# Define data
a <- 46 # events in the treatment group
c <- 77 # events in the control group
n_treat <- 248 # sample size treatment group
n_contr <- 251 # sample size control group
# 计算每组的风险
p_treat <- a/n_treat
p_contr <- c/n_contr
# 计算风险比
rr <- p_treat/p_contr
## [1] 0.6046292
RR 的一个特点是相同大小的效应不是等距的。例如,RR=0.5 表示干预组的风险减半。然而,与这种效应相反,风险因干预而加倍,RR 并不是等于 1.5,而是等于 2. 这意味着风险比率不遵循正态分布,这在meta分析中可能会出现问题。
为了避免这个问题,风险比通常在合并之前转换为对数风险比。这确保了正常性,效果大小可以采用任何值,并且值以 0 为中心(意味着没有效果)。转换是通过取 RR 的自然对数来执行的:
# 计算对数风险比
log_rr <- log(rr)
## [1] -0.5031398
# 计算对数风险比的标准差
se_log_rr <- sqrt((1/a) + (1/c) - (1/n_treat) - (1/n_contr))
## [1] 0.1634314
## 背后的数学原理可自行查阅附带第一篇的链接书本
# 计算对数风险比的95%置信区间
# 置信上限
ciup <- log_rrCopy+1.96*se_log_rr
# 置信下限
ciup <- log_rrCopy-1.96*se_log_rr
挺重要的原文内容(我还没时间看👀):(This issue is often dealt with using a continuity correction. The most common continuity correction method is to add an increment of 0.5 in all cells that are zero (Gart and Zweifel 1967). When the sample sizes of the control group and treatment group are very uneven, we can also use the treatment arm continuity correction (Sweeting, Sutton, and Lambert 2004).
However, there is evidence that such corrections can lead to biased results (Efthimiou 2018). The (fixed-effect) Mantel-Haenszel method, a meta-analytic pooling technique we will discover in Chapter, can handle zero cells without correction, unless they exist in every study in our meta-analysis. It may therefore be advisable to avoid continuity corrections unless the latter scenario applies)
Doing Meta-Analysis in R.
Applied Meta-Analysis with R and Stata.