OCLint的部分规则(Size 部分)


1、high cyclomatic complexity

Cyclomatic complexity is determined by the number of linearly independent paths through a program’s source code. In other words, cyclomatic complexity of a method is measured by the number of decision points, like if, while, and for statements, plus one for the method entry.
简单解释:圈复杂度过高。统计一个函数有多少个分支(if, while,for,等等),没有的话复杂度为一,每增加一个分支复杂度加一。简单计算的话V(G)=e-n+2。其中,e表示控制流图中边的数量,n表示控制流图中节点的数量,或者V(G)=区域数=判定节点数+1。当然可以数一数。

 void example(int a, int b, int c) { // 1
        if (a == b) {                   // 2
            if (b == c) {               // 3 
            } else if (a == c){          // 3
            else {
        for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)  {  // 4
        switch(c)  {
            case 1:                   // 5
            case 2:                   // 6
            default:                  // 7

CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY The cyclomatic complexity reporting threshold, default value is 10. Suppress:
__attribute__((annotate("oclint:suppress[high cyclomatic complexity]")))
McCabe (December 1976). “A Complexity Measure”. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering: 308–320

2、long class

Since:0.6 定义类传送门~点击

Long class generally indicates that this class tries to do many things. Each class should do one thing and that one thing well.

class Foo {
        void bar() {
            // 1001 lines of code

LONG_CLASS The class size reporting threshold, default value is 1000.

3、 long line

When the number of characters for one line of code is very high, it largely harms the readability. Break long lines of code into multiple lines.

void example()
        int a012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789;

LONG_LINE The long line reporting threshold, default value is 100.

4、long method

Long method generally indicates that this method tries to do many things. Each method should do one thing and that one thing well.

void example() {
        cout << "hello world";
        cout << "hello world";
        // repeat 48 times

LONG_METHOD The long method reporting threshold, default value is 50.

5、 high ncss method

This rule counts number of lines for a method by counting Non Commenting Source Statements (NCSS). NCSS only takes actual statements into consideration, in other words, ignores empty statements, empty blocks, closing brackets or semicolons after closing brackets. Meanwhile, a statement that is broken into multiple lines contribute only one count.

void example()          // 1
        if (1)              // 2
        }  else                // 3

6、deep nested block

This rule indicates blocks nested more deeply than the upper limit.

if (1) {               // 1
        {           // 2
            {       // 3

7、high npath complexity

NPath complexity is determined by the number of execution paths through that method. Compared to cyclomatic complexity, NPath complexity has two outstanding characteristics: first, it distinguishes between different kinds of control flow structures; second, it takes the various type of acyclic paths in a flow graph into consideration.
Based on studies done by the original author in AT&T Bell Lab, an NPath threshold value of 200 has been established for a method.

void example() {
        // complicated code that is hard to understand

NPATH_COMPLEXITY The NPath complexity reporting threshold, default value is 200.
__attribute__((annotate("oclint:suppress[high npath complexity]")))
Brian A. Nejmeh (1988). “NPATH: a measure of execution path complexity and its applications”. Communications of the ACM 31 (2) p. 188-200

8、too many fields

A class with too many fields indicates it does too many things and lacks proper abstraction. It can be redesigned to have fewer fields.

 class c {
        int a, b;
        int c;
        // ...
        int l;
        int m, n;
        // ...
        int x, y, z;
        void m() {}

9、too many methods

A class with too many methods indicates it does too many things and is hard to read and understand. It usually contains complicated code, and should be refactored.

class c {
        int a();
        int b();
        int c();
        // ...
        int l();
        int m();
        int n();
        // ...
        int x();
        int y();
        int z();
        int aa();
        int ab();
        int ac();
        int ad();
        int ae();

10、too many parameters

Methods with too many parameters are hard to understand and maintain, and are thirsty for refactorings, like Replace Parameter With method, Introduce Parameter Object, or Preserve Whole Object.
简单解释: 一个方法中参数过多。

 void example(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f,
        int g, int h, int i, int j, int k, int l) {

TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS The reporting threshold for too many parameters, default value is 10.
Fowler, Martin (1999). Refactoring: Improving the design of existing code. Addison Wesley.


