pannel (noun)
piece of something ,a flat piece of wood with straight sides,which forms part of a door
a stained glass panel
设置tabbar样式的时候,设置的是tabbar controllers子控制器的tabbarItem属性,可以是普通VC,也可以是navigation controller
每一个普通view controller初始化的时候都会初始化一个 tabbar item对象,但是属性是空的
NSObject initialize
initialize the class before it receives its first message
+ (void)initialize;
- the runtime sends initialize to each class in a program just before the class is sent its first message from within the program,super class receive this message before their subclasses.
- initialize is invoked only once per class.if you want to perform independent initialization for the class,you should implement LOAD method.
为什么block里面不建议使用下划线变量 _property
因为 _property 等于 self -> _property,隐式表达了self,容易造成循环引用
设置tabbar 文字的颜色在当前控制器的tabbarItem上进行设置
[viewcontroller.tabBarItem setTitleTextAttributes:@{NSForegroundColorAttributeName:[UIColor whiteColor]} forState:UIControlStateNormal];