#Molly# 2018.1.24 Chapter 5 You are always choosing
Answering the questions:
1.What does “you are always choosing”? Can
you define it and give an example?
The problem we faced in our life is being
painful or being powerful is depend on our response. It is a sense that we
choose it. For example, if you really love what you do in your work, you would
feel happy and satisfied with it, otherwise you had to work hard by the
pressure of life, and it makes you feel depressed and miserable.
2.What’s the point of telling William James’s
To tell us the reality is that we are
responsible for everything in our lives, we are what we choose and responds.
The point is we are always choosing, whether we recognize it or not.
3.Any responsibility problems you had with
your boyfriend/girlfriend or parents? If any, please tell us your story.
My little sister and I have bad relations.
We all the kind of person whom just care ourselves’ feelings, and once we had
contradictions we never come to terms with each other. Sometimes I really do
not know how to deal with that kind of relations, maybe I could learn how to
listen other’s feelings, and give a good respond to it whether the
communication is good or bad. I should only care that I and my little sister
love each other, even we have so many conflicts, we are always sisters, that
never change, thus I could pay more attention to the important things rather
than just fight with each other.
e‧qual‧ize (also equalise British English) /ˈiːkwəlaɪz/ verb
1 [transitive] to make two or more thingsthe same in size, value, amount etc
Wehave tried to equalize the workload between the different teachers.
2 [intransitive] British English to get a pointin a game, so that you have the same number of points as your opponent
England equalized ten minutes later.
spas‧m /ˈspæzəm/ noun
1 [countable, uncountable] an occasion whenyour muscles suddenly become tight, causing you pain
Maggie felt a muscle spasm in her back.
Tom’s jaw muscles had gone into spasm.
back/shoulder/throat etc spasm
2 → spasm of
grief/laughter/coughing etc
wrath /rɒθ $ ræθ/ noun [uncountable]
formal extreme anger
Hewas scared of incurring his father’s wrath.
vic‧tim‧hood /ˈvɪktəmhʊd/ noun[uncountable]
the state of suffering because someone hastreated you very badly
Shehad therapy to help her overcome her sense of victimhood.
文中写到的“victimhood chic”大概是很多人都有的心理,总认为这个世界欠缺自己什么,但很少从自身出发去思考原因,去重视自己对于不公和不幸的态度,是消极应对还是积极应对。今天在工作中与同事有了一些小摩擦,当时真想破罐子破摔懒得做了,应付了事算了,后来想想,害的其实是自己,破坏的是自己一贯认真的态度,即使这位同事的工作也受到影响,所以还不如积极反应,还是以严谨的态度做好,对大家都好。