eos源码解析(二): bancor算法

最开始,,,我新建了一条链,对,是一条新链。然后在完整的64G内存上购买了10000k 内存。下面的命令是新建一个账户并购买10000k的内存。

cleos system newaccount eosio --transfer accountnum11 EOS8mUftJXepGzdQ2TaCduNuSPAfXJHf22uex4u41ab1EVv9EAhWt --stake-net "100000.0000 SYS" --stake-cpu "100000.0000 SYS" --buy-ram-kbytes 10000


//payer:eosio receiver:accountnum11 bytes:10000
   void system_contract::buyrambytes( account_name payer, account_name receiver, uint32_t bytes ) {
      auto itr = _rammarket.find(S(4,RAMCORE));
      auto tmp = *itr;
      auto eosout = tmp.convert( asset(bytes,S(0,RAM)), CORE_SYMBOL );

      buyram( payer, receiver, eosout );


namespace eosiosystem {
   asset exchange_state::convert_to_exchange( connector& c, asset in ) {

      real_type R(supply.amount);
      real_type C(c.balance.amount+in.amount);
      real_type F(c.weight/1000.0);
      real_type T(in.amount);
      real_type ONE(1.0);
       print("\nconvert_to_exchange \n");
       print( "supply.amount ", supply.amount , "\n" );
       print( "c.balance.amount ", c.balance.amount, "\n" );
       print( "c.weight: ", c.weight, "\n" );
       print( "in.amount: ", in.amount, "\n\n" );

      real_type E = -R * (ONE - std::pow( ONE + T / C, F) );
      print( "E: ", E, "\n");
      int64_t issued = int64_t(E);

      supply.amount += issued;
      c.balance.amount += in.amount;

      return asset( issued, supply.symbol );

   asset exchange_state::convert_from_exchange( connector& c, asset in ) {
      eosio_assert( in.symbol== supply.symbol, "unexpected asset symbol input" );

      real_type R(supply.amount - in.amount);
      real_type C(c.balance.amount);
      real_type F(1000.0/c.weight);
      real_type E(in.amount);
      real_type ONE(1.0);

       print("\nconvert_from_exchange \n");
       print( "supply.amount ", supply.amount , "\n" );
       print( "c.balance.amount ", c.balance.amount, "\n" );
       print( "c.weight: ", c.weight, "\n" );
       print( "in.amount: ", in.amount, "\n\n" );

     // potentially more accurate: 
     // The functions std::expm1 and std::log1p are useful for financial calculations, for example, 
     // when calculating small daily interest rates: (1+x)n
     // -1 can be expressed as std::expm1(n * std::log1p(x)). 
     // real_type T = C * std::expm1( F * std::log1p(E/R) );
      real_type T = C * (std::pow( ONE + E/R, F) - ONE);
      print( "T: ", T, "\n");
      int64_t out = int64_t(T);

      supply.amount -= in.amount;
      c.balance.amount -= out;

      return asset( out, c.balance.symbol );

   asset exchange_state::convert( asset from, symbol_type to ) {
      auto sell_symbol  = from.symbol;
      auto ex_symbol    = supply.symbol;
      auto base_symbol  = base.balance.symbol;
      auto quote_symbol = quote.balance.symbol;

      print( "From: ", from, " TO ", asset( 0,to), "\n" );
      print( "base: ", base_symbol, "\n" );
      print("base_amount: ", base.balance.amount , "\n");
      print( "quote: ", quote_symbol, "\n" );
       print( "quote_amount: ", quote.balance.amount, "\n" );
      print( "ex: ", supply.symbol, "\n" );
       print( "ex_amuont: ", supply.amount, "\n" );

      if( sell_symbol != ex_symbol ) {
         if( sell_symbol == base_symbol ) {
            from = convert_to_exchange( base, from );
         } else if( sell_symbol == quote_symbol ) {
            from = convert_to_exchange( quote, from );
         } else { 
            eosio_assert( false, "invalid sell" );
      } else {
         if( to == base_symbol ) {
            from = convert_from_exchange( base, from ); 
         } else if( to == quote_symbol ) {
            from = convert_from_exchange( quote, from ); 
         } else {
            eosio_assert( false, "invalid conversion" );

      if( to != from.symbol )
         return convert( from, to );

      return from;
} /// namespace eosiosystem


  void system_contract::buyram( account_name payer, account_name receiver, asset quant )
      require_auth( payer );
      eosio_assert( quant.amount > 0, "must purchase a positive amount" );

      auto fee = quant;
      fee.amount = ( fee.amount + 199 ) / 200; /// .5% fee (round up)
      // fee.amount cannot be 0 since that is on近来ram经历了大涨大跌,ram的核心是bancor算法,网上有很多对bancor的介绍,这里就不谈了,eos少数派报告的星主Anima对此有深刻的分析。本文直接从源码解析eos的bancor算法。
最开始,,,我新建了一条链,对,是一条新链。然后在完整的64G内存上购买了10000k 内存。下面的命令是新建一个账户并购买10000k的内存。

cleos system newaccount eosio --transfer accountnum11 EOS8mUftJXepGzdQ2TaCduNuSPAfXJHf22uex4u41ab1EVv9EAhWt --stake-net "100000.0000 SYS" --stake-cpu "100000.0000 SYS" --buy-ram-kbytes 10000


