view on -- Dec 19th 2018
Eastern time: China’s rise
When scholars of international relations predict that the 2000s will be a “Chinese century”, they are not being premature.
Although America remains the lone superpower, China is responsible for a remarkable share of global change.
- lone adj. 单独的;独自的;
- be responsible for 为…负责;是造成…的原因
Since the start of the financial crisis in 2008, for example, China has accounted for 45% of the gain in world GDP.
- financial crisis 金融危机
- account for 解释;占;说明…的原因
In 1990 some 750m Chinese people lived in extreme poverty; today fewer than 10m do.
Its GDP per person (in purchasing-power terms) has risen tenfold since 1990.
- tenfold 十倍的
China’s record has exerted a “gravitational pull” on the world’s economic output.
- gravitational pull 引力作用
- exert 发挥;尽;尽力
The Economist has calculated a geographic centre of the global economy by taking an average of each country’s latitude and longitude, weighted by its GDP.
- latitude 纬度
- longitude 经度
- weight 权重
At the height of America’s dominance, this point sat in the north Atlantic.
- dominance 优势;控制;权势;
- At the height of 在……顶点;在......的高峰;在…最鼎盛时期
But China has tugged it so far east that the global centre of economic gravity is now in Siberia.
- tug 拽;(朝某一方向用力)拉
- economic gravity 经济引力
- Siberia 西伯利亚