DUC/DUCT:from the Latin verb “ducere ”-to lead ,shows regularly in English .
Conducive :tending to promote ,encourage ,or assist ,helpful .the word conducive is almost always followed by “to ”
Eg :she found the atmosphere in the quiet cafe conducive to study and even to creative thinking
Deduction :the reaching of conclusion by reasoning .
Deduct: simply to subtract /deductible :the amount of a medical bill that the insurance company makes you before it starts to pay ./but deduction also means “reasoning ”.
Induce :persuade ,influence .
Inducing is usually gentle persuasion ,induce also means produce ,an inducement is something that might lure you to do something/
Induct and induction defers from induce and inducement
Seduction :attraction or charm
With its prefix se-”aside”means basically “lead aside or astray ”
SEQU :comes from the Latin verb sequi ,meaning “to follow ”
Sequential :arranged in order or in a series ,that is to say :things in sequence ,or regular order ,are arranged sequentially
Subsequent:following in time ,or place ,later .
The prefix sub- means “below”,so the word means “follows below ”that is to say “later
Consequential :resulting ,important
The resulting meaning is usually used in legal writing ,while the important meaning is especially used in events that will result in large Consequences
Non sequiter :”it does not follows ”
AMBI :comes from Latin ,means “on both sides or around “
Right- handed : left-handed
Ambiguous :doubtful or uncertain / unclear from the Latin word ambigere ,means “to be undecided
Ambient :existing or present on all sides
Eg :ambient light /ambient tempreture /ambient music ,it creats a kind of atmosphere
Ambivalent :holding opposite feelings or attitude at the same time towards someone or something /continually wavering between opposites or alternative courses of action .
Ambit :the range or limit coverd by something (such as law )
今日好歌:the weepies <gotta have you >