Ancient chines people believe that the sky and ground are mixed and sticking together the universe was like a giants chicken egg.But the egg is like the egg white and the Yolk are mixed together,If you go on the plane and look at the horizon the sky looked like a giant kitchens egg’s insideThis mixed up state Pangu was Born.
In this chickens egg Pangu finally grows whack up from such a deep sleep. When he opened his eyes all was mixed up he was angry he grab two big stone exes from nowhere and threw two axes either horizons.The shell off the egg broke and it made such loud noise that you couldn’t ever imagine. So the lighter things rise up and became the sky.The heavier things sink down and became so ground.Pungu was afraid the sky and ground will mix together again,so he used his head and his feet to stop the ground going up.
Every day he grows hire 1m he grows 18000 years!Think about how many days is in 18000 years and he grow 1 m every day! So think about how high he is going to grow in 18000 years and that’s how high the sky would be so .The sky is going to be super high when he die, his arms and legs became gigantic columns they sport the sky .His last breath became the Wind and clouds of the world.His right aye became The sun. His left eye became The moon.He’s bones became diamonds and metal .his skin became the trees and grasses of the world.His hair separated and became the stars.Pangu use his whole body to keep nature alive.