(1)早读: 20180406 early morning reading: Sometimes theimpossible can become possible, if you're awesome! From the movie Bolt (只要你足够优秀,就能使不可能变成可能!来自电影《闪电狗》)
(2)单曲循环歌曲Main Kaun Hoon (印度歌曲) ,这是我和儿子今天重看的电影《神秘巨星》的主题曲,歌词一遍遍追问自我:
2. 练习口语:
(1)今天练习了Conference Call 这一个话题,15分钟。
3. 写作:完成一篇中英双语简书写作,花费好几个小时,但觉得很值得。因为是记录美好,特别是孩子们的成长美好瞬间!
Grow freely, we live up to good time
4. 做饭:早餐煮了小米粥,还做了煎饼,很好吃;做午饭时停电了,不能炒菜了,正打算去外面吃饭时,发现饭竟然煮熟了,于是就着咸菜吃了午饭;晚餐就炒了两个蔬菜,饭是中午剩下的,还有酸奶、草莓等。
5. 散步和风景:因为下午停电了,于是去散步,原本打算去桃花园,找了半天没找到,回来的路上经过陶村,巧遇一草莓园,于是去采了草莓。儿子拿着相机,一路拍过去,拍风景,拍我,就是不让我拍他。每次拍了照,总是叮嘱我不要把照片发到任何社交媒体,我口头上答应,却照发不误,有点口是心非,哈哈!
6. 电影:和儿子看了电影《神秘巨星》和《单车少年》,更深刻地懂得了梦想、自由、善良、宽容等。
7. 阅读一小时,弹吉他半小时,唱歌20分钟。
8. 追剧:我自己看了美剧Unreal 第一季第二集和第三集,越看越喜欢!
【signed in
for everyday walks & exercises】Day 31 20180406
Because of the power blackout in the afternoon, so we went for a walk, originally we planned to go to the peach garden, but we did not find it for a long time, we met a Strawberry Garden in the Tao village on the way home, and then we picked strawberries. My son took the camera, taking pictures all the way,photographed the scenery, and shot me, but he didn't want me to photograph him.Every time I take photos, he always tells me not to send photos to any social media. I promise to do it in words, but it doesn't bother me. It's a bit of aslip of the tongue. Ha ha!