BitWiseOperationInConditional (在条件语句中查找按位操作的条件、虽然这些操作都很“聪明”,但太聪明的语法很难理解 like:if (a | b))
BrokenNilCheck (nil检查 在某些情况会返回相反的结果 like:if (!obj1))
BrokenNullCheck (null检查会导致程序crash like:if (a == NULL)
BrokenOddnessCheck (x % 2 == 1 对于负数不起作用、使用 x & 1 == 1 or x % 2 != 0 代替)

 if (x)              // these two if statements can be
        if (y)          // combined to if (x && y)

ConstantConditionalOperator(是否条件永远true或者永远false like:int a = 1== 1 ? 1:0)
ConstantIfExpression(条件恒true like:if(true))
DeadCode (永远不会执行的代码 like:if(a = 1) return 1; return 2;//deadcode)
DoubleNegative(双重否定 like:if(!!a))
ForLoopShouldBeWhileLoop (在应该使用while的时候是用来for)
GotoStatement (使用goto 语句 like:goto a)
JumbledIncrementer 乱七八糟的增量 like:

for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < a; i++) { // references both 'i' and 'j'

MisplacedNilCheck (nil 检查被放错了地方、在OC中、向一个nil对象发送消息、什么也不会发生、但是代码读起来会很让人费解 like:if ([obj1 isEqualTo:obj2] && obj1))
MisplacedNullCheck (null check被放错了地方、在C 和C++中、想一个null 指针发送消息会导致crash like:if (a->bar(b) && a != NULL))
MultipleUnaryOperator (多重一元操作很难理解 like:int b = -(+(!(~1)));)
ReturnFromFinallyBlock(在finallyBlock 中return 是不推荐的)

    @catch(id ex)
        return;         // this can discard exceptions.


@try {;}
    @catch(id ex) {;}
    @finally {
        id ex1;
        @throw ex1;                              // this throws an exception
        NSException *ex2 = [NSException new];
        [ex2 raise];                             // this throws an exception, too


ObjCVerifyIsEqualHash(重写isEqual 一定要重写 hash)
ObjCVerifyIsEqualHash(必须call super的情况 比如 layoutSubViews)

@interface A : NSObject
- (void)foo __attribute__((annotate("oclint:enforce[protected method]")));

@interface B : NSObject
@property (strong, nonatomic) A* a;

@implementation B
- (void)bar {
    [self.a foo]; // calling protected method foo from outside A and its subclasses

ObjCVerifySubclassMustImplement (子类必须实现的方法)

@interface Parent

- (void)anAbstractMethod __attribute__((annotate("oclint:enforce[subclass must implement]")));


@interface Child : Parent

@implementation Child

// Child, as a subclass of Parent, must implement anAbstractMethod
- (void)anAbstractMethod {}



AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoop (在一个循环的最后语句中使用break非常让人疑惑)

 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        if (foo(i))
        break;      // this break is confusing

CoveredSwitchStatementsDontNeedDefault (switch中如果case覆盖了所有的情况、那么defaul 是不需要的)

typedef enum {
    value1 = 0,
    value2 = 1
} eValues;

void aMethod(eValues a)
        case value1:
        case value2:
        default:          // this break is obsolete because all
            break;        // values of variable a are already covered.


void example(int a)
    switch (a) {
        case 1:
        default:  // the default case should be last
        case 2:


class Base { // class Base should have a virtual destructor ~Base()
    public: virtual void f();
class Child : public Base {
    public: ~Child();  // destructor ~Child() should be virtual


if (a != 0)             // if (a == 0)
    {                       // {
        i = 1;              //      i = 0;
    }                       // }
    else                    // else
    {                       // {
        i = 0;              //      i = 1;
    }                       // }

    return !i ? -1 : 1;     // return i ? 1 : -1;

MissingBreakInSwitchStatement (switch中缺少break)
NonCaseLabelInSwitchStatement (switch中缺少case)
ObjCAssignIvarOutsideAccessors (禁止在setter、getter、和init之外定义变量)

@interface Foo : NSObject
    int _bar;
@property (assign, nonatomic) int bar;
@implementation Foo
@synthesize bar = _bar;
- (void)doSomething {
    _bar = 3; // access _bar outside its getter, setter or init

ParameterReassignment(参数再赋值在大部分情况下是有问题的 like:if (a < 0){a = 0; // reassign parameter a to 0})
PreferEarlyExit (不期望的结果先判断)

int *doSomething(int a) {
  if (!foo(a) && bar(a) && doOtherThing(a)) {
    // ... some really long code ....

  return 0;

// is preferred as

int *doSomething(int a) {
  if (foo(a)) {
    return 0;

  if (!bar(a)) {
    return 0;

  if (!doOtherThing(a)) {
    return 0;

  // ... some long code ....



