🔗Paraphrase/💡Language Point:
1. 目前有什么能做的吗? - What is being done?
2. 一个地区的土著民族/语言 - indigenous/native people or languages of an area
3. 埃及人用一种原始的蒸馏法从植物中提取精油 - The Egyptians employed a primitive form of distillation to extract essential oils from plants. SYN: exploit
extractive vs inclusive institutions 榨取性、内生性制度 (烧杀抢掠/安养生息)
4. 不是所有人都同意他的观点,认为美国是个包容性很强的国家。 - Not everyone shares/shared his vision of an inclusive America.
5. 利润丰厚的生意、合同、市场 - a lucrative business/contract/market
6. 人烟稀少的地区 - a sparsely populated region/area OPP: densely populated area
7. 激励创新的政策 - policies to incentivise innovation
8. 一个高失业率和技术工人短缺并存的时代 - a time of both high employment, and, paradoxically, a shortage of skilled workers 矛盾地,讽刺地
9. 因果关系、因果性 - causality
10. 失去心爱的人是无法补偿的。 - Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one.
11. Reversal of fortune 财运、命运的逆转
The technical innovations sweeping across the world could only take hold in places where institutions had been established that would benefit the wider population.
🎯Summary 个人总结
The colonial institutions are the main causes for the prosperity or poverty of countries.
Reversal of fortune: The population density of the colonies deeply affected the types of institutions settlers introduced. For the densely populated areas, settlers established extractive institutions, benefiting the local elite at the expense of the wider population and leading to short-run prosperity; while for the sparsely populated areas, inclusive (long-lived) institutions, providing more democratic rights and promoting long-run growth.
Escaping the trap (of extractive institutions): The key is to resolve the conflicts over political power and the problem of credibility between the ruling elite and the population. (Commitment problem)
📰Background Information/Words of Wisdom (WOW!)
1. 先行的殖民者(西班牙葡萄牙)选择densely populated areas, 掠夺资源等等;但后行殖民者(英国)选择sparsely populated area 更好定居和工作发展
2. 榨取性制度:~经济制度和政治制度之间互相产生回馈作用
3. 《国家为什么会失败》