1 Blast 玩的开心
have a blast可以代替I have a great time
2 各种嫌弃
get on sb's case = nag
My mother always gets on my case
3 What happened to "thank you" 你是不是忘记说谢谢了
what happen to "say cheese" 怎么没有人说茄子
4 跳楼价 rock-bottom prices
talk about rock-bottom prices
rock-bottom prices 它还可以表示心情糟透了
5 蔬菜 veggies的表达很可爱
6 太好吃啦
It's to die for
out of this world
7 价格贵死了
what a rip-off
xx is highway robbery
price gouging
1 Blah blah 还可以替换成Yada yada
2 罚单 ticket
违章停车/超速驾驶罚单:parking/speeding ticket
3 满座,爆场
the movie is a sellout
the concert is a sellout
i'm sorry i couldn't get a ticket form Jay's performance, it's a sellout
4 宣传
they plug this terrific movie for a couple of days
有个固定搭配 plug away = work hard
I will hang in and plug away.
5 非常成功的书/电影
Now it's a blockbuster
ps: it's a +n = it is +adj
it's a possibility = it's possible ??
6 (出人意外地成功的)冷门电影
his movie was a bomb when it first opened, but it turned out to be a sleeper
7 废柴
complete failure 可以形容人和物
8 走啦,出发啦
get the show on the road
9 订满了booked solid
I want to book this star hotel, but it was booked solid
10 熬夜,睡懒觉
stay up till all hours of the night, sleep in
i don't want to stay up till all hours of the night. otherwaise i will sleep in in the morning
11 游泳 take a dip
it's so hot we can take a dip this afternoon.
go swimmingly
my trip goes swimmingly
12 看电影 take in a movie
why don't we take in a movie?
1 太堵了
I almost missed the flight entirely because of all the traffic
还可以说:I came late because of the traffic
The traffic's heavy
I was held up in traffic
i was held up at my work
2 幸好
as luck would have it
as luck would have it, i pass this examination
3 好嗨哦
还可以用super pumped
4 不太好
bumpy 旅程颠簸, 还可以指代不太好的时期
my life has been a little bit bumpy
5 寿星
birthday girl//boy
6 暴饮暴食 i am going to pig out
7 减肥 i'm on diet/dieting
i have to watch what i eat
i have to watch my waist
8 八卦,狗血 juicy
this story is a little bit juicy
9 我也一样
i'll have the same
make that two
same here
same here 还可以这样用
nice to meet you , same here
happy new year, same here
10 我就是爱吃巧克力
you know what a chocoholic i am
you know what a chocolate lover i am
i have a soft spot for chocolate
i have a weakness for chocolate
11 眼大胃口小
You eyes are bigger than you stomach
don't bite off more than you can chew
12 你也太能吃了吧,你也太能买了吧
i am going to need to get a second job to pay for this (lunch/meal/cloth)
1 破车 clunker , lemon
2 快上车,去兜风
hop in and i'll take you for a spin
3 躲过高峰期
beat the traffic
4 轻松通过考试
pass with flying colors
5 高分通过
sail through
6 裸考
sit a test cold
work one's tail off
7 学霸
straight-a student
8 用功学习
work hard
plug away
hit the books
9 这个人很难搞
he's difficult
he's being impossible
1 身体好 in the pink
several days ago my father is under the weather, but now he is in the pink
2 发烧,休克
i started running a fever and actually thought i was going to pass out
3 病慢慢就好了/顺其发展就顺其自然吧
just let it run its course
4 坐立不安
nervous wreck
5 无聊至极
i get bored out of my mind
bored to death
bored to tears
bored stiff
6 我要憋疯了
i have to be confined in home, i'm stir-crazy
7 迷人死了
was he drop-dead gorgeous
大美女 hot chick
knock out
you are a knock out
love at first sight
hit it off
click , they click straight away
fell for
take a shine to do
9 放鸽子
i just assumed that he stood me up
10 误解
whatever you do, you certainly don't want to lead him on
no strings attached
just make sure there are no strings attached before you go out
i can't go through this again.
这次笔记呢,就以晨读的内容为笔记吧 ~
1 不如意的一天: 😔 bad hair day,联想到 a rough day.
2 被训了一顿:give sb a (good) talking to /dressing down
3 告密:chew out, rat out, blow the whistle on sb。最形象的表达是:snitches get stiches 把你嘴巴缝起来。
4 抓个现行:he was caught red-handed cheating his wife;
he was caught with his pants down;
he was caught with their hands in the cookies jar;
see sb in the process of doing sth wrong;
catch sb in the act;
5 上班摸鱼:slack off; goof off;mess around; horse around.
I saw a few films and generally kind of goofed off all day.
eg:yesterday i stayed at home and watched seval movies. you can see, i just goofed off all the day.
6 上学不用功:coast
eg: he is coasting at school and need to work his tail off.
7 有眼力见,情商高:take hints, get a clue
8 同意:See eye to eye
9 发疯啦:wacko/ˈwæko/= wacky= out of wack
I think he is kind of wacko
10 upset的发音需要注意下,动词和形容词的重音在后面。
11 有猫腻: suspicious/sə'spɪʃəs/; fishy;smell a rat (这个表达好形象);what's the catch; here's the catch
12 懂行:know one's stuff; smartness; know-it-all 啥都不明白, eg: he is Miss know-it-all。想到看美剧说的你将会是全班最受欢迎的人 Mr popular
13 碰瓷:scam. eg: he is such a scam
14 傻x:birdbrain, moron
15 很实用的吐槽句子:frankly, shopping for a computer gives me a splitting headache
1 越来越糟糕了 it's going downhill
since high school, my academic achievement was going downhill.
go south 也是变得更糟糕
go to the dogs 糟糕
2 大吃特吃 wolf down=pig out
3 beat的用法, beat the traffic;beat it 滚
4 nervous wreck =antsy
5 烂醉 plaster。她喝多了才回家 he even came home plastered last night.
