听音频点这里--->《FEEL THE FEAR》音频
[1] Fear holds back people and progress. If you want to move forward in life, the first thing you must do is overcome your fear.
[2] Here are a few practical suggestions to help you move past your fear.
◆ 1. List three things you would love to do but have been afraid to try.
◆ 2. Write down the worst possible outcomes and the best possible outcomes of doing each of these three things.
◆ 3. Now ask yourself, “What are my anxieties and fears?” Write them down.
◆ 4. Ask yourself how realistic these fears are and how they compare with the best possible outcomes.
[3] Well, how realistic are your fears? When you get right down to looking at them, you will probably find that they are irrational.
[4] Feel the fear and do it anyway! You will feel amazing.
[1] 恐惧阻碍你与人相处,妨碍你取得进步。如果想要让你的人生不断进步,你首先必须克服恐惧心里。
[2] 这里有一些实用的建议,它们能帮助你战胜恐惧。
◆ 1. 列举出三件你非常想做但又一直害怕尝试的事情。
◆ 2. 分别写出做这三件事可能发生的最坏结果和最好结果。
◆ 3. 现在问你自己:“我的忧虑和恐惧是什么呢?”把它们写下来。
◆ 4. 问你自己这些恐惧究竟有多少可能发生,以及它们与有可能发生的最好结果相比将如何。
[3] 好了,你的恐惧有多少可能发生?当你直面它们的时候,你多半会发现它们是站不住脚的。
[4] 感受恐惧,但只管去做!你将感到无比神奇。