The essence of Jobs is that his personality was integral to his way of doing business. He acted as if the normal rules didn’t apply to him, the passion, intensity, and extreme emotionalism he brought to everyday life were things he also poured into the products he made. One of the last times I saw him, I asked him again about his tendency to be rough on people. “Look at the results,” he replied. “These are all smart people I work with, and any of them could get a top job at another place if they were truly feeling brutalized. But they don’t.” Then he paused for a few moments and said, almost wistfully,And we got some amazing things done.
Indeed, he and Apple had had a string of hits over the past dozen years that was greater than that of any other innovative company in modern times: iMac, iPod, iPod nano, iTunes Store, Apple Stores, iPhone, iPad, MacBook, App Store, OS X Lion—not to mention every Pixar film. I once asked him what he thought was his most important creation, thinking he would answer the iPad or the Macintosh. Instead he said it was Apple the company. Making an enduring company was both far harder and more important than making a great product. How did he do it?
确实,他和苹果在过去十多年创造了一系列产品,比当代任何一家创业公司都要伟大:Mac, iPod, iPod nano, iTunes Store, Apple Stores, iPhone, iPad, MacBook, App Store, OS X Lion—就不说每一部皮克斯动画了。我还问过他,他最重要的创造是什么,我本以为他会说iPad或者Macintosh,但是没想到他说是“苹果整个公司”。建造一个长久的公司,比制造一个伟大的产品重要且艰难多了。他是怎么做到的?