Today, 07:59 AM
Chinese translation:
2014, the year of the change for the Humanity,
12-31-2013,11:48 PM
2014: The Year that the new Technology will change the course of humanity and it will bring untold changes.
At Keshe Foundation, we make 2014, the year that advanced technologies will be mass-released to public that they can show their power to create conditions that change through all layers of human society will be achieved.
在Keshe基金会,我们将会让2014年成为这样的一年,先进的科技将会向大众普及,公众们可以展现他们 的力量了创造出条件,人类社会的各个层面都将实现转变。
We shall put an end to hunger and wars, through the release of everything in our possession, this be it scientifically, or technically to every man, be it scientists or world governments around the world in equal measure.
我们将通过公开我们所拥有的一切来结束饥饿和战争,这使它成为每个人的公开我们拥有的一切来结束饥饿和战争 。这是科学性或技术性的,这对于世界上的每一个人,无论是科学家还是各国政府都是平等的。
In 2014, the Keshe Foundation through its Institute shall deliver to mankind as a whole the technology, which the mankind has been waiting and praying for from the beginning of time.
在2014年,Keshe基金会将会通过它的学院将完整的技术传递给人类,这些技术是人类自古以来一直在等 待和祈求的。
With delivery of an advance technology, unknown up to now, we shall put an end to hunger, wars.
We shall make sure that all men will have enough to attain sustenance and shelter that; there shall be no need for suffering.
We give and facilitate the release of technology to the men of greed that they can produce enough gold and precious metals that they could wish for, that eventually they will shy away even to show any interest in possessing such materials.
我们会向贪婪的人们公布技术,并让他们能够生产出他们想要的足够多的黄金和贵金属,因为到最后他们会羞于展 示对拥有这些材料的任何兴趣。
In opening the space in 2014 in its true sense, we would bring in more precious materials and sciences unknown to man that these new materials and knowledge will be used for forging tools of lasting peace on this planet.
2014年将真正意义地打开新的空间,我们将会带来更为珍贵的材料和未被知晓的科学,这些新材料和新知识将 用作为给这个星球带来持续和平的开创工具。
The 2014 will be the beginning of the new era, the point of change for the humanity from what has been the same on this planet from the time of Adam.
We make one promise to the world leaders and that is, change your and your nations ways or your citizens shall change it for you through the delivery and application of the new technology and its use.
我们向世界领导人们作出一个承诺,请改变你们和你们的国家的方式,不然你的人民将会通过新的技术及其利用的 传递和应用来替你作出改变。
No man shall and from this year on will be allowed to take up arms to fight and no man shall be left hungry and homeless on this planet because of wars.
Use your arm manufacturing factories to deliver homes and food to the humanity, which up to now you have being developing tools of war in them, and you have instigated, unwanted wars because of them.
用你们那直到现在还在为战争开发武器的武器工厂来向人们提供住房和食物,你们曾因为这些工厂而去煽动没有必 要的战争。
As the man who has the knowledge of universe at his disposal, I shall use every knowledge and power available to me to bring these factories, which you have erected for making tools of war and their products to standstill with stroke of a pen.
作为一个掌握了宇宙的知识的人,我会用我可用的所有知识和力量,大笔一挥就将这些建造来制造战争工具的工厂 以及相关的产品从此停滞。
Then we wonder who shall disobey as is in the books of god that“one shall not kill.”
The promises of the change, as has been in the Holly books of the past, which the man has been waiting for centuries for shall be fulfilled.
Our program for this year is set to be.
We shall put an end first and foremost to the problem at Fukushima in January.
In February, we make all efforts to create the environment to stop the production of arms across the world, through release of technologies, which makes the present advance aircraft, missiles, and nuclear weapons irrelevant and ancient.
2月份,我们将通过公布技术来尽全力来营造停止全世界范围内的武器制造的环境,这些新技术能够让现在先进的 飞机、导弹以及核武器过时并淘汰。
In Jun, we will deliver technologies, which can deliver sustenance’s to world population totally free of any cost through the release of new systems that can change air into sustainable food and energy supply without a need for farming land that no child will sleep with hunger.
6月份,我们将会发布技术,这些技术可以完全免费地向全世界的人口提供食物保障,通过发布新的系统,就可以 将空气转换为食物和能源,不需要通过农业耕作,再也没有一个孩子会饥饿着入睡。
By September, we will deliver the technology for every man to be protected from the natural elements like cold and rain without being dependent on other man handout of tents.
9月份,我们将会向每一个人发布技术,保护他们免受自然因素的影响,比如寒冷和雨水,而且不再需要他人来提 供帐篷。
We shall make delivery of clean water at any point on earth free of charge a reality by releasing the already developed technologies.
By the end of December we will make sure, that there are no grounds for disruption for space travels on regular bases from all the nations on this planet that all shall harvest the reaches of the universe collectively and equally.
12月末,我们将确保,地球上的所有国家都能在常规的基础上进行太空旅行,各国之间不会有任何的断层,各国 都能共同地、平等的收获进入宇宙领域。
Those who have doubts about our work, be ready to become soldiers of the peace and unity before the end of this year.
M T Keshe