//payer:eosio receiver:accountnum11 bytes:10000
   void system_contract::buyrambytes( account_name payer, account_name receiver, uint32_t bytes ) {
      auto itr = _rammarket.find(S(4,RAMCORE));
      auto tmp = *itr;
      auto eosout = tmp.convert( asset(bytes,S(0,RAM)), CORE_SYMBOL );

      buyram( payer, receiver, eosout );


namespace eosiosystem {
   asset exchange_state::convert_to_exchange( connector& c, asset in ) {

      real_type R(supply.amount);
      real_type C(c.balance.amount+in.amount);
      real_type F(c.weight/1000.0);
      real_type T(in.amount);
      real_type ONE(1.0);
       print("\nconvert_to_exchange \n");
       print( "supply.amount ", supply.amount , "\n" );
       print( "c.balance.amount ", c.balance.amount, "\n" );
       print( "c.weight: ", c.weight, "\n" );
       print( "in.amount: ", in.amount, "\n\n" );

      real_type E = -R * (ONE - std::pow( ONE + T / C, F) );
      print( "E: ", E, "\n");
      int64_t issued = int64_t(E);

      supply.amount += issued;
      c.balance.amount += in.amount;

      return asset( issued, supply.symbol );

   asset exchange_state::convert_from_exchange( connector& c, asset in ) {
      eosio_assert( in.symbol== supply.symbol, "unexpected asset symbol input" );

      real_type R(supply.amount - in.amount);
      real_type C(c.balance.amount);
      real_type F(1000.0/c.weight);
      real_type E(in.amount);
      real_type ONE(1.0);

       print("\nconvert_from_exchange \n");
       print( "supply.amount ", supply.amount , "\n" );
       print( "c.balance.amount ", c.balance.amount, "\n" );
       print( "c.weight: ", c.weight, "\n" );
       print( "in.amount: ", in.amount, "\n\n" );

     // potentially more accurate: 
     // The functions std::expm1 and std::log1p are useful for financial calculations, for example, 
     // when calculating small daily interest rates: (1+x)n
     // -1 can be expressed as std::expm1(n * std::log1p(x)). 
     // real_type T = C * std::expm1( F * std::log1p(E/R) );
      real_type T = C * (std::pow( ONE + E/R, F) - ONE);
      print( "T: ", T, "\n");
      int64_t out = int64_t(T);

      supply.amount -= in.amount;
      c.balance.amount -= out;

      return asset( out, c.balance.symbol );

   asset exchange_state::convert( asset from, symbol_type to ) {
      auto sell_symbol  = from.symbol;
      auto ex_symbol    = supply.symbol;
      auto base_symbol  = base.balance.symbol;
      auto quote_symbol = quote.balance.symbol;

      print( "From: ", from, " TO ", asset( 0,to), "\n" );
      print( "base: ", base_symbol, "\n" );
      print("base_amount: ", base.balance.amount , "\n");
      print( "quote: ", quote_symbol, "\n" );
       print( "quote_amount: ", quote.balance.amount, "\n" );
      print( "ex: ", supply.symbol, "\n" );
       print( "ex_amuont: ", supply.amount, "\n" );

      if( sell_symbol != ex_symbol ) {
         if( sell_symbol == base_symbol ) {
            from = convert_to_exchange( base, from );
         } else if( sell_symbol == quote_symbol ) {
            from = convert_to_exchange( quote, from );
         } else { 
            eosio_assert( false, "invalid sell" );
      } else {
         if( to == base_symbol ) {
            from = convert_from_exchange( base, from ); 
         } else if( to == quote_symbol ) {
            from = convert_from_exchange( quote, from ); 
         } else {
            eosio_assert( false, "invalid conversion" );

      if( to != from.symbol )
         return convert( from, to );

      return from;
} /// namespace eosiosystem


  void system_contract::buyram( account_name payer, account_name receiver, asset quant )
      require_auth( payer );
      eosio_assert( quant.amount > 0, "must purchase a positive amount" );

