1. Amplitude: Reverse Linked List Follow up, 判断是否有cycle; Two Sum 变型题
2. yelp: iOS 内容: frame and size difference, Group Anagram
3. health tap: find closet node in the binary tree; IOS high level questions: weak, retain, strong, NSAlert, AutoLayout wtf 表现逊毙了
4. robin hood: iOS Skype interview for progress view
5. tile: some cs fundamental knowledge 也不靠谱啊
6. bina technology: no technique 不靠谱啊
7. A9:climbing stairs, word break2
8. Spunk from end role: hiring manager 电话主要讲简历,而且,问了我知道slunk 是干嘛的吗?我竟然回答了不清楚!!!关于js 的职位,我也觉得自己的并不是很match ,也就没有回音了。
9. apple safari:一面:itoa 二面: group anagram 及iOS high level question: 1. arc, 2,mm in oc, 3.GCD dispatch 这个当时一着急,没回答好,估计挂在这了,唉 一度给了我最大的动力,期待与紧张不安的两次面试。
10. apple performance:一段拿C 写的roman to integer 的代码,要你找出四个运行error,c 都忘光了。接着让我写个方程,1 和0 inverter follow up: don’t use if or while, 其实就是用moduler
11. ixl learning: return the first duplicate element.
12. Pandora:HR Screening: 一堆iOS high level question 记得有一道没有答出来:where is the version number is stored:config/environment.rb,config/application.rb,config/initializers/version.rb电话面试:find the first duplicate element in the array force me to use c language!!!
13. Nutanix: map two array and string. Follow up: if the length of two array is not identical.
希望经验攒到这里,应该了解自己的问题了吧。 此处省略五个字。。。。。
14. Antra: oop question
15. apple maps:iOS debugging tools:https://developer.apple.com/support/debugging/
how to debug other’s code
apple test: 主要问了itoa 这道题的思路,如果遇到maxint 和min int 怎么处理
16. apple power:construct a tree with node equals to 两个树的各个node 之差
17. apple watch 一轮电面
问了好多iOS 内容,setter, getter, mvc 的好处,process 和thread 差别,
coding :
fibonacci with and without recursion
把一个list 里各个数及其occurrence 拿dictionary 的形式print 出来
18. Facebook: 分别是merge two array 和vertical level order traversal
19. uber: add and deter server on database
// This is the text editor interface.
// Anything you type or change here will be seen by the other person in real time.
typedef void (^Observer)(NSString *name, id data);
@interface UBNotificationCenter : NSObject
- (void)addObserverForName:(NSString *)name block:(Observer)block;
- (void)removeObserverForName:(NSString *)name block:(Observer)block;
- (void)postNotification:(NSString *)name data:(id)data;
@property NSDictionary *inventory;
@implementation UBNotificationCenter
-(id) init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_inventory = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:@{
return self;
// https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Classes/NSMutableDictionary_Class/
// [NSMutableDictionary setObject:forKey:]
- (void)addObserverForName:(NSString *)name block:(Observer)block {
[inventory setObject:block forKey:name];
- (void)removeObserverForName:(NSString *)name block:(Observer)block {
- (void)postNotification:(NSString *)name data:(id)data {
Observer obersver = [ inventory objectForKey:name];
observer(name, data);
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
UBNotificationCenter *center = [[UBNotificationCenter alloc] init];
[center addObserverForName@"test" block: ^(NSString *name, id data){
NSLog(@"%@ %@", name, data);
[center postNotification:@"test" data:@[1,2,3]];
// addObserver: "abc" block {}
// postNotification:"abc" data: {}
// removeObserverForName:"abc" block: {}
// postNotification:"abc" data: {}
20. Amazon onsite:
1) container service 是干嘛的,如果一个server down 了,怎么办,distribute system 的内容, 不同的query 如何增加速度,方法是parallel
2) 印度manager:db project, valid paranthethis
3) word ladder II
4) merge inverval 类似题