error: error];

if (*error && [*error code] != noErr) {



OSStatus status;

if (item) {

status = SecKeychainItemDelete(item);



if (status != noErr) {

*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: status userInfo: nil];



+ (SecKeychainItemRef) getKeychainItemReferenceForUsername: (NSString *) username andServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName error: (NSError **) error {

if (!username || !serviceName) {

*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: -2000 userInfo: nil];

return nil;


*error = nil;

SecKeychainItemRef item;

OSStatus status = SecKeychainFindGenericPassword(NULL,

strlen([serviceName UTF8String]),

[serviceName UTF8String],

strlen([username UTF8String]),

[username UTF8String],




if (status != noErr) {

if (status != errSecItemNotFound) {

*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: status userInfo: nil];


return nil;


return item;



+ (NSString *) getPasswordForUsername: (NSString *) username andServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName error: (NSError **) error {

if (!username || !serviceName) {

if (error != nil) {

*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: -2000 userInfo: nil];


return nil;


if (error != nil) {

*error = nil;


// Set up a query dictionary with the base query attributes: item type (generic), username, and service

NSArray *keys = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: (NSString *) kSecClass, kSecAttrAccount, kSecAttrService, nil] autorelease];

NSArray *objects = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: (NSString *) kSecClassGenericPassword, username, serviceName, nil] autorelease];

NSMutableDictionary *query = [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjects: objects forKeys: keys] autorelease];

// First do a query for attributes, in case we already have a Keychain item with no password data set.

// One likely way such an incorrect item could have come about is due to the previous (incorrect)

// version of this code (which set the password as a generic attribute instead of password data).

NSDictionary *attributeResult = NULL;

NSMutableDictionary *attributeQuery = [query mutableCopy];

[attributeQuery setObject: (id) kCFBooleanTrue forKey:(id) kSecReturnAttributes];

OSStatus status = SecItemCopyMatching((CFDictionaryRef) attributeQuery, (CFTypeRef *) &attributeResult);

[attributeResult release];

[attributeQuery release];

if (status != noErr) {

// No existing item found--simply return nil for the password

if (error != nil && status != errSecItemNotFound) {

//Only return an error if a real exception happened--not simply for "not found."

*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: status userInfo: nil];


return nil;


// We have an existing item, now query for the password data associated with it.

NSData *resultData = nil;

NSMutableDictionary *passwordQuery = [query mutableCopy];

[passwordQuery setObject: (id) kCFBooleanTrue forKey: (id) kSecReturnData];

status = SecItemCopyMatching((CFDictionaryRef) passwordQuery, (CFTypeRef *) &resultData);

[resultData autorelease];

[passwordQuery release];

if (status != noErr) {

if (status == errSecItemNotFound) {

// We found attributes for the item previously, but no password now, so return a special error.

// Users of this API will probably want to detect this error and prompt the user to

// re-enter their credentials.  When you attempt to store the re-entered credentials

// using storeUsername:andPassword:forServiceName:updateExisting:error

// the old, incorrect entry will be deleted and a new one with a properly encrypted

// password will be added.

if (error != nil) {

*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: -1999 userInfo: nil];



else {

// Something else went wrong. Simply return the normal Keychain API error code.

if (error != nil) {

*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: status userInfo: nil];



return nil;


NSString *password = nil;

if (resultData) {

password = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: resultData encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];


else {

// There is an existing item, but we weren't able to get password data for it for some reason,

// Possibly as a result of an item being incorrectly entered by the previous code.

// Set the -1999 error so the code above us can prompt the user again.

if (error != nil) {

*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: -1999 userInfo: nil];



return [password autorelease];


+ (BOOL) storeUsername: (NSString *) username andPassword: (NSString *) password forServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName updateExisting: (BOOL) updateExisting error: (NSError **) error


if (!username || !password || !serviceName)


if (error != nil)


*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: -2000 userInfo: nil];


return NO;


// See if we already have a password entered for these credentials.

NSError *getError = nil;

NSString *existingPassword = [SFHFKeychainUtils getPasswordForUsername: username andServiceName: serviceName error:&getError];

if ([getError code] == -1999)


// There is an existing entry without a password properly stored (possibly as a result of the previous incorrect version of this code.

// Delete the existing item before moving on entering a correct one.

getError = nil;

[self deleteItemForUsername: username andServiceName: serviceName error: &getError];

if ([getError code] != noErr)


if (error != nil)


*error = getError;


return NO;



else if ([getError code] != noErr)


if (error != nil)


*error = getError;


return NO;


if (error != nil)


*error = nil;


OSStatus status = noErr;

if (existingPassword)


// We have an existing, properly entered item with a password.

// Update the existing item.

if (![existingPassword isEqualToString:password] && updateExisting)


//Only update if we're allowed to update existing.  If not, simply do nothing.

NSArray *keys = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: (NSString *) kSecClass,




nil] autorelease];

NSArray *objects = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: (NSString *) kSecClassGenericPassword,




nil] autorelease];

NSDictionary *query = [[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjects: objects forKeys: keys] autorelease];

status = SecItemUpdate((CFDictionaryRef) query, (CFDictionaryRef) [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [password dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding] forKey: (NSString *) kSecValueData]);





// No existing entry (or an existing, improperly entered, and therefore now

// deleted, entry).  Create a new entry.

NSArray *keys = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: (NSString *) kSecClass,





nil] autorelease];

NSArray *objects = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: (NSString *) kSecClassGenericPassword,




[password dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding],

nil] autorelease];

NSDictionary *query = [[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjects: objects forKeys: keys] autorelease];

status = SecItemAdd((CFDictionaryRef) query, NULL);


if (status != noErr)


// Something went wrong with adding the new item. Return the Keychain error code.

if (error != nil) {

*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: status userInfo: nil];


return NO;


return YES;


+ (BOOL) deleteItemForUsername: (NSString *) username andServiceName: (NSString *) serviceName error: (NSError **) error


if (!username || !serviceName)


if (error != nil)


*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: -2000 userInfo: nil];


return NO;


if (error != nil)


*error = nil;


NSArray *keys = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: (NSString *) kSecClass, kSecAttrAccount, kSecAttrService, kSecReturnAttributes, nil] autorelease];

NSArray *objects = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: (NSString *) kSecClassGenericPassword, username, serviceName, kCFBooleanTrue, nil] autorelease];

NSDictionary *query = [[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjects: objects forKeys: keys] autorelease];

OSStatus status = SecItemDelete((CFDictionaryRef) query);

if (status != noErr)


if (error != nil) {

*error = [NSError errorWithDomain: SFHFKeychainUtilsErrorDomain code: status userInfo: nil];


return NO;


return YES;




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