──咦? 画风突然一变?
第二章:传奇工程师Bill Joy有多努力,但挖掘下去,发现不对,他杰出实则是“努力+有充分練習的機會"的結果。
依照之前的写作逻辑,这章预期是要说贫民百万富翁Chris Langan有多聪明,但挖掘下去,发现不对,他杰出实则是"高IQ+XX"的结果。有趣的是作者没有直接切入主题,告诉我们XX是什么。他的变奏,可能暗示作者面临一个吸睛题材,但却无法直接照之前的写作逻辑生搬硬套,所以了改变手法。
Intellect and achievement are far from perfectly correlated. After First World War, Lewis Terman, a young professor of psychology at Stanford University, created a intelligence test and decided to devote himself in tracing the achievements of people with high intelligence. At the beginning, these selected people's names are everywhere on the top of every competition that students will join. The result is exciting. But by the time the group reached adulthood, the case indicates otherwise. These people do have better life in average, but none of them becomes a big shot, and some of them even are considered failures. The theory of "the smarter the better" thus was falsified.
And the same is true in the affirmative provision case of Michigan university. The smarter doesn't imply the better. The school lowers its standard test requirement to enroll minorities. While these students performs worse than the average in the school, their achievements after school are one-on-one as good as the others. Now, the author argues that the minor in the Michigan University actually already has been intelligent enough, and once someone has reached an IQ threshold, having additional IQ points doesn’t seem to translate into any measurable real-world advantage.
Try & Error
Once someone has reached an IQ of somewhere around 120, having additional IQ points doesn’t seem to translate into any measurable real-world advantage.
when the intelligence index is higher than a threshold , the more intelligence one has doesn't matter in terms of real world success.
doesn't matter放在這不好,因為他的一般用法是很簡潔的。如,It Doesn't Matter,或是擴充主詞The Election Doesn't Matter。如果It Doesn't Matter後面真的要接句子,通常也是加if,如,It Doesn't Matter If..。相較之下,作者用doesn't translate into,更好的表達為什麼更多的IQ沒有幫助。
And when we hear about someone like Chris Langan, our instinctive response is the same as Terman's instinctive response when he met Henry Cowell almost a century ago. We feel awe.
At the beginning, these selected people's names are everywhere on the top of every competition that students will join. The result is exciting.
basketball player only has to be tall enough - and the same is true of intelligence. Intelligence has a threshold.
Similar results are revealed in the affirmative provision case in the university of Michigan.
看起來比較複雜,又沒有說清Similar results指的是什麼。我參考作者寫法,加上結論The smarter doesn't imply the better。
Sexy expressions in each section
1 Story of Chris Langan
Every question Saget threw at him, he tossed aside, as if it were a triviality.
2 Terman's experiment
For the rest of his life, Terman watched over his charges like a mother hen.
[N] the responsibility of taking care or control of someone or something.
the people in her charge are pupils and not experimental subjects
3 The fail of Terman's theory
As Hudson writes (and keep in mind that he did his research at elite all-male English boarding schools in the 1950S and 1960s), "Knowledge of a boy's IQ is of little help if you are faced with a formful of clever boys."
4 A revised theory
It's like basketball again: once someone is tall enough, then we start to care about speed and court sense and agility and ball handling skills and shooting touch
He has the flair for the dramatic. His mind leaps from violent imagery to sex to people jumping out of burning skyscrapers to very practical issues, such as how to get a duvet to stay on a bed.