EmpthCatchStatement (一个exception 被catch、但是什么也没做)

        int* m= new int[1000];
    catch(...)                  // empty catch statement, this swallows an exception


    {                           // empty do-while statement
    } while(1);


if (1)
        return a + 1;
    else                // empty else statement, can be safely removed


Foo *foo;
        [foo bar];
    @catch(NSException *e)
        NSLog(@"Exception occurred: %@", [e description]);
    @finally            // empty finally statement, probably forget to clean up?


for (;;)                // empty for statement

    for (id it in array)    // empty for-each statement


if (a == 1)                  // empty if statement


switch (i)              // empty switch statement



ObjCBoxedExpressions(可以使用简单的写法、 就尽量不要太繁琐)

void aMethod()
    NSNumber *fortyTwo = [NSNumber numberWithInt:(43 - 1)];
    // NSNumber *fortyTwo = @(43 - 1);

    NSString *env = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:getenv("PATH")];
    // NSString *env = @(getenv("PATH"));


void aMethod()
    NSArray *a = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@1, @2, @3, nil];
    // NSArray *a = @[ @1, @2, @3 ];

    NSDictionary *d = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:@[@2,@4] forKeys:@[@1,@3]];
    // NSDictionary *d = @{ @1 : @2, @3 : @4 };


void aMethod()
    NSNumber *fortyTwo = [NSNumber numberWithInt:42];
    // NSNumber *fortyTwo = @42;

    NSNumber *yesBool = [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES];
    // NSNumber *yesBool = @YES;


void aMethod(NSArray *a, NSDictionary *d)
    id item = [a objectAtIndex:0];
    // id item = a[0];

    id item = [d objectForKey:@1];
    // id item = d[@1];


LongVariableName (太长的变量名称)
LongVariableName (过短的变量名称)



void example(int a, int b, int c)
    bool b1 = a > b ? true : false;     // true/false: bool b1 = a > b;
    bool b2 = a > b ? false : true;     // false/true: bool b2 = !(a > b);
    int i1 = a > b ? 1 : 1;             // same constant: int i1 = 1;
    float f1 = a > b ? 1.0 : 1.00;      // equally constant: float f1 = 1.0;
    int i2 = a > b ? c : c;             // same variable: int i2 = c;


bool example(int a, int b)
    if (a == b)             // this if statement is redundant
        return true;
        return false;
    }                       // the entire method can be simplified to return a == b;


int example(int a)
    int b = a * 2;
    return b;   // variable b is returned immediately after its declaration,
}               // can be simplified to return a * 2;


+ (void)compare:(A *)obj1 withOther:(A *)obj2
    if (obj1 && [obj1 isEqualTo:obj2]) // if ([obj1 isEqualTo:obj2]) is okay


bool example(int a)
    if (a == 1)                 // if (a == 1)
    {                           // {
        cout << "a is 1.";      //     cout << "a is 1.";
        return true;            //     return true;
    }                           // }
    else                        //
    {                           //
        cout << "a is not 1."   // cout << "a is not 1."
    }                           //


void m(char* c) {
    if (c != nullptr) { // and be simplified to delete c;
        delete c;


int example(int a)
    int y = (a + 1);    // int y = a + 1;
    if ((y > 0))        // if (y > 0)
        return a;
    return (0);         // return 0;


LongLine (每行过长)
LongMethod (方法过长)
NcssMethodCount(Ncss:Non Commenting Source Statements 没有说明的代码的数量 方法数量)
NestedBlockDepth (层次过大)
NPathComplexity (NPath 复杂度)
TooManyFields (太多的域)

class c
    int a, b;
    int c;
    // ...
    int l;
    int m, n;
    // ...
    int x, y, z;

    void m() {}


class c
    int a();
    int b();
    int c();
    // ...
    int l();
    int m();
    int n();
    // ...
    int x();
    int y();
    int z();
    int aa();
    int ab();
    int ac();
    int ad();
    int ae();


void example(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f,
    int g, int h, int i, int j, int k, int l)
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