When schools say, 'the flu shot is not required', parents hear, 'it's not necessary.' Nothing is further from the truth
Editor's Note: Dr. Edith Bracho-Sanchez is a primary care pediatrician and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Columbia University Irving Medical Center.
编者注:Edith Bracho-Sanchez 博士是一名儿科初级保健医生,以及哥伦比亚大学欧文医学中心助理教授。
(CNN)The concerning scenario has played out in my office over and over again this season. "Your child is due for the flu vaccine today" is interrupted by, "Oh, no, doctor -- we don't like to put unnecessary things in their body."
The argument comes from parents who vaccinated their children against the flu at ages 1, 2, 3 and 4; parents of children who tolerated the vaccine well, who did not contract the flu, and yet at age 5 the flu shot suddenly became "unnecessary." I'm even hearing it from parents of siblings. For the child under age 5, parents agree to the flu shot; for the child over age 5, they decline it.
So, what changes at this magical age of 5? Schools in New York City, where I practice, stop requiring the flu shot. "Not required" has translated into "not necessary."
As dangerous as this misconception is, it's hard to blame parents when their reasoning is, after all, very logical: If the flu shot was truly necessary, wouldn't schools require it, like they require so many other childhood vaccinations? Not exactly.
In the United States, vaccine requirement laws are set by each state. Currently only a handful of states, New York included, require children to be vaccinated against the flu to enter daycare or pre-K. It is therefore not surprising that when researchers recently looked at the number of daycare centers around the country that required children to be vaccinated against the flu, they found only 24.5% did so. And once children turn 5, right as they enter elementary school, the flu shot requirement in these handful of states goes away altogether.
To be clear, children are not all of a sudden immune to the flu and its serious complications just because they've turned 5. The influenza virus simply does not work that way. It is precisely because the influenza virus can cause a serious, life-threatening illness to children and adults of all ages that both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend everyone over the age of 6 months receive the flu shot every year. Although not perfect, the flu shot is the best way to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the flu and its complications.
But in my office, school requirements are far more powerful than official recommendations from organizations with no tangible role in families' lives. Even things like the severity of the flu season, or the effectiveness of the vaccine, were recently found by my colleague Dr. Melissa Stockwell and her team at Columbia University not to make a difference in whether parents chose to vaccinate their children.
在我看来,相较于在家庭中并不扮演任何角色的官方机构的建议,学校的规定则明显具有更高的效力。我的同事Melissa Stockwell博士及其在哥伦比亚大学的研究团队最近发现,即使像流感爆发的严重程度或疫苗的有效性这样的信息都不会对家长是否要给他们的孩子接种流感疫苗产生多大的影响。
The way parents in my practice erroneously perceive the flu shot as an "optional" and therefore "unnecessary" vaccine may also reflect the way many adults across this country think of the shot: as some luxury item that somebody else, but not me, needs. The misconception comes on top of so many others around the flu shot -- for example, the flu shot causing the flu. Spoiler alert: It does not.
在我的研究中家长们所持的这种认为流感疫苗是“可选的”,因此是“无用的”错误想法,同样可以反映出国内许多成年人对疫苗所持的看法:这是属于别人的,但不是我所需要的,一种奢侈的东西。这种错误的想法往往与许多其它对流感疫苗的误解一同流传着 -- 比如,流感疫苗会引起流感。谣言警告:流感疫苗不会导致流感。
It is no surprise, then, that in a recent survey only half of Americans said they intended to get vaccinated this season and only 63% of children 6 months to 17 years old got vaccinated last season, according to the CDC.
The agency says more than 3 million people around the country have already contracted the flu this season, 32,000 people have been hospitalized and 1,800 people have died.
When it comes to the flu, we don't have the luxury of agreeing to disagree. Time is ticking. Whether or not schools and jobs require it, the flu shot is indeed necessary if we are to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the illness.