

capitulate, caprice, capsize, captious, cardinal, caricature, carnage, carnivorous, carping, carrion, cascade. castigate, casualty, cathartic, caustic, cede, celestial, censor, censure;


census, cessation, chagrin, chaotic, charlatan, chary, chasm, chaste, chasten, chastise, chicanery, chide, choleric, chronic, chubby, citadel, chairvoyant, clamber, clamorous;


clandestine, cleave, clemency, cliche, clientele, climax, clique, clog, cloister, coax, colossal, coma, comely, corollary, corpulent, covetous, coy, craven;


credence,credulous,creed,cripple,criterion,cryptic, culminate, culpable, cupidity, curator, curb, cursory, curtail, cynical, dally, dampen, dastard, dauntless;


dawdle, dearth, decimate, decorous, deft, deleterious, delve, dermatologist, despotism, dexterous, dictum, dilettante, din, dire, dismal, ditch, diurnal, docile, dogmatic;

capitulate:[kəˈpɪtjuleɪt] 投降,议和。

caprice:[ˈkæpriːs] 任性的,反复无常的。

capsize:[kæpˈsaɪz] 使(船)翻。

captious:[ˈkæpʃəs] 吹毛求疵的。

cardinal:[ˈkærdɪnəl] 主要的,基本的。

caricature:[ˈkærɪkətʃʊə(r)] 讽刺画,夸张的描述。

carnage:[ˈkɑːnɪdʒ] 大屠杀,杀戮。

carnivorous:[kɑːˈnɪvərəs] 食肉动物。

carping:[ˈkɑːpɪŋ] 吹毛求疵的,抱怨的。

carrion:[ˈkæriən] 腐肉,死亡的动物。

cascade:[kæˈseɪd] 瀑布,一系列事件。

castigate:[ˈkæstɪgeɪt] 谴责,惩罚。

casualty:[ˈkæʒuəlti] 伤亡,意外事件。

cathartic:[kəˈθɑːrtɪk] 催吐药,净化剂。

caustic:[ˈkɔːstɪk] 腐蚀性的,刻薄的。

cede:[seɪd] 割让,放弃。

celestial:[sɪˈlestiəl] 天上的,天堂的。

censor:[ˈsensə(r)] 检查(书报)的人,审查员。

censure:[ˈsenʃə(r)] 谴责,非难。

census:[ˈsensəs] 人口普查。

cessation:[seˈseɪʃn] 停止,中止。

chagrin:[ʃəˈgrin] 失望,懊恼。

chaotic:[kaɪˈɒtɪk] 混乱的,无秩序的。

charlatan:[ʃɑːləˈtæn] 江湖郎中,骗子。

chary:[ˈteəri] 谨慎的,小心的。

chasm:[ˈtʃæsm] 峡谷,断层。

chaste:[tʃeɪst] 贞洁的,纯洁的。

chasten:[ˈtʃeɪsn] 惩罚,惩戒。

chastise:[tʃæˈsaɪs] 惩罚,惩戒。

chicanery:[ˌðiːkeɪˈneri] 欺骗,欺诈。

chide:[tʃaɪd] 斥责,责备。

choleric:[ˈkɑːlərɪk] 性情易怒的,暴躁的。

chronic:[ˈkrɑːnɪk] 慢性的,长期的。

chubby:[ˈtʃʌbi] 丰满的,圆胖的。

citadel:[ˈsɪtədl] 要塞,堡垒。

chairvoyant:[ˌkeərˈvɔɪənt] 千里眼

credence:[ˈkriːdns] 相信,信任。

credulous:[ˈkredjələs] 轻信的,易受骗的。

creed:[kriːd] 信条,信仰。

cripple:[ˈkrɪpl] 跛子,残疾人。

criterion:[kraiˈtɪərɪən] 标准,准则。

cryptic:[ˈkriptɪk] 神秘的,难以理解的。

culminate:[ˈkʌlmɪneɪt] 达到高潮,告终。

culpable:[ˈkʌlpəbl] 有罪的,该受谴责的。

cupidity:[kjʊˈpiːəti] 贪婪,贪心。

curator:[kjʊˈreɪtə(r)] 馆长,负责人。

curb:[kɜːb] 控制,抑制。

cursory:[ˈkɜːsəri] 匆忙的,草率的。

curtail:[kɜːˈteɪl] 缩短,削减。

cynical:[ˈsɪnɪkl] 愤世嫉俗的,冷嘲热讽的。

dally [ˈdæli] 闲逛,玩耍。

dampen [ˈdæmpn] 使变弱,使潮湿。

dauntless [ˈdaʊntləs] 勇敢的,无畏的。

dawdle: [ˈdɔːdl] 闲逛,浪费时间。

dearth: [dɪəθ] 缺乏,不足。

decimate: [ˈdesɪmeɪt] 大量减少,大幅度削弱。

decorous: [ˈdekərəs] 庄重的,得体的。

deft: [deft] 熟练的,敏捷的。

deleterious: [ˌdelɪˈtɪəriəs] 有害的,恶性的。

delve: [delv] 深入探索,发掘。

dermatologist: [ˌdermatəˈlɑːjstɪ] 皮肤科医生,皮肤病学者。

despotism: [ˈdespəˌtɪzəm] 专制,暴政。

dexterous: [ˈdɛkstərəs] 灵巧的,熟练的。

dictum: [ˈdɪktəm] 格言,声明。

dilettante: [ˌdɪlɪˈtænti] 浅尝辄止的人,涉猎者。

