2、B L O C K C H A I N
A blockchain is a public accounting book that can record transactions between two parties in an efficient, verifiable and permanent way, allowing the technological substitution of trust through the collaborativework of an electronic network whose nodes respond to diverse interests, which are aligned to guarantee the efficiency of the system through clear rules and incentives granted by the same network.
The blockchain organizes the information in the form of blocks, which are verified by the network nodes in order to connect them to the block that precedes it through a hash code. The unique conformation of the codes that link to the blocks depends on encryption mechanisms that are in turn defined by a coded and compacted representation of the series of entries they contain.
Once a block has been created and verified by a certain number of nodes (or all of them), according to protocols and rules defined from the first block of the chain (“genesis block”), the modification is distributed to all network nodes. All nodes have full registration and the possibility (sometimes the obligation) to audit it permanently and in real time.
The fundamental characteristic of a blockchain is “distribution”, i. e. the deconcentration of tasks and access to information. All members have an important role (in most blockchains, all nodes have exactly the same role),but none of them concentrate information, nor do they have the power to make any kind of decisions about the chain, so a global consensus based on clear and strict rules is required when making any changes. Therefore the records of a blockchain are therefore highly reliable because they guarantee the integrity of information,traceability of transactions and security.
The use of blockchains is beginning to gain popularity globally. It currently has hundreds of applications. This’distributed electronic records’ technology can be leveraged for all kinds of information: medical records,authorship and patents, data authentication, food distribution, real estate and more, offering even the ability to program automatic execution “smart contracts”, which promise to revolutionize many activities and industries around the world.
Among the applications, value transfer registration stands out, as the blockchain makes possible for the first time in history real electronic transfers, that is to say, those where one party gives up an element of information to another and loses its possession (the ability to use or copy it). In short, block chains eliminate the possibility of “dual use” in information transfer, which in financial transactions translates into “double expenditure”.