学英语一定要学会活学活用 - 看老友记学英语(014)

一 写在前面的话


请参考我之前写的和我一起看老友记学英语吧 - 从第一季第一集开始 (001)。在这个系列里我会通过老友记这部美剧作载体,把剧中能够学习到的表达方式转化到我们的现实生活中来,达到活学活用的目的。

2. 如何实现活学活用呢?

让我们把学语言比作做饭,你看到一个很棒的食谱,是教你做红葡萄酒炖牛腩的。你认真地学习了每一步做法,准备试一下。但是你突然发现家里没有红葡萄酒,你只能很惋惜地放弃了做这道菜。 于是你学到的这个食谱就变成了脑子里边没有用的知识。但是如果你再多思考一步的话,你就会想到,家里正好有白葡萄酒, 能不能用白葡萄酒来代替呢?于是你稍加改动,你脑子里的知识就变成了活知识,你真的就做出了一道白葡萄酒炖肉腩。



二 学习与分享

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Chandler is smoking out on the balcony, Phoebe is absent.] Monica and Rachel的公寓里,Chandler在阳台上抽烟,Phoebe不在。

Joey: 1.Let it go, Ross.

Ross:Yeah, well,you didn't know Chi Chi.

Monica:Do you all promise?

All:Yeah! Wepromise! We'll be good!

Monica:(shouts to Chandler) Chandler? Do you promise to be good?

(Chandler makes a 'Crossmy heart' sign.  It starts to rain and he taps on the window.)

Joey:You can come in, but your 2.filter-tipped little buddy has to stay outside!

(Chandler sulkilty picks up a garbage can lid and uses it as an umbrella.)

(Phoebe enters, walks tothe couch, sits down, and begins to read a letter without saying hi.)

Ross:Hey, Pheebs.

Phoebe:'Dear Ms.Buffay. Thank you for calling attention to our error. We have 3.credited your account with five hundred dollars. We're sorry for the inconvenience,and hope you'll accept this- (Searches in her purse) -football phone as our free gift.' Do you believe this?! Now I have a thousand dollars, and a football phone!

Rachel:What bank is this?

(The intercom buzzes.)

Monica:Hey. It'shim. (On the intercom) Who is it?

Alan:(on theintercom) It's Alan.

Joey:(shouting toChandler) Chandler! He's here!

(Chandler comes in,dripping wet.)

Monica:(to all)Okay, please be good,please. Just remember how much you all like me.

(She opens the door andAlan enters.)

Monica:Hi. Alan,this is everybody. Everybody, this is Alan.


All:Hi, Alan.

Alan:I've heardschho much about all you guyschh!

(Everyone laughs.)

[Time lapse, Alan isleaving.]

Monica:(to Alan)Thanks. I'll call you tomorrow. (Alan exits, to all) Okay. Okay, let's let the 4.Alan-bashing begin. Who's gonna 5.take the first shot,hmm?


Monica: C'mon!

Ross:...I'll go.Let's start with the way he kept picking at- no, I'm sorry, I can't do this, can't do this. We loved him.

All:Loved him!Yeah! He's great!

Monica:Wait aminute! We're talking about someone thatI'mgoing out with?


Rachel:And did younotice...? (She spreads her thumb and index finger.)

The Guys:(reluctantly) Yeah.

Joey:Know what was great? The way his smile was kinda 6.crooked.

Phoebe:Yes, yes!Like the man in the shoe!

Ross:...What shoe?

Phoebe:From the nursery rhyme. 'There was a crooked man, Who had a crooked smile, Who lived in a shoe, For a... while...'

(Dubious pause.)

Ross:...So I think 7.Alan will become the yardstick against which all future boy friends will be measured.

Rachel:What future boyfriends? No no, I th- I think this could be, y'know, it.


Chandler:Oh, yeah. 8.I'd marry him just for his David Hasselh of impression alone.You know I'm gonna be doing that at parties, right? (Does the impression)

Ross:You know what I like most about him, though?


Ross:The way hemakes me feel about myself.


Commercial Break


1.Let it go:任它去,放下

前一段时间非常火的一首英文歌,以致于现在看到这三个词都无法用正常的声调去读。安慰人的时候用到频率非常高的一个词组,考砸了,失恋了,工作不顺利都可以说,Don't be sad,just let it go.



Tip常用的就有多种意思,如小费:I gave the barber a tip;建议:Here is a little tip for you.这里是尖端的意思,就是烟的一端。


3.credited your account 记到你的帐上

和我们的日常生活息息相关的一个词。可以在转帐付款的时候说。收到付款后,我们会相应地存入您的帐户。Upon receiptof payment we will credit your account accordingly.