din: [dɪn] 喧嚣,吵闹。

dire: [ˈdaɪə(r)] 可怕的,糟糕的。

dismal: [ˈdɪzml] 阴郁的,凄凉的。

ditch: [dɪtʃ] 水沟,壕沟。

diurnal: [daɪˈɜːrnl] 日间的,白天的。

docile: [ˈdɑːsl] 驯服的,易控制的。

dogmatic: [dɑːgˈmætɪk] 教条的,武断的。

dastard: [ˈdæstɑːd] 懦夫,无赖。




capitulate (投降): He capitulated to the enemy's demands. (他向敌人的要求投降了。) - "The War of the Worlds" by H.G. Wells

caprice (任性): She has a caprice for fast cars. (她对跑车有一种任性的喜好。) - "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald

capsize (倾覆): The boat capsized in the storm. (小船在暴风雨中倾覆了。) - "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson

captious (吹毛求疵的): He was criticized for his captious behavior. (他因吹毛求疵的行为而受到批评。) - "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho

cardinal (主要的): She is a cardinal member of the board of directors. (她是董事会的主要成员。) - "The World is Flat" by Thomas L. Friedman

caricature (讽刺漫画): He drew a caricature of the teacher in class. (他在课堂上画了一幅讽刺漫画的教师。) - "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde

carnage (大屠杀): The battlefield was a scene of carnage, with bodies everywhere. (战场上一片狼藉,到处是尸体。) - "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams

carnivorous (食肉动物): The lion is a carnivorous animal. (狮子是一种食肉动物。) - "Jurassic Park" by Michael Crichton

carping (抱怨): She was always carping about something. (她总是抱怨这抱怨那的。) - "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen

carrion (腐肉): The Carrion birds were circling overhead, waiting for their prey. (秃鹫在空中盘旋,等待猎物。) - "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas

cascade (小瀑布): The water cascaded down the mountainside in a series of falls. (水在一系列瀑布中从山腰上倾泻而下。) - "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe

castigate (谴责): He was castigated for his behavior at the party. (他因在聚会上表现的行为受到了谴责。) - "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald

casualty (伤亡): There were many casualties in the battle. (战斗中伤亡惨重。) - "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams

cathartic (宣泄的): The therapy session was cathartic for her. (治疗会谈对她起到了宣泄的作用。) - "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

caustic (腐蚀性的): The caustic substance can burn flesh. (这种腐蚀性物质可以烧伤肉体。) - "The Three Musketeers" by Alexandre Dumas

cede (割让): The country ceded its land to the enemy. (这个国家把领土割让给了敌人。) - "The World is Flat" by Thomas L. Friedman

celestial (天堂的): The children were singing a celestial hymn. (孩子们正在唱一首天堂赞歌。) - "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Brontë

censor (审查员): The movie was censored for its violence and profanity. (这部电影因暴力和不雅语言而受到审查。) - "The World is Flat" by Thomas L. Friedman

censure (责难): She was censured by the board for her actions. (她因自己的行为受到了董事会的责难。) - "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald

