detach vt.分开,分遣军队 detach oneself from reality超脱现实
inertia n.不活动,惰性,惯性 move by inertia
dome n.圆屋顶 dome of the sky 苍穹
concession n.让步,承认 make a concession to me
specimen n.标本,样本 collect blood specimen
legitimate a.合法的,v.使合法 a legitimate heir to the emperor
compartment n.卧车包房,隔间 smoking compartment吸烟车厢
notable a.著名的,显著的 play a notable role
bleak a.凄凉的,荒凉的 a bleak winter
hoist v.举起,吊起 hoist the cargo with a crane
fixture n.设备,比赛日期 light fixtures照明设备
coverage n.范围,总额,保险金,新围报道 insurance coverage 保险责任范围
terrace n.阳台,平台,露台 step to the pool terrace