Elementary ‐ Where should we eat?
A: Do you two have any plans for the evening?
B: We were thinking of checking out a restaurant in the neighbourhood. Do you have any suggestions?
A: I know this really nice Italian place. The food is fantastic, and the decor is beautiful. I’d recommend giving it a try.
C: Actually, I’m not all that crazy about Italian food; I’m in the mood for something a bit lighter.
A: In that case, I know a great little bistro. They make a really tasty seafood platter; the fish is outstanding.
B: It sounds fantastic, but I’m allergic to seafood, so. . .
A: Okay, well, let me think. . . Oh, I know this great little place. It’s just a hole in the wall, but they do the most amazing sandwiches. You gotta give them a try.
C: Ella, you took me there last time I visited, and I got food poisoning, remember?
1、be thinking of
I was thinking of taking the opportunity. 我之前就想接受这样的机会。
I was thinking of putting a lot more extra thought into your gift. 我要花更多的心思在你的礼物上。
2、check out=take a look at
check it out
check out the hot guy/check out the beauty.
3、 decor 装饰(强调一目了然所能看见的东西)
4、give it a try 尝试
5、not crazy about 对……不是特别喜欢(但是非常礼貌)
I’m not crazy about Thai food.不喜欢吃泰国餐。
I’m not crazy about hanging out with him.我不喜欢跟他一起出去闲逛。
crazy about=mad about
I’m crazy about you.对你很迷恋。
6、in the mood for 对……有心情,喜欢做什么事
I’m in the mood for Thai food./going shopping.
7、bistro 小酒馆
8、platter 浅盘
sandwiches platter 三明治拼
sashimi platter 刺身拼盘
seafood platter 海鲜拼盘
9、be allergic to 对……比较敏感(或过敏)
Are you allergic to any medication?你对哪些药过敏?
I’m allergic to bees.我对蜜蜂过敏。
10、hole in the wall 偏僻,很难找
11、food poisoning 食物中毒