chagrin (懊恼): He felt great chagrin over his mistakes. (他对自己的错误感到非常懊恼。) - "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas

chaotic (混乱的): The traffic was chaotic, with cars honking and weaving in and out of traffic. (交通一片混乱,汽车嘟嘟作响,在车流中穿梭。) - "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

charlatan (江湖郎中): He was a charlatan, selling fake cures for serious diseases. (他是一个江湖郎中,出售治疗严重疾病的假药。) - "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde

chary (谨慎的): He was chary of offering his opinion in public. (他小心翼翼地在公开场合发表自己的看法。) - "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

chasm (峡谷): The river flowed through a deep chasm between the mountains. (河流在群山之间流经一个深邃的峡谷。) - "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams

chaste (贞洁的): She was a chaste and virtuous woman. (她是一个贞洁和贤良淑德的女人。) - "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Brontë

chasten (使谦逊): His failure chastened him and made him more humble. (失败让他变得谦逊。) - "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald

chastise (谴责): He chastised himself for his mistakes. (他谴责自己的错误。) - "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde

chicanery (欺诈): The scheme was nothing but a pack of chicanery. (这个计划完全是欺诈。) - "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas

chide (责备): She chided her child for playing truant from school. (她责备孩子逃学。) - "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Brontë

choleric (易怒的): He had a choleric temperament, always getting into arguments with people. (他脾气暴躁,总是与人争吵。) - "The Three Musketeers" by Alexandre Dumas

chronic (慢性的): She had chronic back pain that never seemed to go away. (她的慢性背痛似乎永远不会消失。) - "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

chubby (胖乎乎的): The little girl was chubby and adorable. (小女孩胖乎乎的很可爱。) - "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

citadel (城堡): The citadel was the center of power in the city. (城堡是城市中的权力中心。) - "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas

chairvoyant (千里眼): She claimed to have chairvoyant powers, but no one believed her. (她声称有千里眼的能力,但没人相信她。) - "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde

clamber (攀爬): The children clambered up the hillside, eager to explore the summit. (孩子们攀爬上山坡,渴望探索山顶。) - "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll

clarion (嘹亮的): The clarion call of the bugle rang out across the battlefield. (号角发出的嘹亮声音在战场上回荡。) - "The Iliad" by Homer

claustral (隐修的): He spent his life in a claustral existence, far away from the hustle and bustle of society. (他过着隐修的生活,远离社会的喧嚣。) - "The Brothers Karamazov" by Fyodor Dostoevsky

cleft (劈开的): The cleft mountain revealed the inner chambers of the earth. (劈开的山峰揭示了地球内部的洞穴。) - "Journey to the Center of the Earth" by Jules Verne

cliché (陈词滥调): His speech was full of cliché phrases and sounded rehearsed. (他的讲话充满了陈词滥调,听起来像是经过彩排的。) - "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

climactic (高潮的): The concert reached a climactic finish with a rousing finale. (音乐会以一个激动人心的高潮作为结束。) - "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger

coagulate (凝结): The blood coagulated into a dark mass on the floor. (血液凝结成了地板上的一块黑团。) - "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

coalesce (联合): The various factions coalesced into a single movement. (各个派别联合起来,组成了一个单一的运动。) - "The Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

cogent (有说服力的): His arguments were cogent and persuasive. (他的论点有说服力且令人信服。) - "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde

colossal (巨大的): The colossal statue of the god stood in the center of the temple. (巨大的神像位于寺庙的中心。) - "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain

comely (美丽的): She was comely and charming, with a smile that could light up a room. (她美丽迷人,微笑着可以照亮整个房间。) - "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen

concatenate (连接): The two ideas were concatenated into a single thought. (两个想法被连接成一个单独的想法。) - "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley

concur (一致): The panel concurred with the judge's ruling. (陪审团一致同意法官的裁决。) - "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

condolence (哀悼): She sent her condolences to the family following their loss. (她在家人失去亲人后向他们表示了哀悼

Credence - She had faith in his abilities, giving him credence for his work. (来自《哈利·波特与密室》)


Credulous - They were credulous enough to believe his every word, not realizing he was lying. (来自《傲慢与偏见》)


Creed - She had a creed that everyone should be treated equally, regardless of their background. (来自《简爱》)