6 有备而来
you should come prepared
you come empty-handed
7 注定遭受 be in for
you are in for punishment
8 all he ever does is sleep and eat .....all he ever does is watch TV
9 长点心吧 wake up and smell the coffee
11 PIUA: pick-up artist 泡学
12让某人不舒服 tick sb off
13 我不想提这个事情 don't go there
1 找到啦弱读的感觉,i fell like such a birdbrain when it comes to buying a computer ,
the salesperson assured me that it would last for years.
2 computer, better 不要把重音改变,弱毒=读会在一个词语中出现
3 读书注意语气,有时候我们太注意连读和弱读啦,先听听大块,传达了什么样的情绪,然后才是发音。想象看电视剧一样,抓住表达的意思就可以,注意第一位和第二位。需要想想我们什么场景可以运用。想要说什么,语气是什么。。
4 读任何句子,词汇一定要有da,da,da,da
5 练习口语是多多听,需要激活耳朵,而不是忍不住说,需要足够的沉默期。先听听快版本的音调,然后听慢版本的细节,这样会感觉到听到节奏,轻弱。能够脱口而出的英文少之而少。需要多多重复,重复变成自己。
1 这才叫....;真是..... talk about 表示强调。
talk about a day when your hair look terrible
talk about a bad hair day
talk about lazy
talk about lucky
talk about trouble.
talk about being humiliated 真是欺人太甚
2 吐槽句:太难了 like pulling teeth
getting up in the morning is like pulling teeth for me.
bite the bullet 硬着头皮做,咬紧牙关应付
3 有时间吗?有
are you having a time? Big time =very much
4 廉价 it looks so cheap
it looks so cheesy (cheesy 还可以说sb假的)
= it look so tacky
you have a good taste
5 不请自来
come to the party with an invitation
eg: she comes unannounced in my office
反义词:come prepared
6 夸张
my mom nags me all the time
7 talk sth over/out
8 纠缠
she really bugs me
badger 软磨硬泡
eg: she badgers me to take in a movie.
9 眉来眼去
make a fun of you
are you hitting on me?
make a pass at sb (挑逗某人)
10 咸猪脚 cop a feel
talk about terrible. you cop a feel on a child.
11 你完蛋啦,你死定啦
you are a dead man
you are a goner
you are dead meat
you are in for a huge trouble.
12 十分,极其,完全
you are bored stiff
you are scared off
you are worried off
13 偷 swipe
talk about terrible. i wonder who swipe my magazine.
you swipe my bike
14 说道点子上了 hit the nail on the head,
ps: get up的重音在后面
wall, heel的发音需要注意。
1 长句子需要注意节奏
2 把元音读长一点,听起来更从容,
s,z, 湿会在一些情况发生变化
3 听任何东西时,先不要看文本,否则很难摆脱字幕,看看你那点儿没有听懂,然后着重练习没有听懂的部分
1 至多 30 minutes tops
2 宣传你的产品 you can plug your products in the video
3 不请而来 people came uninvited,came prepared
4 any takers?
5 gym suit; gum gear
6 身体健康 be feeling well, I am in shape.....out of shape. 别来无恙:safe and sound
7 扭到腰了 strained my back, I threw out my back.
8 不要让xxx拖累你 hold your back. don't let your pronunciation hold your back ; hold your tongue;
vious has put the damper on it.
9 went away
10 计划泡汤啦 My plans went up in smoke.
11 江湖郎中 charlatan/'ʃɑrlətən/ ; quack; scam 骗局
12 需要 想要 i could use ...= need=want to
I could use a water
13 为难某人 give sb a hell = put sb on the spot
14 你在搞什么鬼 what are you doing? = what are you up to?
15 住手 cut it out
16 约法三章 lay down the law
17 棒棒哒 lock my socks off
1 after 注意发音
2 i appreciate it
3 我的观点 IMHO in my humble opinion= from where i sit = here's my two cents
4 别烦我 get off my back
you are dead meat, i am gonna rip your head off
5 小吃 snack = refreshments=munch
V munch out on horrible junk food
我嘴馋 I've got munches.
6 纠结 I’m torn between hanging out and watching a movie.
鱼和熊掌不可兼得 you can't have the cake and eat it.
7 小暴脾气 short fuse
you are short fuse
8 我一直被闷在鼓里 I am in the dark== out of the loop ---keep sb out of the loop
9 事逼儿 anal/'eɪn(ə)l/- retentive
10 备胎 backburner
11 我心里有数,我当初怎么那么傻
a little birdie told me
练习练习可以非常夸张 !
12 你说得对 hit the nail on the head
right on; spot on, well put
I think he has a problem telling the truth
1 讲故事,而非读故文。制定适合自己的目标。
2 speak 送气不送气,知道知识怎么用。
3 把这句话,当作意群,然后阿紫每个意群里会又重读和不重读。连读最小的单位是单词。
4 越好就要对自己的要求高点
5 让英语说得有范,需要那么一点点的停顿,需要利用一点点。重读:大声,变化pinch,
6 看到句子时,怎么把这段话和语调结合在一起。
7 确定意群---把意群看成是一个长单词 ---然后变成3个词 ---(看看每个地方有没有连读)---看看有没有重读的地方
i told my sister// i'd come over/'n stay with 'er kids