今天分享的绘本Presto Change-O,作者Audrey Wood。
Audrey Wood 跟 Don Wood 是美国童书界很受欢迎的一对夫妻档。他们一同为孩子们创作了许多精彩的图画书。Audrey Wood 本姓Brewer,生于 1948 年,其家族与艺术的渊源非常深厚。其曾祖父、祖父甚至父亲都是专业的艺术家。他们夫妻搭档合作的作品不仅故事精彩、文字优美,插画风格更是精彩多变、独树一帜!深受广大读者喜爱。
这一对姐弟是作者笔下的两位小主人公Jessica 和Mathew。姐弟倆一起发生了很多有趣的故事,我家的小妞非常喜欢这两个小朋友。先来看这个变魔术的故事。好像和Frog有关。
Mathew is preparing his magic show.
Jessica want to present real magic.
They all think only one of them is the best magician.
Then sister make a mistake to change mum into a frog.
How they can change mum back? They try seperately and fail. When they are chasing the frog in the wood they find maybe work together can change mother back.
It’s really happened.
They find mum again and find how to work together.