1. 导入新maven项目后,pom.xml可能出现以下情况 ( MyEclipse )
Cannot upgrade/downgrade to Dynamic Web Module 3.0 facet. It is incompatibile with already installed facets: [Java](http://lib.csdn.net/base/javaee) 1.5. Please modify project configuration.
1、项目右键->属性->Java Compiler,设置编译时的jdk版本和系统使用的一致。
2、还是在属性面板中,找到MyEclipse->Project Facets,Dynamic Web Module,可适当降低其版本。
3、项目右键->Maven > Update Project Configuration(我用的是MyEclipse2013版,对应的是Maven4MyEclipse->Update Project...,然后选中
Update project configuration from pom.xml和Clean projects这2项,完成即可)。
2.Deployment is out of date due to changes in the underlying project contents
Deployment is out of date due to changes in the underlying project contents. You'll need to manually 'Redeploy' the project to update the deployed archive.
解决方法:选中项目名,选择Project —> Clean,找到要清理的项目,点击确定即可。