Today is Tuesday.
Mig was told by Chiaroscuro that she could exchange the position with the princess by learning some lessons. Actually the rat only want to let Mig forced the princess to go to the dungeon with a knife and then put chains on the princess's hands and feet and then locked her in the dungeon forever. As Mid was not the sharpest knife in the drawer and she was so eager to become a princess, she didn't realize that the rat's plan for her had been so ridiculous. Mig wake the princess and told her the plan, the princess didn't believe but the rat asked Mig to do the threatening thing. Princess Pea had to get out of the bed, dressed on her gown and put on her glittering crown. The strange three went downstairs to the dungeon. The others in the castle were all sleeping and dreaming. Although the princess was kidnapped, she was so kind that she felt sorry for Mig. In the morning, the servants found the princess had been lost and Mig too.