      auto fee = quant;
      fee.amount = ( fee.amount + 199 ) / 200; /// .5% fee (round up)
      // fee.amount cannot be 0 since that is only possible if quant.amount is 0 which is not allowed by the assert above.
      // If quant.amount == 1, then fee.amount == 1,
      // otherwise if quant.amount > 1, then 0 < fee.amount < quant.amount.
      auto quant_after_fee = quant;
      quant_after_fee.amount -= fee.amount;
      // quant_after_fee.amount should be > 0 if quant.amount > 1.
      // If quant.amount == 1, then quant_after_近来ram经历了大涨大跌,ram的核心是bancor算法,网上有很多对bancor的介绍,这里就不谈了,eos少数派报告的星主Anima对此有深刻的分析。本文直接从源码解析eos的bancor算法。
最开始,,,我新建了一条链,对,是一条新链。然后在完整的64G内存上购买了10000k 内存。下面的命令是新建一个账户并购买10000k的内存。

cleos system newaccount eosio --transfer accountnum11 EOS8mUftJXepGzdQ2TaCduNuSPAfXJHf22uex4u41ab1EVv9EAhWt --stake-net "100000.0000 SYS" --stake-cpu "100000.0000 SYS" --buy-ram-kbytes 10000


//payer:eosio receiver:accountnum11 bytes:10000
   void system_contract::buyrambytes( account_name payer, account_name receiver, uint32_t bytes ) {
      auto itr = _rammarket.find(S(4,RAMCORE));
      auto tmp = *itr;
      auto eosout = tmp.convert( asset(bytes,S(0,RAM)), CORE_SYMBOL );

      buyram( payer, receiver, eosout );


namespace eosiosystem {
   asset exchange_state::convert_to_exchange( connector& c, asset in ) {

      real_type R(supply.amount);
      real_type C(c.balance.amount+in.amount);
      real_type F(c.weight/1000.0);
      real_type T(in.amount);
      real_type ONE(1.0);
       print("\nconvert_to_exchange \n");
       print( "supply.amount ", supply.amount , "\n" );
       print( "c.balance.amount ", c.balance.amount, "\n" );
       print( "c.weight: ", c.weight, "\n" );
       print( "in.amount: ", in.amount, "\n\n" );

      real_type E = -R * (ONE - std::pow( ONE + T / C, F) );
      print( "E: ", E, "\n");
      int64_t issued = int64_t(E);

      supply.amount += issued;
      c.balance.amount += in.amount;

      return asset( issued, supply.symbol );

   asset exchange_state::convert_from_exchange( connector& c, asset in ) {
      eosio_assert( in.symbol== supply.symbol, "unexpected asset symbol input" );

      real_type R(supply.amount - in.amount);
      real_type C(c.balance.amount);
      real_type F(1000.0/c.weight);
      real_type E(in.amount);
      real_type ONE(1.0);

       print("\nconvert_from_exchange \n");
       print( "supply.amount ", supply.amount , "\n" );
       print( "c.balance.amount ", c.balance.amount, "\n" );
       print( "c.weight: ", c.weight, "\n" );
       print( "in.amount: ", in.amount, "\n\n" );

     // potentially more accurate: 
     // The functions std::expm1 and std::log1p are useful for financial calculations, for example, 
     // when calculating small daily interest rates: (1+x)n
     // -1 can be expressed as std::expm1(n * std::log1p(x)). 
     // real_type T = C * std::expm1( F * std::log1p(E/R) );
      real_type T = C * (std::pow( ONE + E/R, F) - ONE);
      print( "T: ", T, "\n");
      int64_t out = int64_t(T);

      supply.amount -= in.amount;
      c.balance.amount -= out;

      return asset( out, c.balance.symbol );

   asset exchange_state::convert( asset from, symbol_type to ) {
      auto sell_symbol  = from.symbol;
      auto ex_symbol    = supply.symbol;
      auto base_symbol  = base.balance.symbol;
      auto quote_symbol = quote.balance.symbol;

      print( "From: ", from, " TO ", asset( 0,to), "\n" );
      print( "base: ", base_symbol, "\n" );
      print("base_amount: ", base.balance.amount , "\n");
      print( "quote: ", quote_symbol, "\n" );
       print( "quote_amount: ", quote.balance.amount, "\n" );
      print( "ex: ", supply.symbol, "\n" );
       print( "ex_amuont: ", supply.amount, "\n" );

      if( sell_symbol != ex_symbol ) {
         if( sell_symbol == base_symbol ) {
            from = convert_to_exchange( base, from );
         } else if( sell_symbol == quote_symbol ) {
            from = convert_to_exchange( quote, from );
         } else { 
            eosio_assert( false, "invalid sell" );
      } else {
         if( to == base_symbol ) {
            from = convert_from_exchange( base, from ); 
         } else if( to == quote_symbol ) {
            from = convert_from_exchange( quote, from ); 
         } else {
            eosio_assert( false, "invalid conversion" );

      if( to != from.symbol )
         return convert( from, to );

      return from;
} /// namespace eosiosystem


  void system_contract::buyram( account_name payer, account_name receiver, asset quant )
      require_auth( payer );
      eosio_assert( quant.amount > 0, "must purchase a positive amount" );

      auto fee = quant;
      fee.amount = ( fee.amount + 199 ) / 200; /// .5% fee (round up)
      // fee.amount cannot be 0 since that is onfee.amount == 0 and the next inline transfer will fail causing the buyram action to fail.

