读的什么书:《Pride and Prejudice》
“And to think,” thought she, “that I might have been the mistress of this place! Instead of viewing these lands as a stranger, I might have enjoyed them as my own, and welcomed my uncle and aunt to them as visitors. But no, that would never have happened. I would never see my uncle and aunt again, because I would not have been allowed to invite them.”
在Pemberley House里,Elizabeth又开始幻想自己本来可以当这里的女主人的,还可以邀请自己的亲戚到这里来做客。不过她马上转念一想,觉得Darcy肯定不会让她邀请亲戚来做客,她要是嫁给他肯定连亲戚的面都见不着了。幸亏这样想,她才没有后悔当初拒绝Darcy求婚的事。
mistress这个词在这里是“女主人”的意思,而不是“情妇”。这个词最早源于法语,法语中男性掌权者或者说男主人叫做maître,与之相对应的女性就叫做maîtresse,也就是英语中的mistress这个词,用以表示“a woman having control or authority”。后来这个词开始用在两性关系之间,用来形容一个女人能控制和影响男人的心,所以慢慢地就演变出“爱人”,甚至是“情妇”的含义。