“弟兄们,我愿意你们知道,我所遭遇的事更是叫福音兴旺, 以致我受的捆锁在御营全军和其余的人中,已经显明是为基督的缘故。 并且那在主里的弟兄多半因我受的捆锁就笃信不疑,越发放胆传 神的道,无所惧怕。 有的传基督是出于嫉妒纷争,也有的是出于好意。 这一等是出于爱心,知道我是为辩明福音设立的; 那一等传基督是出于结党,并不诚实,意思要加增我捆锁的苦楚。 这有何妨呢?或是假意,或是真心,无论怎样,基督究竟被传开了。为此,我就欢喜,并且还要欢喜; 因为我知道,这事借着你们的祈祷和耶稣基督之灵的帮助,终必叫我得救。 照着我所切慕、所盼望的,没有一事叫我羞愧。只要凡事放胆,无论是生是死,总叫基督在我身上照常显大。” 腓立比书 1:12-20
Philippians 1: 12-20. The substance of any sermon is whether the preacher follows what he preaches. Paul here has prayed in verses 9-11, that we may know what God views as excellent and in doing so, our love for God will overflow because we have seen God's heart. In real life, Paul is imprisoned (vs 13) and has understood that this circumstance has caused other believers to be more trusting in the Lord (vs 14) than before, and many evangelists have been sharing Christ more than before. This result of course sounds like a winning situation until you see why the evangelists have been doing it…they are preaching so that Paul will be blamed more and more and suffer more and more (vs 17). Yet, Paul knows the the purposes of the Father. He can spiritually see that though the circumstance is difficult but it is God approved and whether his ending is life or death (vs 20), he is excited by the knowledge that his current terrible circumstance is bringing believers to Christ. His love grows. His love for God and his love for the people (even those who are preaching to increase his suffering). He loves them because his eyes have been opened in 'real knowledge and discernment' (vs 9). Do you look at your circumstance and see God's working his part in you? Are you willing to let him work and then to love him and his people more? Paul did and his life reflects the joy and the peace we too can have when Jesus is in the driving seat.