牛年是year of ox. 金牛座是Taurus. Ox的复数是oxen.指castrated(阉割)后的牛,奶牛是cow,公牛是bull,小牛是calf,家养的牛是cattle.常见的习语如:
a bull in a china shop :经常闯祸的人,笨手笨脚的人。
take the bull by the horns不畏艰险。
like a red rag to a bull使愤怒。
till the cows come home永远地,无限期地。
kill the fatted calf热情款待,设宴欢迎
You’ve probably heard of the 12 Chinese zodiac animal signs—rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig—which repeat on a 12-year cycle. But did you know there’s a corresponding element that can give us even more information about the year and ourselves?