跟着 Rice学数据库
create table t1(
id int not null,
name varchar2(5) not null,
tel int not null
rename t1 to tb1;
alter table tb1 add sex char(4);
alter table tb1 rename column tel to tell;
alter table tb1 drop column sex;
alter table tb1 modify name int;
alter table tb1 add sex char(4);
alter table tb1 modify sex int;
insert into tb1(id,name,tell) values ('1','linux','1234');
select id,name,tell from tb1;
insert into tb1(id,name,tell) values ('1','linux','1234');
select distinct *from tb1;
update tb1 set tell = '12345' where tell = '1234';
select *from tb1;
alter table tb1 drop column name;
truncate table tb1;
drop user gary;
drop user gary cascade;
drop user gary;
select instance_name from V$instance;
select table_name from user_tables;
desc tab1;
select user from dual;
--show user;命令行使用
select * from v$version;
select name,cdb,open_mode,con_id from v$database;