在上一篇 Android 项目中资源文件 -- asset 目录和 res 目录 中,我们简单记录了一下assets和res目录下的文件的异同。这篇就简单介绍一下Android 项目中资源文件 -- assets目录文件的访问。
如图所示,在Android Studio项目中的根目录下,就会有一个assets的文件目录(若不存在,可以自己新建)。它里面创建存储:图像、音视频、字体、数据库等等。之所以说它适合用来管理这些文件,是因为程序在编译时不会去处理这个目录下的文件,但是会将它们打包进apk中。而其他你随便创建的目录在编译时就会被直接忽略掉。还可以在assets文件中创建子目录,方便分类管理。
assets目录文件的访问,不同res文件的访问。Android中提供了一个专门的 android.content.res.AssetManager 类用来对assets文件的访问。
- 构造方法
- open() 方法
- openFd() 方法
- openNonAssetFd() 方法
- openXmlResourceParser() 方法
open(string) & open(string,int) 方法
open(String fileName) 方法
* Open an asset using ACCESS_STREAMING mode. This provides access to
* files that have been bundled with an application as assets -- that is,
* files placed in to the "assets" directory.
* @param fileName The name of the asset to open. This name can be hierarchical.
* @see #open(String, int)
* @see #list
public @NonNull InputStream open(@NonNull String fileName) throws IOException {
return open(fileName, ACCESS_STREAMING);
open(@NonNull String fileName, int accessMode) 方法
* Open an asset using an explicit access mode, returning an InputStream to
* read its contents. This provides access to files that have been bundled
* with an application as assets -- that is, files placed in to the
* "assets" directory.
* @param fileName The name of the asset to open. This name can be hierarchical.
* @param accessMode Desired access mode for retrieving the data.
* @see #open(String)
* @see #list
public @NonNull InputStream open(@NonNull String fileName, int accessMode) throws IOException {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(fileName, "fileName");
synchronized (this) {
final long asset = nativeOpenAsset(mObject, fileName, accessMode);
if (asset == 0) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Asset file: " + fileName);
final AssetInputStream assetInputStream = new AssetInputStream(asset);
return assetInputStream;
这两个方法的作用是一样的。都是将assets 目录下的某个文件封装成 InputStream 的形式供使用。
String fileName
指某个文件在assets目录下的相对路径。如:aaa.mp3 或者 dir/file.aviint accessMode
访问模式 | 说明 |
ACCESS_UNKNOW | 无模式。其代表的值是 0 |
ACCESS_RANDOM | 这个不应该翻译成随机访问模式,无序访问模式会更适合一点。这种模式下文件的访问只会打开其中一段内容,然后再根据你的需要向流的前方或后方移动读取指针。其代表的值是 1 |
ACCESS_STREAMING | 顺序读取模式。文件将会被从头部打开,然后按顺序向后面移动读取数据。其代表的值是 2 |
ACCESS_BUFFER | 缓存读取模式。读取时会将整个文件直接读取到内存中,这种模式适合小文件的读取。其代表的值是 3 |
在 open(string) 中,它使用的文件读取模式是 ACCESS_STREAMING 模式。
openFd(string) 方法
* Open an uncompressed asset by mmapping it and returning an {@link AssetFileDescriptor}.
* This provides access to files that have been bundled with an application as assets -- that
* is, files placed in to the "assets" directory.
* The asset must be uncompressed, or an exception will be thrown.
* @param fileName The name of the asset to open. This name can be hierarchical.
* @return An open AssetFileDescriptor.
public @NonNull AssetFileDescriptor openFd(@NonNull String fileName) throws IOException {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(fileName, "fileName");
synchronized (this) {
final ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = nativeOpenAssetFd(mObject, fileName, mOffsets);
if (pfd == null) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Asset file: " + fileName);
return new AssetFileDescriptor(pfd, mOffsets[0], mOffsets[1]);
将 assets 目录中的文件以 FileDescriptor 的形式打开,返回一个 AssetFileDescriptor 实例。
openNonAssetFd(string) & openNonAssetFd(int,string) 方法
* Open a non-asset as an asset by mmapping it and returning an {@link AssetFileDescriptor}.
* This provides direct access to all of the files included in an application
* package (not only its assets). Applications should not normally use this.
* The asset must not be compressed, or an exception will be thrown.
* @param fileName Name of the asset to retrieve.
public @NonNull AssetFileDescriptor openNonAssetFd(@NonNull String fileName)
throws IOException {
return openNonAssetFd(0, fileName);
* Open a non-asset as an asset by mmapping it and returning an {@link AssetFileDescriptor}.
* This provides direct access to all of the files included in an application
* package (not only its assets). Applications should not normally use this.
* The asset must not be compressed, or an exception will be thrown.
* @param cookie Identifier of the package to be opened.
* @param fileName Name of the asset to retrieve.
public @NonNull AssetFileDescriptor openNonAssetFd(int cookie, @NonNull String fileName)
throws IOException {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(fileName, "fileName");
synchronized (this) {
final ParcelFileDescriptor pfd =
nativeOpenNonAssetFd(mObject, cookie, fileName, mOffsets);
if (pfd == null) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Asset absolute file: " + fileName);
return new AssetFileDescriptor(pfd, mOffsets[0], mOffsets[1]);
这个方法其实和上面的openFd() 是一样的。只不过它是跳出了 assets 目录的范围限定,是站在工程根目录的视角来打开文件的 FileDescriptor 的。换句话说,它允许打开 APK中任意位置文件的 AssetFileDescriptor 实例。
openXmlResourceParser(int,string) 方法
* Retrieve a parser for a compiled XML file.
* @param cookie Identifier of the package to be opened.
* @param fileName The name of the file to retrieve.
public @NonNull XmlResourceParser openXmlResourceParser(int cookie, @NonNull String fileName)
throws IOException {
try (XmlBlock block = openXmlBlockAsset(cookie, fileName)) {
XmlResourceParser parser = block.newParser();
// If openXmlBlockAsset doesn't throw, it will always return an XmlBlock object with
// a valid native pointer, which makes newParser always return non-null. But let's
// be paranoid.
if (parser == null) {
throw new AssertionError("block.newParser() returned a null parser");
return parser;
打开 assets 目录下的 xml 文件,直接返回 XmlResourceParser 实例。就是官方替我们做了从 InputStream 到 XML 解析器之间的转换。
最普通的读取 assets 目录的文件
try {
InputStream is = this.getAssets().open("aaa.png");
Log.d("type1", "File available:" + is.available());
InputStream is2 = this.getResources().getAssets().open("bbb.png");
Log.d("type1", "File available2:" + is2.available());
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
InputStream is = this.getAssets().open("a/b/c.png");
Log.d("type2", "File available:" + is.available());
} catch (IOException e) {
//这里将一张图片以 AssetFileDescriptor 的形式读取出来,并转换成 Bitmap 显示在 ImageView 上
try {
AssetFileDescriptor afd = this.getAssets().openFd("river.png");
Log.d("type3", "File available:" + afd.getLength());
InputStream is = afd.createInputStream();
Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
} catch (IOException e) {