
January 23


Self-knowledge is a process


So, to understand the innumerable problems that eachone of us has, is it not essential that there be self-knowledge? And that isone of the most difficult things, self-awareness— which does not mean anisolation, a withdrawal. Obviously, to know oneself is essential; but to knowoneself does not imply a withdrawal from relationship. And it would be amistake, surely, to think that one can know oneself significantly, completely,fully, through isolation, through exclusion, or by going to some psychologist,or to some priest; or that one can learn self-knowledge through a book.Self-knowledge is obviously a process, not an end in itself; and to knowoneself, one must be aware of oneself in action, which is relationship. Youdiscover yourself, not in isolation, not in withdrawal, but in relationship—inrelationship to society, to your wife, your husband, your brother, to man; butto discover how you react, what your responses are, requires an extraordinaryalertness of mind, a keenness of perception.


January 24


The untethered mind


The transformation ofthe world is brought about by the transformation of oneself, because the selfis the product and a part of the total process of human existence. To transformoneself, self-knowledge is essential; without knowing what you are, there is nobasis for right thought, and without knowing yourself there cannot betransformation. One must know oneself as one is, not as one wishes to be, whichis merely an ideal and therefore fictitious, unreal; it is only that which isthat can be transformed, not that which you wish to be. To know oneself as oneis requires an extraordinary alertness of mind, because what is is constantlyundergoing transformation, change; and to follow it swiftly the mind must notbe tethered to any particular dogma or belief, to any particular pattern ofaction. If you would follow anything, it is no good being tethered. To knowyourself, there must be the awareness, the alertness of mind in which there isfreedom from all beliefs, from all idealization, because beliefs and idealsonly give you a color, perverting true perception. If you want to know what youare, you cannot imagine or have belief in something which you are not. If I amgreedy, envious, violent, merely having an ideal of nonviolence, of non-greed,is of little value....The understanding of what you are, whatever it be—ugly orbeautiful, wicked or mischievous—the understanding of what you are, withoutdistortion, is the beginning of virtue. Virtue is essential, for it givesfreedom.

世界的转变是由一个人自身的转变所带来的,因为自我是人类存在整个过程的产物和其中的一部分。要改变一个人自己,自我了解是必要的;不知道你是什么,就不存在正确思想的基础,不了解你自己,转变就不会发生。一个人必须如实——而不是按照一个人希望的样子,那只是一种理想,因而是虚构的、不真实的——了解自己。能够被转变的只有“实际是什么”,而不是“你希望是什么”。要如实了解自己需要一种极其警觉的心智,因为“实际是什么”一直在进行转化,要敏捷地跟踪其变化,心智必须不被栓到任何特别的信条、信仰或任何特别的行动模式上。如果你想要追踪任何东西,被栓着没有什么好处。要了解你自己,必须存在从所有信仰、所有理想化中解脱出来的自由,因为信仰和理想只是给你某种色彩,扭曲真正的感知。如果你想知道你是什么,你不能够想象或信仰某种你不是的东西。如果我贪婪、嫉妒、暴力,那么仅仅拥有非暴力、非贪婪的理想,没有什么价值… …对“你是什么”——无论是什么,丑还是美,不道德还是令人讨厌——的没有扭曲的理解,是美德的开始。美德是必要的,因为它提供自由。

January 25




Withoutself-knowledge, experience breeds illusion; with self-knowledge, experience,which is the response to challenge, does not leave a cumulative residue asmemory. Self-knowledge is the discovery from moment to moment of the ways ofthe self, its intentions and pursuit, its thoughts and appetites. There cannever be “your experience” and “my experience”; the very term “my experience”indicates ignorance and the acceptance of illusion.


January 26


Creativenessthrough self-knowledge


...There is nomethod for self-knowledge. Seeking a method invariably implies the desire toattain some result and that is what we all want. We follow authority—if notthat of a person, then of a system, of an ideology because we want a resultthat will be satisfactory, which will give us security. We really do not wantto understand ourselves, our impulses and reactions, the whole process of ourthinking, the conscious as well as the unconscious; we would rather pursue asystem which assures us of a result. But the pursuit of a system is invariablythe outcome of our desire for security, for certainty, and the result isobviously not the understanding of oneself. When we follow a method, we musthave authorities—the teacher, the guru, the savior, the Master—who willguarantee us what we desire; and surely that is not the way to self-knowledge.


Authorityprevents the understanding of oneself, does it not? Under the shelter of anauthority, a guide, you may have temporarily a sense of security, a sense ofwellbeing, but that is not the understanding of the total process of oneself.Authority in its very nature prevents the full awareness of oneself andtherefore ultimately destroys freedom; in freedom alone can there becreativeness. There can be creativeness only through self-knowledge.


