谷歌的 Rewarded Interstitial 广告目前只支持 Mediation。谷歌自己没有 激励视频广告的 Demand 投放。
所以如果你开了一个此类型的广告位,一定要引入第三方的 激励视频广告 例如 AppLovin, Vungle 等等。
Rewarded mediation
Rewarded interstitial ad units use rewarded mediation to enable you to reward users with in-app items for watching video ads. You can specify the reward values associated with the ad unit’s placement in your app and set different rewards for different ad units. Rewarded ads are only available from third-party networks that you've selected for mediation. You must set up mediation to serve ads to rewarded interstitial ad units.
To use rewarded mediation, follow the instructions to set up AdMob Mediation. Be sure to follow the Google Developers guides (Android, iOS) and select ad networks that serve rewarded video ads (Android, iOS).