Molla, Kutubuddin A. ‘Flowering Time and Photoperiod Sensitivity in Rice: Key Players and Their Interactions Identified’.The Plant Cell34, no. 10 (27 September 2022): 3489–90.
1.time sequence;
2.logical flow: conclusion——>details ——>conclusion
good verbs
decipher; isolate; employ; confirm; observe; display; rescue; transform; harbor the upstream and coding sequence...;
为了解析Hd3a移动的分子机制,作者首先鉴定并分离了直接与Hd3a相互作用的蛋白。通过一系列分子生物学技术,他们证明了OsFTIP9 物理作用于Hd3a。 一项更早的研究表明,OsFTIP蛋白在蛋白质运输过程中起重要作用。作者创造了OsFTIP9的CRISPR突变体并且观察到这些突变体在短日照(short-day)情况下比野生型开花更晚。当把可以靶向OsFTIP9并表达OsFTIP9的基因复合物转入突变体可使其恢复原有性状。这个结果表明了OsFTIP9失去功能导致了短日照下的晚花基因型(late flowering)。
To decipher the mechanism of Hd3a movement, the authors first identified and isolated the proteins taht directly interact with Hd3a. Employing a series of molecular biology techniques, they confirmed that OsFTIP9 physically interacts with Hd3a. An earlier study showed that FTIPs play an important role in protein trafficking. The authors generated CRISPR mutants for Os9 and observed that these mutants display late-flowering compared to the wild-type plants under SDs. This phenotype was rescued when the mutants was transformed with a genomic construct (gOsFTIP9) harboring the upstream and coding sequence of Os9. This results demonstrates that the late-flowering phenotype of the mutants under SD is due to the loss of function of Os9.