深秋渐浓,菊花盛开,宛如一场奢华的盛宴。霓虹闪烁 ,硕大窝瓜散发着成熟的魅力,酝酿着收获。堪称是瓜族的巨无霸。象征幸福吉祥如意。串串辣椒寓意繁荣发展。游客如织,漫步于小径,霓虹闪烁,月光朦胧,沉浸于欢乐之中。此情此景,拍下珍贵照片。
Deep fall approaches secretly around us with the blooming chrysanthemums releasing the atmosphere of luxurious feast ,which shine resembling the waving lanterns. The enormous melon takes up the flavor of maturing meaning the harvest,which is called the biggest among its family.Bunches of red peppers represent the prosperity and development of agriculture while the elliptical gourds contain happiness and good fortune.Weaves of tourists wander in the path by the light of shining light and the dizzy moon which make you dipped in the merriment. The family members take precious photos against the background of the splendid scenes.