02-monolog - PHP 日志神器 之 Handlers, Formatters and Processors



  • StreamHandler:记录日志到任何 PHP stream,用它来记录到文件。
  • RotatingFileHandler: 每天一个文件,会自动删除比$maxFiles老的文件,这只是一个很随意的方案,You should use logrotate for high profile setups though。
  • SyslogHandler: 记录到系统日志
  • ErrorLogHandler: Logs records to PHP's error_log()




  • NativeMailerHandler: Sends emails using PHP's mail()
  • SwiftMailerHandler: Sends emails using a Swift_Mailer
  • PushoverHandler: Sends mobile notifications via the Pushover API.
  • HipChatHandler: Logs records to a HipChat chat room using its API.
  • FlowdockHandler: Logs records to a Flowdock account.
  • SlackHandler: Logs records to a Slack account.
  • MandrillHandler: Sends emails via the Mandrill API using a Swift_Message
  • FleepHookHandler: Logs records to a Fleep conversation using Webhooks.
  • IFTTTHandler: Notifies an IFTTT trigger with the log channel, level name and message.



SocketHandler: Logs records to sockets, use this for UNIX and TCP sockets. See an example.
AmqpHandler: Logs records to an amqp compatible server. Requires the php-amqp extension (1.0+).
GelfHandler: Logs records to a Graylog2 server.
CubeHandler: Logs records to a Cube server.
RavenHandler: Logs records to a Sentry server using raven.
ZendMonitorHandler: Logs records to the Zend Monitor present in Zend Server.
NewRelicHandler: Logs records to a NewRelic application.
LogglyHandler: Logs records to a Loggly account.
RollbarHandler: Logs records to a Rollbar account.
SyslogUdpHandler: Logs records to a remote Syslogd server.
LogEntriesHandler: Logs records to a LogEntries account.



FirePHPHandler: Handler for FirePHP, providing inline console
messages within FireBug.
ChromePHPHandler: Handler for ChromePHP, providing inline console
messages within Chrome.
BrowserConsoleHandler: Handler to send logs to browser's Javascript console
with no browser extension required. Most browsers supporting console
API are supported.
PHPConsoleHandler: Handler for PHP Console, providing inline console
and notification popup messages within Chrome.



RedisHandler: Logs records to a redis server.
MongoDBHandler: Handler to write records in MongoDB via a Mongo extension connection.
CouchDBHandler: Logs records to a CouchDB server.
DoctrineCouchDBHandler: Logs records to a CouchDB server via the Doctrine CouchDB ODM.
ElasticSearchHandler: Logs records to an Elastic Search server.
DynamoDbHandler: Logs records to a DynamoDB table with the AWS SDK.



FingersCrossedHandler: A very interesting wrapper. It takes a logger as parameter and will accumulate log records of all levels until a record exceeds the defined severity level. At which point it delivers all records, including those of lower severity, to the handler it wraps. This means that until an error actually happens you will not see anything in your logs, but when it happens you will have the full information, including debug and info records. This provides you with all the information you need, but only when you need it.

DeduplicationHandler: Useful if you are sending notifications or emails when critical errors occur. It takes a logger as parameter and will accumulate log records of all levels until the end of the request (or flush()
is called). At that point it delivers all records to the handler it wraps, but only if the records are unique over a given time period (60seconds by default). If the records are duplicates they are simply discarded. The main use of this is in case of critical failure like if your database is unreachable for example all your requests will fail and that can result in a lot of notifications being sent. Adding this handler reduces the amount of notifications to a manageable level.

WhatFailureGroupHandler: This handler extends the GroupHandler ignoring exceptions raised by each child handler. This allows you to ignore issues where a remote tcp connection may have died but you do not want your entire application to crash and may wish to continue to log to other handlers.

BufferHandler: This handler will buffer all the log records it receives until close()
is called at which point it will callhandleBatch()
on the handler it wraps with all the log messages at once. This is very useful to send an email with all records at once for example instead of having one mail for every log record.

GroupHandler: This handler groups other handlers. Every record received is sent to all the handlers it is configured with.

FilterHandler: This handler only lets records of the given levels through to the wrapped handler.

SamplingHandler: Wraps around another handler and lets you sample records if you only want to store some of them.

NullHandler: Any record it can handle will be thrown away. This can be used to put on top of an existing handler stack to disable it temporarily.

PsrHandler: Can be used to forward log records to an existing PSR-3 logger

TestHandler: Used for testing, it records everything that is sent to it and has accessors to read out the information.

HandlerWrapper: A simple handler wrapper you can inherit from to create your own wrappers easily.


✪ 为常用

LineFormatter: Formats a log record into a one-line string. ✪
HtmlFormatter: Used to format log records into a human readable html table, mainly suitable for emails.✪
NormalizerFormatter: Normalizes objects/resources down to strings so a record can easily be serialized/encoded.
ScalarFormatter: Used to format log records into an associative array of scalar values.
JsonFormatter: Encodes a log record into json.✪
WildfireFormatter: Used to format log records into the Wildfire/FirePHP protocol, only useful for the FirePHPHandler.
ChromePHPFormatter: Used to format log records into the ChromePHP format, only useful for the ChromePHPHandler.
GelfMessageFormatter: Used to format log records into Gelf message instances, only useful for the GelfHandler.
LogstashFormatter: Used to format log records into logstash event json, useful for any handler listed under inputs here.
ElasticaFormatter: Used to format log records into an Elastica\Document object, only useful for the ElasticSearchHandler.
LogglyFormatter: Used to format log records into Loggly messages, only useful for the LogglyHandler.
FlowdockFormatter: Used to format log records into Flowdock messages, only useful for the FlowdockHandler.
MongoDBFormatter: Converts \DateTime instances to \MongoDate and objects recursively to arrays, only useful with the MongoDBHandler.


PsrLogMessageProcessor: Processes a log record's message according to PSR-3 rules, replacing {foo}
with the value from $context['foo'].

IntrospectionProcessor: Adds the line/file/class/method from which the log call originated.

WebProcessor: Adds the current request URI, request method and client IP to a log record.

MemoryUsageProcessor: Adds the current memory usage to a log record.

MemoryPeakUsageProcessor: Adds the peak memory usage to a log record.

ProcessIdProcessor: Adds the process id to a log record.

UidProcessor: Adds a unique identifier to a log record.

GitProcessor: Adds the current git branch and commit to a log record.

TagProcessor: Adds an array of predefined tags to a log record.

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