      INLINE_ACTION_SENDER(eosio::token, transfer)( N(eosio.token), {payer,N(active)},
         { payer, N(eosio.ram), quant_after_fee, std::string("buy ram") } );

      if( fee.amount > 0 ) {
         INLINE_ACTION_SENDER(eosio::token, transfer)( N(eosio.token), {payer,N(active)},
                                                       { payer, N(eosio.ramfee), fee, std::string("ram fee") } );

      int64_t bytes_out;

      const auto& market = _rammarket.get(S(4,RAMCORE), "ram market does not exist");
      _rammarket.modify( market, 0, [&]( auto& es ) {
          bytes_out = es.convert( quant_after_fee,  S(0,RAM) ).amount;

      eosio_assert( bytes_out > 0, "must reserve a positive amount" );

      _gstate.total_ram_bytes_reserved += uint64_t(bytes_out);
      _gstate.total_ram_stake          += quant_after_fee.amount;

      user_resources_table  userres( _self, receiver );
      auto res_itr = userres.find( receiver );
      if( res_itr ==  userres.end() ) {
         res_itr = userres.emplace( receiver, [&]( auto& res ) {
               res.owner = receiver;
               res.ram_bytes = bytes_out;
      } else {
         userres.modify( res_itr, receiver, [&]( auto& res ) {
               res.ram_bytes += bytes_out;
      set_resource_limits( res_itr->owner, res_itr->ram_bytes, res_itr->net_weight.amount, res_itr->cpu_weight.amount );


1786293ms thread-0   apply_context.cpp:28          print_debug          ] 
[(eosio,buyrambytes)->eosio]: CONSOLE OUTPUT BEGIN =====================
From: 10240000. RAM TO 0.0000 SYS
base: 0,RAM
quote: 4,SYS

supply.amount 100000000000000
c.balance.amount 68719476736
c.weight: 5.000000000000000e-01
in.amount: 10240000
E: 7.448915928520706e+06

From: 744.8915 RAMCORE TO 0.0000 SYS
base: 0,RAM
quote: 4,SYS

supply.amount 100000007448915
c.balance.amount 100 0000 0000
c.weight: 5.000000000000000e-01
in.amount: 7448915
T: 1.489893921873264e+06

From: 148.2443 SYS TO 0. RAM
base: 0,RAM
quote: 4,SYS

supply.amount 100 0000 0000 0000
c.balance.amount 100 0000 , 0000
c.weight: 5.000000000000000e-01
in.amount: 1482443
E: 7.410567426369141e+06

From: 741.0567 RAMCORE TO 0. RAM
base: 0,RAM
quote: 4,SYS

supply.amount 100000007410567
c.balance.amount 68719476736
c.weight: 5.000000000000000e-01
in.amount: 7410567
T: 1.018576016383362e+07

[(eosio,buyrambytes)->eosio]: CONSOLE OUTPUT END   =====================

1, base:RAM
2, quote:SYS




supply.amoumt  : 10^14
base.balance.amount  :   68719476736  即64G
in.amount   :   10240000
结果 E = 74485915
supply.amount += 74485915
base.balance.amount += 10240000


CodeCogsEqn (1).gif


quote.balance.amount  :  10^10   
supply.amount -= 7448915
quote.balance.amount -= 1489893

上面的分析是从ram-->sys ,意思是要购买10000k的ram,大概需要1489893分钱的SYS即149个EOS。但是像“supply.amount -= ” “quote.balance.amount -=”并不会对supply做真正的修改,只是修改的镜像。在调用buyram时使用“_rammarket.modify”才能修改系统的amount。

下面是大家比较关心的手续费问题:之所以要加上199,是要确保1分钱的交易也是需要手续费的,真是雁过拔毛呀!!!除以200 就是乘以0.005。没毛病。。。话说我算术不好。。。1/200 = 0.005 。

          fee.amount = ( fee.amount + 199 ) / 200;


CodeCogsEqn (2).gif


supply.amount : 10^14
in.amount  : 1482443
quote.balance.amount  : 10^10
结果E = 7410567

第4步,调用conver_from_exchange 将RAMCORE换算成RAM

CodeCogsEqn (3).gif


base.banalce.amount : 64G
base.banalce.amount -= 10185760






当前ram的价格 ≈ 当前的剩余容量 / 池子中的EOS总量


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    茶点故事阅读 45,507评论 2 359
