西方列强利用中国在 1894年甲1战争失败后的 局面,纷纷在中国强租港湾、 划分势力范围,使中国处于 被列强瓜分的状态。列强不 仅对中国经济掠夺,在政治 上也深度干预,这使慈德太 后'难以按照自己的意愿进行 废帝改立°列强的欺凌引来 了民众日趋激烈的反抗,令 统治者“剿抚两难”
Western powers took advantage of China’s defeat in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, going so far as to carve China up by forcing it to lease its territories and occupying zones of influence. Economic exploitation and political intervention by these powers made it impossible for Empress Dowager Cixi to enthrone a new emperor as she wished. Meanwhile, the ordinary people were bullied so badly by the Western powers that they rose up to fight, putting the rulers into a dilemma in which they needed to choose between “suppressing” and “compromising”.
义和团 ' 的蔓延,让生 活在中国的西方人感到了威 胁。1900年5月,西方列强 的海军在天津附近的大沽口 举行军事演习,向中国政府 施加压力。6月在北京,则爆 发了义和团与外国使馆之间 的武装冲突。6月17日,外 国海军攻占大沽口炮台。义 和团与清军尽管进行了英勇 的抵抗,却无力打败拥有现 代化武器的列强军队,8月 15 日,由英、法、德、美、日、 俄、奥、意等八国联合派遣 的远征军'攻入北京,慈禧太 后挟光绪皇帝仓皇出逃:
As the Boxer Rebellion gained ground, Western expatriates in China felt threatened. In May 1900, Western powers flexed their military muscles, launching a naval exercise off Dagu Port near Tianjin, which was followed by an armed conflict between the Boxers and foreign diplomatic missions in June in Beijing. On June 17, foreign navies captured the Dagu Forts. Despite fierce fighting, the Boxers and government troops were unable to defeat the Western forces equipped with modern weapons. The allied expeditionary force of Britain, France, Germany, the United States, Japan, Russia, Austria-Hungary and Italy swept into Beijing on August 15, 1900, and Cixi and Emperor Guangxu fled in panic.
台湾'自古即属于中国。 大量的史书和文献记载了中 国人民早期开发台湾的情景 距今1700多年以前, 时吴人沈莹的《临海水土志》 等对此就有所著述,它们是 世界上记述台湾最早的文字。
Taiwan has belonged to China since ancient times. Many historical annals and records documented the development of Taiwan by the Chinese people in earlier periods. References can be found, among others, in Seaboard Geographic Gazetteer compiled more than 1700 years ago by Shen Ying of the State of Wu during the period of the Three Kingdoms. This was the world’s earliest written account of Taiwan.
公元三世纪和七世纪, 三国孙吴政权和隋朝政府都 曾先后派万余人去台「进入 17世纪之后,中国人民在台 湾的开拓规模越来越大° 17 世纪末,大陆赴台开拓者超 过10万人,至公元1893年(清 光渚19年)时,总数达到 50.7万余户,254万余人,是 200年前的25倍。
Several expeditions, each numbering over 10,000 people, were sent to Taiwan by the State of Wu in the third century A.D. and the Sui Dynasty in the seventh century A.D. respectively. In the early 17th century, the Chinese people stepped up the development of Taiwan. The number of pioneers from the mainland topped 100,000 at the end of century. By 1893 ( the 19th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty), their population exceeded 2.54 million people in more than 507,000 households. That was a 24-fold increase in 200 years.
他们箪路蓝缕,披荆斩 棘,大大加速了台湾整体开 发的进程’这一史实说明, 台湾和中国其他省区一样, 同为中国各族人民所开拓所 定居台湾社会的发展始终 延续着中华文化的传统, 使在日本侵占的50年间, 一情况也没有改变。
Thanks to the determined efforts and hard toil of the pioneers, the development of the island as a whole greatly accelerated. This historical how Taiwan, like the other parts of China, came to be opened up and settled by the Chinese people of various ethnic groups. Since the very beginning, Taiwan society has developed in keeping with Chinese cultural traditions. This did not change even during the half a century of Japanese occupation.