I'm now sitting beside a firelog, warm and cosy. With people speaking different languages in different colour of skins, we gathered at the lakeside of Wakatipu.
The more people I talk to, the more diverse I encountered, the more will I realise that I know such little compared to what I don't know. Thus we need to learn, through all of our life.
'Stay focus and keep concentrated' would be my keyword for this Oct. Through lots of conversations, I began to know the importance of the knowledge in depth should come prior to the knowledge in width. The skill that you hold should be unique enough to make you outstanding from the crowd. After entering a particular area, it's equally significant to broaden your knowledge.
Therefore, more time should be spent wisely on the study on the special topic before making any concrete progress. I would be aiming to read at least six journal articles per day and will make some time for the economy exploring and the decision-making learning. If there's any time left, would try to finish the book of a brief history of humankind.
So, in short:
1. Six articles per day. [J]
2. Thinking, fast and slow [B]-30%
3. A brief history of humankind [B]-50%