fine-tune 调整,慢慢地微调
resignedly 顺从地
in whispered installments 分期连载,一一道来
belly flop 肚子先着水的跳水笨动作
ricocheting off the chandelier 反弹,弹飞
aqualungs 水族箱
a periscope sticking out of my head 潜望镜
go off food 绝食,停止进食
unicorn foals(young horse) 未成年的独角兽
no where near powerful enough ……差得远
nose hair grow into ringlets 发卷
chivvy Harry out of the library 烦扰
exploits 利用,运用
pull off 胜利完成
pluck at Harry's sleeve 拽,拉
pound down the lawn 把……捣碎,踩在草皮上
burst point 爆炸点
flat out 尽快的
at interval of ten feet ……的间隔
wade out into 涉水而入
sodden robes 浸透的
silt and flat slimy stones 淤泥
goose pimples =goosebumps 鸡皮疙瘩
catcalls 嘘声
He had gills. 鱼鳃
became webbed 有蹼的
flippers 鸭脚板,蛙鞋
marveling at 惊奇地
pelted 开火,蹦出
hazily 朦胧地,模糊地
vast expanses of black mud 宽广范围
crude stone 粗石,未处理的石板
pebbles cobbles boulders 三种卵石
a stake 木桩
hewn 砍,劈
merpeople merman mermaid Mermish Merchieftainess Merchieftains 男女人鱼酋长
a choker of shark fangs 宽领带状的
yank it back 急拉住
hack at 乱砍,乱劈
in the ebb of the water 退潮
distinct impression 还是老样子一样
seize up 停下来,卡住,停顿
his very brain felt waterlogged 水淹的,进水的
fight tooth and nail 激烈争斗
restrain 限制,拉住
in a straightjacket 紧身衣
water-beetle 水虱,水甲虫
award marks out of fifty 50分满分
throatily 痛觉地
commmiserating look 怜悯的
moral fiber 坚定的意志
merits full marks 值得满分
one month beforehand 提前