Raptor Engine Testing | 暴龙引擎测试
The next key element is on the engine side. We have to have an extremely efficient engine. The Raptor engine will be the highest thrust-to-weight engine, we believe, of any engine of any kind ever made. We already have 1200 seconds firing across 42 main engine tests. We have fired Raptor for as long as 100 seconds. It could fire much longer than 100 seconds. This is just a reflection of the size of the test tanks. The duration of the firing for landing on Mars is about 40 seconds. The test engine currently operates at 200 atmospheres, or 200 bar, the flight engine will be at 250 bar, and then we believe over time we could get that to a little over 300 bar.
另一个重要的组成部分是引擎。我们必须拥有一枚极其高效的引擎。目前已知的各类引擎中,暴龙引擎推重比(thrust-to-weight ratio)最高。我们已经在42项主流引擎测试中进行了1200秒的喷火测试。我们可以让暴龙引擎一次喷火100秒。当然他完全可以喷更长时间。这只是所测试的引擎燃料箱大小的一个反映。在火星上着陆的喷火时长大约是40秒。测试引擎目前的运行压力是200个大气压,也就是200毫米汞柱。而飞船引擎实际压力将达到250毫米汞柱。我们相信未来(over time)我们会把这个压力提升到300毫米汞柱。