January 27


Quiet mind, simple mind


When we are aware of ourselves, is not the wholemovement of living a way of uncovering the “me,” the ego, the self? The self isa very complex process which can be uncovered only in relationship, in our dailyactivities, in the way we talk, the way we judge, calculate, the way we condemnothers and ourselves. All that reveals the conditioned state of our ownthinking, and is it not important to be aware of this whole process? It is onlythrough awareness of what is true from moment to moment that there is discoveryof the timeless, the eternal. Without self-knowledge, the eternal cannot be.When we do not know ourselves, the eternal becomes a mere word, a symbol, aspeculation, a dogma, a belief, an illusion to which the mind can escape.


But if one begins to understand the “me” in all itsvarious activities from day to day, then in that very understanding, withoutany effort, the nameless, the timeless comes into being. But the timeless isnot a reward for self-knowledge. That which is eternal cannot be sought after;the mind cannot acquire it. It comes into being when the mind is quiet, and themind can be quiet only when it is simple, when it is no longer storing up,condemning, judging, weighing. It is only the simple mind that can understandthe real, not the mind that is full of words, knowledge, information. The mindthat analyzes, calculates, is not a simple mind.


January 28




Without knowing yourself, do what you will, therecannot possibly be the state of meditation. I mean by “self-knowing,” knowingevery thought, every mood, every word, every feeling; knowing the activity ofyour mind—not knowing the Supreme Self, the big Self; there is no such thing;the Higher Self, the Atman, is still within the field of thought. Thought isthe result of your conditioning, thought is the response of your memory—ancestral or immediate. And merely to try to meditate without firstestablishing deeply, irrevocably, that virtue which comes about throughself-knowing, is utterly deceptive and absolutely useless.


Please, it isvery important for those who are serious, to understand this. Because if youcannot do that, your meditation and actual living are divorced, are apart—sowide apart that though you may meditate, taking postures indefinitely, for therest of your life, you will not see beyond your nose; any posture you take,anything that you do, will have no meaning whatsoever.


...It isimportant to understand what this self-knowing is, just to be aware, withoutany choice, of the “me” which has its source in a bundle of memories—just to beconscious of it without interpretation, merely to observe the movement of themind. But that observation is prevented when you are merely accumulatingthrough observation—what to do, what not to do, what to achieve, what not toachieve; if you do that, you put an end to the living process of the movementof the mind as the self. That is, I have to observe and see the fact, theactual, the what is. If I approach it with an idea, with an opinion — such as“I must not,” or “I must,” which are the responses of memory—then the movementof what is is hindered, is blocked; and therefore, there is no learning.


January 29


Creative emptiness


Can you not just listen to this as the soil receivesthe seed and see if the mind is capable of being free, empty? It can be emptyonly by understanding all its own projections, its own activities, not off andon, but from day to day, from moment to moment. Then you will find the answer,then you will see that the change comes without your asking, that the state ofcreative emptiness is not a thing to be cultivated—it is there, it comesdarkly, without any invitation, and only in that state is there a possibilityof renewal, newness, revolution.


January 30




Right thinkingcomes with self-knowledge. Without understanding yourself, you have no basisfor thought; without self-knowledge what you think is not true.


You and the worldare not two different entities with separate problems; you and the world areone. Your problem is the world’s problem. You may be the result of certaintendencies, of environmental influences, but you are not differentfundamentally from another. Inwardly we are very much alike; we are all drivenby greed, ill will, fear, ambition, and so on. Our beliefs, hopes, aspirationshave a common basis. We are one; we are one humanity, though the artificialfrontiers of economics and politics and prejudice divide us. If you killanother, you are destroying yourself. You are the center of the whole, and withoutunderstanding yourself you cannot understand reality.


We have anintellectual knowledge of this unity but we keep knowledge and feeling indifferent compartments and hence we never experience the extraordinary unity ofman.


January 31


Relationship is amirror


Self-knowledge isnot according to any formula. You may go to a psychologist or a psychoanalystto find out about yourself, but that is not self-knowledge. Self-knowledge,comes into being when we are aware, of ourselves in relationship, which showswhat we are from moment to moment. Relationship is a mirror in which to seeourselves as we actually are.


But most of usare incapable of looking at ourselves as we are in relationship, because weimmediately begin to condemn or justify what we see. We judge, we evaluate, wecompare, we deny or accept, but we never observe actually what is, and for mostpeople this seems to be the most difficult thing to do; yet this alone is thebeginning of self-knowledge. If one is able to see oneself as one is in thisextraordinary mirror of relationship which does not distort, if one can justlook into this mirror with full attention and see actually what is, be aware ofit without condemnation, without judgment, without evaluation—and one does thiswhen there is earnest interest—then one will find that the mind is capable offreeing itself from all conditioning; and it is only then that the mind is freeto discover that which lies beyond the field of thought.


After all,however learned or however petty the mind may be, it is consciously orunconsciously limited, conditioned, and any extension of this conditioning isstill within the field of thought. So freedom is something entirely different.


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