sharp: at two o'clock sharp 两点整
utter:complete – used especially to emphasize that something is very bad, or that a feeling is very strong完全的,十足的,彻底的〔用于强调事物糟糕或感情强烈〕
distaste:a feeling that something or someone is unpleasant or morally offensive不喜欢,厌恶,反感
nauseating: /'nɔːzieɪtɪŋ, -si-,ˋnɔzI͵etɪŋ/ adj.discusting
vomit:/'vɒmɪt,'vɒmət,ˋvɑmɪt/ v. [I,T ] 呕吐;呕出,吐出
riding stable:驯马场
get to one's feet:站起来
inflate:/ɪn'fleɪt,ɪnˋflet/ v.[I,T] to fill something with air or gas so it becomes larger, or to become filled with air or gas(使)充气,(使)膨胀
sewage:/'sjuːɪdʒ, 'suː﹣,ˋsuɪdʒ/ n. [U ] (下水道的)污水,污物
peeve: /piːv,piv/ n.[美国口语]使气恼;使怨恨
rove:[I,T] written to travel from one place to another漫游(于),流浪(于)
be taken aback:大吃一惊
pipe:[T] literary to speak or sing something in a high voice. pipe up: to suddenly say something, especially when you have been quiet until then
come to one's rescue = come to rescue sb:前来拯救某人
drip:[I,T] to let liquid fall in drops. be dripping with sth:to contain or be covered in a lot of something
sarcasm: /'sɑːkæz ə m,ˋsɑrkæzəm/ n. [U ] a way of speaking or writing that involves saying the opposite of what you really mean in order to make an unkind joke or to show that you are annoyed讽刺,挖苦
cut out:To cut out something unnecessary or unwanted means to remove it completely from a situation. For example, if you cut out a particular type of food, you stop eating it, usually because it is bad for you. 戒除
diabolical:/‚daɪə'bɒlɪk ə l◂,͵daɪəˋbɑlɪkḷ/ adj.1.evil or cruel; 2. informal extremely unpleasant or bad
abandon:if someone does something with abandon, they behave in a careless or uncontrolled way, without thinking or caring about what they are doing. with reckless/wild abandon 毫无顾忌,肆无忌惮
tigress:a female tiger
stalk:/stɔːk,stɔk/ [T] to follow a person or animal quietly in order to catch and attack or kill them〔为捉住并袭击或杀死某人或某动物而〕悄悄地跟踪,潜近
glob:a small amount of something soft or liquid that has a round shape. a glob of 一滴
racquet: /'rækɪt,'rækət,ˋrækɪt/ n. [C ] racket 球拍
behold:to see or to look at something – sometimes used humorously
take a delight in... 以...为乐
grip:[C usually singular,一般用单数] the way you hold something tightly, or your ability to do this紧握,紧抓;握力 take a firm grip on 紧握
tress:n. 一绺头发;发辫;卷发;枝条
clean:a clean movement in sport is skilful and exact〔体育运动〕动作干净利落的
laugh/shout/scream/shriek etc your head off:informal to laugh, shout etc very loudly
jerk:[I,T] to move with a quick sudden movement, or to make part of your body move in this way[+ back/up/forwards etc]
whereupon:adv. 因此
plummet:/'plʌmɪt,'plʌmət,ˋplʌmɪt/ v. [I ] to fall suddenly and quickly from a very high place
whimper: /'wɪmpə,ˋwɪmpɚ/ v. [I,T] to make low crying sounds, or to speak in this way
hypnotise:/'hɪpnətaɪz,ˋhɪpnə͵taɪz/ v. [T ] to be so interesting or exciting that people cannot think of anything else使着迷,使陶醉
pantomime: /'pæntəmaɪm,ˋpæntə͵maɪm/ n.童话剧〔英国在圣诞节前后演出,用笑话、音乐和歌曲演绎传统故事〕;哑剧
liable to do sth:likely to do or say something or to behave in a particular way, especially because of a fault or natural tendency
rivet: /'rɪvɪt,'rɪvət,ˋrɪvɪt/ v.[T] to fasten something with rivets. be riveted on/to/by sth 目不转睛地看某物
for the life of me:无论如何,常用于否定句I cannot for the life of me see why children have to take so long to grow up.
cheek:[singular, U,单数] 〔尤指对权威〕无礼[放肆]的行为;厚颜无耻 What a cheek!
infernal:[only before noun,仅用于名词前] old-fashioned used to express anger or annoyance about something
insolence: ['ɪns(ə)l(ə)ns; 'ɪnsəl(ə)ns; 'ɪnsələns] n. 傲慢;傲慢无礼的行为
indelible:/ɪn'delɪbəl,ɪn'deləbəl,ɪnˋdɛləbḷ/ adj.impossible to remove or forget. indelible ink/pencil/marker etc ink etc that makes a permanent mark which cannot be removed
rub sth/sb ←→ out phr v 〔用橡皮、布等〕把〔字迹、图等〕擦掉
get clever/smart with sb: Don't get smart with me!别耍花招,别给我耍小聪明
doom:something very bad that is going to happen, or the fact that it is going to happen〔不可避免的〕厄运,劫数
strike:[T not in progressive,不用进行式] if something strikes you, you think of it, notice it, or realize that it is important, interesting, true etc In fact you strike me as the sort of poisonous little pockmark that will always be wrong!
