尽管没有穿过毛呢大衣,我还是对她钟情不已。Although I didn't wear a woolen coat, I still fell in love with her.
没有穿过是因为我觉得矮个子不能穿大衣这类长款的衣服。I haven't worn it because I don't think short people can wear long clothes like coats.
后来通过学习穿搭才知道长款不是压个子的原因。Later, I learned by learning to wear it that long styles are not the reason for pressing people.不会选衣服,不会穿搭才是压个子的原因。Not being able to choose clothes and not being able to wear them are the reasons for being short.
于是,我就开始大肆地挑选我喜欢的大衣。So, I began to choose my favorite coat.
挑选喜欢的衣服真是一种享受。It's really a pleasure to choose your favorite clothes.
我愿持续这种享受。I would like to continue this enjoyment.