2017 was the most wonderful and peaceful year for me till now because I quit my job to return home and prepared for the post graduate examination. Therefore, the thing I am hoping for is the grades of the examination.
My boss intended to send me to work in America so he paid for my European trip. It will be easier to get passport of the U.S.A if I have got a European passport. The 10-days trip was wonderful and made me rethink of my future. I was doubting whether to continue my job but had not decided yet. Unfortunately, my boss left the company for personal reasons. And thinking of other problems, I decided to quit my job in June.
Then I arrived home to prepare for the examination in six months later. It was hopeful and inspirational at first. But gradually I became more and more anxious and exhausted. No matter how difficult it was, I have finished the examination. Now I am waiting for the result of this exam. I have the inclination to think about the bad news but at the same time I tell myself it will be good. In order to think less, I have been devoting myself into reading and the study of English.
There are many things to consider in the future. Till now, this is the only one I am thinking and hoping for.