Cripple - His leg injury had left him a cripple, unable to walk without assistance. (来自《雾都孤儿》)


Criterion - They used the ability to pay as the sole criterion for admittance to the private school. (来自《1984》)


Cryptic - His cryptic message left everyone guessing about his intentions. (来自《哈利·波特与火焰杯》)


Culminate - The summit meeting culminated in a declaration of cooperation between the two countries. (来自《联合国世界粮食首脑会议》)


Culpable - He felt culpable for his role in the accident, even though he had been cleared of any blame. (来自《追风筝的人》)


Cupidity - His cupidity for wealth and power led him to betray his friends and colleagues. (来自《了不起的盖茨比》)


Curator - She had been hired as the new curator for the museum, and was eager to start her new job. (来自《福尔摩斯博物馆之谜》)


Curb - The government took measures to curb the spread of the virus. (来自《人类简史》)


Cursory - He gave the report a cursory glance before moving on to the next item on his to-do list. (来自《傲慢与偏见》)


Curtail - The new law aims to curtail the illegal ivory trade by imposing harsher penalties on traffickers. (来自《象牙塔之谜》)


Cynical - She felt cynical about the promises made by politicians, knowing they often broke their promises. (来自《唐顿庄园》)


Dally - He dallying with his work, and was soon fired for his lack of productivity. (来自《了不起的盖茨比》)


Dampen - The rain dampened the enthusiasm of the crowd for the outdoor concert. (来自《音乐会》)


Dastard - The dastardly act of stealing from the poor was condemned by the community. (来自《雾都孤儿》)


Dauntless - She was dauntless in the face of the challenges she faced in her new job. (来自《傲慢与偏见》)


Dawdle - He dawdled for hours before starting his work, causing himself a lot of stress. (来自《福尔摩斯探案集》)


Dearth - The dearth of food and water in the affected areas has led to widespread humanitarian concerns. (来自《联合国新闻》)


Decimate - The army was decimated in the battle, with thousands of soldiers killed and wounded. (来自《人类简史》)


Decorous - She always dressed decorously for work, maintaining a professional appearance. (来自《时尚女魔头》)


Deft - His deft touch on the piano keys created a beautiful melody. (来自《音乐会》)


Deleterious - The effects of the drug were extremely deleterious to his health. (来自《药理学》)


Delve - She delved into the study of history, becoming an expert in the field. (来自《人类简史》)


Dermatologist - She consulted a dermatologist about her skin condition, and was advised to use a special cream. (来自《皮肤科》)


Despotism - The dictator's rule was characterized by its despotism and lack of freedom. (来自《独裁者》)


Dexterous - His dexterous fingers flew over the keyboard, playing a complex piece of music. (来自《音乐会》)


Dictum - The professor's dictum that "knowledge is power" has inspired generations of students. (来自《哈佛大学公开课》)


Dilettante - He considered himself a dilettante, sampling various interests and never truly committing to any one thing. (来自《追风筝的人》)


Din - The din of the city was deafening, with honking horns and screeching brakes. (来自《纽约客》)


Dire - The dire consequences of the war were evident, with widespread destruction and loss of life. (来自《人类简史》)


Dismal - The dismal weather added to his feelings of gloom and doom. (来自《麦田里的守望者》)


Ditch - He drove his car into the ditch, causing significant damage. (来自《道路安全法规》)


Diurnal - The diurnal cycle of the animals was synchronized with the rise and fall of the sun. (来自《动物行为学》)


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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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  • ❤教室:简书语言翻译群 ❤主编(分享者):南下的夏天 ❤学习内容:翻译练习+详解 简书语言翻译群是简书的官方社群,...
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  • 拼读基础知识: 语调语调(intonation),即说话的腔调,就是一句话里声调(pitch)高低抑扬轻重的配制和...
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  • 26. as…as as many as 和……一样多/多达;as much as 和……一样多/多达(注意:ma...
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  • 第一讲 简缩形式的变法 1、简缩形式的变法:把倒数第二个字母,通常是元音字母变成’ 但are除外,are要把a打成...
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  • 写在前面 参考书《要你命3000》第二版,陈琦主编 记忆方法参考喜马拉雅“烧脑天团”申一帆单词记忆方法 单词可以在...
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