reach out:伸出手
bodily:/ˈbɒdɪli,ˈbɒdəli,ˋbɑdḷɪ/ adj. 身体的,肉体的;adv. 全身地,整体地
squeal: /skwiːl,skwil/ v. [I,T] to make a long loud high sound or cry
wrench:/rentʃ,rɛntʃ/ v.[T always + adv/prep] to twist and pull something roughly from the place where it is being held
pedal: /'pedl,ˋpɛdḷ/ n. 踏板 v. [I,T ] [always + adv/prep] to ride a bicycle. pedal/kick the air 在空中蹬/踢
grimy: /'ɡraɪmi,ˋgraɪmɪ/ adj.covered with dirt
hammer sth into sb: to keep saying something until people completely understand it
twiddle:If you twiddle something, you twist it or turn it quickly with your fingers.
pixie: /'pɪksi,ˋpɪksɪ/ n. [C ] 小妖精,小精灵〔一种虚构的生物,身材矮小、有法术且喜爱捉弄人〕
wet:informal someone who is wet does not have a strong character, or is not willing to do something that you think they should do – used to show disapproval
cope:to succeed in dealing with a difficult problem or situation. [+ with]
cotton-wool:脱脂棉; 药棉 British informal a state of pampered comfort and protection
moron: /'mɔːrɒn,ˋmɔrɑn/ n. [C ] informal,not polite a very offensive word for someone who you think is very stupid
flick:to move with a sudden quick movement, or to make something move in this way
whopping:/'wɒpɪŋ,ˋwɑpɪŋ/ adj. [only before noun 仅用于名词前] very large
… my foot!:old-fashioned used to show that you do not believe something that someone has just said[口语]没这回事,胡说(表示不信或反驳)
fall out:1.If something such as a person's hair or a tooth falls out, it comes out. But this morning, while I was driving that car through the village, the entire engine fell out on to the road! 2.If you fall out with someone, you have an argument and stop being friendly with them. You can also say that two people fall out. Before I fell out with your father, he told me some very nasty stories about the way you behaved at home!
a bunch of nauseating little warts
a load of garbage like you
You witless weed! You empty-headed hamster! You stupid glob of glue!
as the sort of poisonous little pockmark
rick brats
the little brutes
this bunch of morons
Gorgon:戈耳工,蛇发女怪〔古希腊传说中蛇发三姐妹之一,见到她的人会变成石头〕informal an ugly frightening woman 蛇发三姐妹,海神福尔库斯和海妖的女儿,长着蛇发、野猪獠牙、铁手和金翅膀。三姐妹分别叫丝西娜(Stheno)、尤瑞爱莉(Euryale)和美杜莎(Medusa)。美杜莎原来很美,后来因为和波塞冬好,而波塞冬又和雅典娜有过节,结果美杜莎被雅典娜变成了和姐姐一样的妖怪。帕尔修斯杀美杜莎的故事大致是:帕耳修斯是宙斯和一个人类公主达那厄的儿子,由于有人预言帕尔修斯长大后会长大后的帕耳修斯深受岛国国民爱戴。国王害怕帕尔修斯抢了他的王位,就让帕尔修斯去杀死美杜莎,并把她的头带回来。帕耳修斯得到了雅典娜、哈迪斯和众神的使者赫尔墨斯的帮助。雅典娜送了他一个盾牌,赫尔墨斯给了他一双带飞翼鞋和锋利无比的短刀,哈迪斯送了他一件盔甲,盔甲可以让穿上他的人隐身。他穿着鞋飞到美杜莎那里,用隐身衣隐了身,用雅典娜送的盾反射美杜莎的眼光,再用赫尔墨斯送的刀斩下了美杜莎的头。阿喀琉斯是参加特洛伊战争的英雄,没有找到曾经和GORGANS战斗相关的记录。并且GORGANS的另外两个姐姐,似乎没有什么超能力。
"some cotton-wool private school for rich brats"
In the UK, there are two sorts of schools: state schools, which are funded by the government, and private schools, which are paid for by the parents. Because school fees for private schools are high, most of the children who go to them come from wealthy families. cotton-wool: a state of pampered comfort and protection
Mr Wackford Squeers, the admirable headmaster of Dotheboys Hall
Mr Wackford Squeers is a character from Charles Dickens' Nicholas Nickleby. He is the headmaster of Dotheboys Hall where unwanted children are sent. He abuses the children and is incredibly cruel. Later on in the book, he is arrested and sentenced to be deported to Australia.