Bash [bæʃ],猛击,痛击。可以用作实际意义也可以用作引申意。如我打了他的头一下。I bashed him

on his head.希拉里和特朗普在媒体上互相攻击,就可以说Hillary and Trump bash eachother in the media.

5.take the first shot:开第一枪。



My teeth are crooked.我的牙齿不齐。rook国际象棋里的车,cook是厨师,crook就可以记成,一个厨子开着车走歪了。

7.Alan will becomethe yardstick against which all future boyfriends will be measured.



8.I'd marry him justfor his David Hasselh of impression alone.


I just fall in love with him for his way of smiling impression alone.光凭他笑起来的样子,我就喜欢上他了。

[Scene: Central Perk,Monica is alone as Ross, Rachel, Chandler, and Joey enter dejectedly in softball gear.]

Monica:Hi.. how was the game?


All:WE WON!!Thank you! Yes!

Monica:Fantastic! Ihave one question: How is that possible?


Ross:He was unbelievable. He was like that-that-that 9.Bugs Bunny cartoon where 10.Bugs is playing all the positions, right, but instead of Bugs it was first base-Alan, second base-Alan, third base-...

Rachel:I mean,it-it was like, it was like 11.he made us into a team.

Chandler:Yep, 12.we sure showed those Hassidic jewellers a thing or two about softball..

Monica:Can I ask you guys a question? D'you ever think that Alan is maybe.. sometimes..


Monica:..I dunno, alittle too Alan?

Rachel:Well, no.That's impossible. You can never be too Alan.

Ross:Yeah, it's his, uh, 13.innate Alan-ness that-that-that we adore.

Chandler:I personally could have a gallon of Alan.


9.Bugs Bunny:兔八哥,看了这么多年兔八哥,有几个人知道他的名字。

10.Bugs is playing all the positions,

Playing in xxx position,打球或者踢球的时候可以用到这个说法。What positionare you playing in?

11.he made us into ateam.


12.we sure showed those Hassidic jewellers a thing or two about softball.

我们让对手见识到什么叫垒球。给对方一点颜色看看,让对方开开眼,就可以说Show sb a thing or two about sth.

13.innate [ɪ'neɪt; 'ɪneɪt]先天的;固有的

All human beings have an innate desire to overcome suffering, to find happiness.人类都有一种天生的欲望去克服苦难,找到幸福。


[Scene: A street, Phoebe walks up to a homeless person (Lizzie) she knows.]

Phoebe:Hey, Lizzie.

Lizzie:Hey, WeirdGirl.

Phoebe:I broughtyou alphabet soup.

Lizzie:Did you pick out the 14.vowels?

Phoebe:Yes. But I left in the Ys. 'Cause, y'know, "sometimes y". Uh, I also have something else for you. (She searches in her purse.)

Lizzie: 15.Saltines?

Phoebe:No, but would you like a thousand dollars and a football phone?

Lizzie:What? (Sheopens the envelope Phoebe has given her.) Oh my God, there's really money inhere.

Phoebe:I know.

Lizzie:Weird Girl,what are you doing?

Phoebe:No, I wantyou to have it. I don't want it.

Lizzie:No, no, Iha-I have to give you something.

Phoebe:Oh, that'sfine, no.

Lizzie:Would you like my 16.tin-foil hat?

Phoebe:No. 'Cause you need that. No, it's okay, thanks.

Lizzie:Please, letme do something.

Phoebe:Okay,alright, you buy me a soda, and then 17.we're even.Okay?



[Scene: Chandler'soffice, Chandler looks around, opens his desk drawer, takes a puff of acigarette, sprays around some air freshener, and takes some breath spray. He types for a little while, opens the drawer again, and takes another drag ofthe cigarette.   While not paying attention, he sprays the breath sprayaround the room, takes a squirt of air freshener and gags.]

[Scene: A Street, Phoebeand Lizzie are at a hot dog vendor.]

Lizzie:18.Keep the change.(To Phoebe) Sure you don't wanna 19.pretzel?

Phoebe:No, I'mfine.

Lizzie:(leaves) Seeya.

(Phoebe opens the canand reacts.)

Phoebe: Huh!


14.vowels['vaʊəl]:元音。与wow [waʊ]发音类似,可以对比来记。辅音consonant ['kɒns(ə)nənt],The word ends in a consonant.

15.Saltines咸饼干, salt盐加ine变成名词。


You can wrap it up intinfoil and bake it.

17.we're even.我们扯平了。

We're even, OK? I don't

owe you any favor.我们扯平了,我不再欠你人情了。

18.Keep the change.不有找了。


19.pretzel ['prets(ə)l]:椒盐卷饼,小吃要学会一些说法,买东西或者点餐的时候可以用。

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