懒惰像生锈一样消磨时光。 步伐折射出你的内在的习惯的生活方式。时不待我,按照自己的节奏处理问题时,彰显出足够的镇静与自信。然而面对众人演讲时你的心狂跳不已。让人联想到熟能生巧之说。 The pace is reflecting your habitual lifestyle which reveals your inner heart.Time and tide waits for no one.When you cope with the issues according to your own rhythm,you behave calmly and confidently.While you speak in public you can’t hold your breath and your heart is beating wildly.Hence I fancy that practice makes perfect .
心态平和尤为重要,但是偶尔会失控。尤记得我在同事面前演讲,手和声音都在发抖。有一次看演唱会,注意到一位年轻的女歌手的动作不像他人一样自如,略显僵硬。 勤奋影响了我们的行为和成效。智商差异不大。然而结果却大相径庭。最强的对手不是别人而是自己。懒惰如生锈一样消磨着我们的时间。大部分的悠闲时间花费在看电视追星上,这些浅薄的行动虚掷了光阴。 The peaceful inner heart is especially significant but occasionally you can’t control it unconsciously. I reminded the speeches I made in front of our staffs when my hands shivered as well as my voice.When I appreciated the program the singers participated I noticed the younger woman performed slightly nervously whose postures were not so naturally as the others . Diligence plays a vital part in our behavior which determines our efficiency. The intelligence quality among us individuals possibly differs a bit.Whereas the results distinguish greatly. The strongest rivals are not others but ourselves.Sloth like rust consumes your time.The majority of your spare time is devoted to watching TV soap plays pursuing the superstars. The shallow activities wears away purely our precious moments. 我们通过阅读提升理念和探索未知世界的能力。知识的海洋无穷无尽。当我们置身于某事时,要抵制外界的诱惑。 记得两年前开始画画,初次领略绘画的基础知识。拜师于一位从事画画多年的老师为师。最初勾简单的线条,即瓷器上的各种图案。那时的线条僵硬不直。岁月匆匆,线条愈发流畅。随后一发不可收拾逐渐画了富贵吉祥的牡丹,出污泥而不染的荷花,清雅脱俗的竹子也是绘画的必选。轮廓的勾勒和色彩的搭配缺一不可。上色的均匀和层次感凸显了立体感。一直以来画鱼是我的夙愿, 当鱼的画从画板上裁剪下来的瞬间,满足感爆棚。喜悦如同一个农民收获了硕果累累的果实。秋天正是一个收获的季节。 If we read we can enrich our thoughts and enhance our ability to explore our unknown world. The unlimited knowledge is summoning us which resembles a vast ocean. The potential is endless only if we explore devotedly.When we determine to do something, we reject the temptation of the outward impact.When I began to paint two years ago,I laid the basic foundation of the painting .I with a few other people who are attracted by the attraction of the paintings were taught by the painter who had taken up painting at for decades .Originally we began to paint the simple lines which occurred on the surface of the chinas like varieties of circles feeling the hand was out of control at first. The lines were not straight and rough.As time went,the lines were smooth and I had the pleasure to set off to draw the flowers of the peonies which mean richness and good fortune. The following was lotus to represent the quality of its peculiar nature.Another style was the bamboo reflecting elegance and noble atmosphere. The shape was outlined and then was painted colorfully repeatedly to strengthen the layers of the blooming flowers and the the relationship between the leaves and the petals.If you paint unequally the colors become unrealistically and display the unbelievable imperfections.Numerous attempts caused the birth of marvelous works. I have been long for the creation of the fish which is realized eventually.Occasionally I still sense it is like a good fortune and presently I am contributing to the third fish’s painting. The instant the picture was cut from the board the satisfaction filled my soul. I recognized the pleasure which was like a farmer who harvested the sufficient crops.What you sow is your harvest.Autumn is the season which produces plentiful results only if you input your efforts.
秋风瑟瑟,叶子舞动。温度骤降,消除了闷热潮湿。叶子泛黄,坠落于坚实的大地的怀抱。伴随着深秋壮美的秋天即将呈现。 行动胜于言语。让我们着手行动,而非空想。我们不能改变的是环境,可以改变的是自己。适者生存。尽快融入新的氛围。前方障碍重重,你可以搬开或绕道而行。你给团队带来的利益和优势。协调性胜于个性的发展。 The wind is waving and the leaves are dancing to the rhythms of the breeze.The temprature suddenly falls removing the wetness and hotness.Some of the leaves turn yellow and fly dropping onto the hug of the tough ground.Accompanied by the deep autumn the splendid view of season is bound to present in front of us.Action says louder than words so behave immediately to achieve your ideal idea instead of empty imagination and waste of time. It is impossible to change the surrounding environment but we enable to adjust ourselves to the contemporary situation.As you meet the newly strange atmosphere you revise your manner to dissolve the changeable tune to embrace the new community. The obstacles are blocking your road to advance to which you remove or walk past. The benefits and advantages that accompany your actions are the evidence you create for your team.It is unnecessary to complain your efforts are neglected by others. The coordination is superior to individual development.