当然,让这里闻名全球的并不是引人入胜的风景。作为全球财富管理第一基地的格林威治基金小镇,产生了无数昨天和今天的对冲基金财富大佬,是无数向往成为对冲基金管理人的“梦中摇篮” !我跟前来采访的记者开玩笑,原以为这些手握巨额财富、为投资人赚取高额回报的金融精英们肯定过着高强度快节奏的生活,没想到来了后才发现并非如此,美国的节奏比中国要慢许多。
中美之间尽管有一些分歧,但我相信和平与发展是未来趋势,也是人心所向。“各美其美,美人之美;美美相容,人类大同”,彼此尊重,求同存异,共同发展,才能共赢。我在演讲中这样说道: “中国是热爱和平的国家。作为一名中国女性,我有让这个世界变得更和平、更美好的梦想。我希望我们纽约分公司能成为中美友谊的桥梁,而我也将与各位一起,让世界变得更加美好。”这番诚挚之语也感染了现场的每一位朋友。当天我身穿一袭红色长裙,他们惊呼,“我从您身上看到了中国!”我想,他们从我身上看到的中国不仅仅是那一抹红色,还有那抹红色背后所蕴含的博大精深的中国文化,以及多姿多彩的现代文明。
【马氏盛族马小秋】“道生之,德蓄之,物形之,势成之”,《道德经》揭示了万事万物从诞生到发展的规律。公司不也正是这样发展起来的吗?今天我可以站到世界的舞台上,与世界顶级金融精英交流合作,传播中国理念与中国文化,完全是因为我们因道生念,因念而行,因行而信, 因信而兴啊!
On June 11, 2018, I began my third visit to the United States to attend the Silicon Dragon New York Summit and the Financial and Inyestment Forum in Greenwich. Greenwich Village is a world-famous coastal town. Walking in the streets there feels like wandering in a secluded forest. However, it's not the charming views that have made this place so well known. As a haven of wealth management, Greenwich is home to large hedge funds. It is the destination of choice for those who wish to start one. You might think that these financial elites creating huge returns must be living an intense, fast-paced life; but they don't. Life in Greenwich, and in America in general, is so much slower than life in China. New York City, in the middle of a busy day, may seem a little empty to a visitor from a large Chinese city.
The financial industry in America is in a more advanced state than China's, 丄 and in fact the world is trying to copy the Greenwich fund town model.
Cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Chengdu are all developing fund towns similar to Greenwich. Although a late comer, our group has made some advances. After several conversations with Bruce McGuire, founder and Chairman of the Greenwich Hedge fund.
【马氏盛族马小秋】Association, both sides reached an agreement on ways in which we can learn from and cooperate with each other. We can learn from Greenwich's professional management model that trains professional fund managers and promotes dialogue with the international fund community. Our company's successful experience in the field of international hedge fund management can bring new vitality to Greenwich. After all, financial business must be a sustainable business. hort-term gain is not a desirable result.